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Liberation Theology: Latin America

(see also Liberation Theology: Africa, Liberation Theology: Asia, Liberation Theology: US & Europe & Bible in America)

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In the Library: Articles

Dunn, Marvin G. "Liberation theology & class analysis: a reassessment of religion & class," Latin American Perspectives 13,3 (sum 1986):59-72.

Eden, Philip. "Theology of liberation viewed historically," Monthly Review 39,9 (2/88):42-45.

Foroohar, Manzar. "Liberation theology: the response of Latin American Catholics to socioeconomic problems," Latin American Perspectives 13,3 (sum 1986):37-58.

Hewitt, W.E. & D.L. Lewis, "Liberation theology in First & Third World countries: a comparison," Journal of Church & State 30 (win 1988):33-50.

Kearney, Michael ."Religion, ideology & revolution in Latin America," Latin American Perspectives 13,3 (sum 1986):3-12.

Kirk, John. "John Paul II and the exorcism of liberation theology: a retrospective," Bulletin of Latin American Research 4,1 (1985).

Klaiber, Jeffrey L. "Prophets & populists: liberation theology, 1968-1988," The Americas 46 (jul 1989):1-16.

Maduro, Otto. "North- and Latin American Catholicism: from oppressive solitude toward liberating solidarity," Review of Latin American Studies 1,1 (1988):1-10.

__________. "The desacralization of Marxism within Latin American liberation theology," Social Compass 35, 2-3 (1988):371-85.

Min, Anselm. "The Vatican, Marxism & liberation theology," Cross Currents 34 (1985).

Ruiz, Lester E.J. "Theology, politics & the discourse of transformation," Alternatives 13,21 (apr 1988):155-76.

Rutschmann, Laverne A. , "Latin American liberation theology & radical anabaptism," Journal of Ecumenical Studies 19 (win 1982):38-56.

Sanders, Thomas. "The theology of liberation: Christian utopianism," Christianity & Crisis 33 (1973):167-73.

Sontag, Frederick. "Liberation theology & its view of political violence," Journal of Church & State 31 (spr 1989):269-86.

Tamez, Elsa. "The woman who complicated the history of salvation," Cross Currents 36,2 (sum 1986):129-39.

Volv, Miroslav. "Doing & interpreting: an examination of the relationship between theory & practice in Latin American liberation theology," Themelios 8 (1983):11-19.

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books (Individual Theologians)

Alves, Rubem . A Theology of Human Hope (NY, l97l).

__________. What is Religion? (Maryknoll, 1981).

__________. Protestantism & Repression. A Brazilian Case Study (Maryknoll, 1985).

Antoncich, Ricardo. Christians in the Face of Injustice (Maryknoll, 1987).

Araya, Victorio. God of the Poor.

Arias, Esther & Mortimer. The Cry of My People (NY, l980).

Assmann, Hugo. Theology for a Nomad Church (Maryknoll, l976).

Avila, Rafael. Worship & Politics (Maryknoll, l98l).

Belo, Fernando. A Materialist Reading of the Gospel of Mark (Maryknoll, l98l).

Boff, Clodovis. Feet-on-the-Ground Theology, a Brazilian Journey (Maryknoll, l987).

__________ & Jorge Pixley, The Bible, the Church & the Poor (Maryknoll, 1989).

__________, Theology & Praxis. Epistemological Foundations (Maryknoll, 1987).

Boff, Leonardo. Liberating Grace (Maryknoll, l98?)

__________, Passion of Christ, Passion of the World (Maryknoll, l987).

__________, The Maternal Face of God: The Feminine & Its Religious Expressions (San Francisco, 1987).

__________, Sacraments of Life, Life of Sacraments. Story Theology (Washington, l988).

__________, The Lord's Prayer. The Prayer of Integral Liberation (Maryknoll, l983).

__________, Trinity & Society (Maryknoll, l988).

__________, Jesus Christ Liberator. A Critical Christology for our Time (Maryknoll, l978).

__________, Saint Francis: A Model for Human Liberation (NY, 1989).

__________, Faith on the Edge: Religion & Marginalized Existence (San Francisco, 1989).

__________ & Clodovis Boff, Liberation Theology from Confrontation to Dialog (NY, l986).
__________, Introducing Liberation Theology (Maryknoll, l987).

__________, Salvation & Liberation: In Search of a Balance Between Faith & Politics (Maryknoll, 1984).

__________, When Theology Listens to the Poor (San Francisco, 1988).

Bradstock, Andrew & Christopher Rowland (eds.) Radical Christian Writings (Oxford: Blackwell, 2002).

Casalis, G.. Correct Ideas Don't Fall from the Skies. Elements for an Inductive Theology (Maryknoll, 1984).

Christo, Libanio. [Frei Betto] Against Principalities & Powers. Letters from a Brazilian Jail (Maryknoll, 1977).

__________. Fidel and Religion (NY, 198?).

Comblin, Joseph. The Church & the National Security State (Maryknoll, l979).

__________, The Theology of the Hoe.

__________, The Holy Spirit & Liberation (Maryknoll, l988).

__________, Cry of the Oppressed, Cry of Jesus. Meditations on Scripture & Contemporary Struggles

__________, Jesus of Nazareth. Meditations on His Humanity (Maryknoll, l976).

Croatto, J. Severino. Exodus: A Hermeneutics of Freedom (Maryknoll, 1981).

Cussianovich, Alejandro. Religious Life & the Poor (Maryknoll, 1979).

Dussel, Enrique. Ethics & the Theology of Liberation (Maryknoll, 1984).

__________, History & Theology of Liberation. Latin American Perspective (Maryknoll, 19?).

__________, Ethics & Community (Maryknoll, 1985).

Echegaray, Hugo. The Practice of Jesus (Maryknoll, l984).

Ellacuria, Ignacio. Freedom Made Flesh. The Mission of Christ & His Church (Maryknoll, l976).

Erskine, Noel Leo. Decolonizing Theology: A Caribbean Perspective (Maryknoll, 1981).

Galilea, Segundo. The Beatitudes. To Evangelize as Jesus Did (Maryknoll, l97?).

__________, The Way of Living Faith. A Spirituality of Liberation (San Francisco, l988).
__________, Following Jesus (Maryknoll, l97?).
__________, The Future of Our Past. Spanish Mystics Speak to Contemporary Spirituality (Notre Dame, l985).

__________, The Music of God: Parables of Life & Faith (Oak Park IL, 1988).

González Ruiz, José María. The New Creation: Marxist & Christian? (Maryknoll, 1976).

Gutierrez, Gustavo. A Theology of Liberation. History, Politics & Salvation (Maryknoll, l973).

__________, We Drink from Our Own Wells. The Spiritual Journey of a People (Maryknoll, l984).

__________, The Power of the Poor in History (Maryknoll, l983).

__________, On Job. God-Talk & the Suffering of the Innocent (Maryknoll, l987).

__________ & Richard Shaull, Liberation & Change (NY, 1977).

__________, The Truth Shall Make You Free. Confrontations (Maryknoll, 1990).

Hinkelammert, Franz J. The Ideological Weapons of Death. A Theological Critique of Capitalism (Maryknoll, l986).

Isazi-Díaz, Ada María. Hispanic Women, Prophetic Voice in the Church: Toward a Hispanic Women's Liberation Theology (San Francisco, 1988).

Libanio, J.B. Spiritual Discernment & Politics: Guidelines for Religious Communities (Maryknoll, 1977).

Maduro, Otto. Religion & Social Conflicts (Maryknoll, l982).

Matura, Thaddée. Gospel Radicalism. The Hard Sayings of Jesus (Maryknoll, l984).

Maynard-Reid, Pedrito U. Poverty & Wealth in James (Maryknoll, 1987).

Mesters, Carlos. Defenseless Flower. A New Reading of the Bible (Maryknoll, 1989).

Míguez Bonino, José. Doing Theology in a Revolutionary Situation (Philadelphia, l975).

__________, Toward a Christian Political Ethics (Philadelphia, l983).

__________ (ed.), Faces of Jesus. Latin American Christologies (Maryknoll, l984).

__________, Christians & Marxists: The Mutual Challenge (London, 1976).

Miranda, José Porfirio. Marx & the Bible. A Critique of the Philosophy of Oppression (Maryknoll, 1974).

__________, Marx vs. the Marxists. The Christian Humanism of Karl Marx (Maryknoll, 1979).

Pérez Esclarín, Antonio. Atheism & Liberation (Maryknoll, l978).

Pixley, George V. God's Kingdom. A Guide for Biblical Study (Maryknoll, l982).

__________, On Exodus: A Liberation Perspective (Maryknoll, 1987)
Richard, Pablo et al. The Idols of Death and the God of Life (Maryknoll, l986).

Segundo, Juan Luis. The Liberation of Theology (Maryknoll, l976).

__________, Theology for Artisans of a New Humanity (5 vols.; Maryknoll, l98?).

__________, The Hidden Motives of Pastoral Action: Latin American Reflections (Maryknoll, l972).

__________, Jesus of Nazareth Yesterday & Today (5 vols.; Maryknoll, l98?).

Sobrino, Jon. Spirituality of Liberation: Toward Political Holiness (Maryknoll, l98?).

__________.The True Church & the Poor (Maryknoll, l98?).

__________. Jesus in Latin America (Maryknoll, l97?).

__________. Christology at the Crossroads (Maryknoll, l98?).

__________ & Juan Hernandez Pico, Theology of Christian Solidarity (Maryknoll, l985).

__________; Philip Wheaton & Gary MacEoin. 500 Years: Domination or Liberation? Theological Alternatives for the Americas in the 1990s (Berlin MD: Skipjack, 1992).

Tamez, Elsa. The Bible of the Oppressed (Maryknoll, l98?).

__________, Against Machismo (Oak Park IL, l987).

__________, The Feminine Face of Theology (Maryknoll, l988).

__________, Faith Without Works is Dead. The Scandalous Message of James (Bloomington, 1990).

In the Library: Nonfiction Books (General Works)

Batstone, David. From Conquest to Struggle. Jesus of Nazareth in Latin America (Albany NY, 1991).

Berghoef , G. & L. DeKoster. Liberation Theology. The Church's Future Shock (Grand Rapids, l984).

Berryman, Phillip. Liberation Theology (NY, 1987). Basic, brief intro.

Boff, L. & V. Elizondo (eds.) Iglesia Popular: Between Fear & Hope [

Brown, R. McA. Theology in a New Key (Responding to Liberation Themes) (Philadelphia, l978)

__________, Unexpected News: Reading the Bible with Third World Eyes (Philadelphia, 1984).

__________, Gustavo Gutierrez: An Introduction to Liberation Theology (Maryknoll, 1990).

Bussmann, Claus. Who Do You Say? Jesus Christ in Latin American Theology (Maryknoll, l985).

Cabestrero, Teófilo. Faith. Conversations with Contemporary Theologians (Maryknoll, l98l)
Cadorette, Curt. From the Heart of the People. The Theology of Gustavo Gutierrez (Oak Park IL, l988).

Candelaria, Michael R. Popular Religion & Liberation. The Dilemma of Liberation Theology (Albany, 1990).

Chopp, R. S. The Praxis of Suffering. An Interpretation of Liberation & Political Theologies (Maryknoll, l986).

Claretian Publications (comp.) Liberation Theology & the Vatican Document (3 vols.; Quezon City, 1987).

Cox, Harvey . The Silencing of Leonardo Boff (Oak Park IL, l988).

Ellis, Marc & Otto Maduro (eds.) Expanding the View. Gustavo Gutierrez & the Future of Liberation Theology (Maryknoll, 1990).

Ferm, Deane William. Third World Liberation Theologies. An Introductory Survey (Maryknoll, 1986).

__________, Third World Liberation Theologies. A Reader (Maryknoll, 1986).

Ferré, Frederick & Rita H. Mataragnon (eds.) God & Global Justice. Religion & Poverty in an Unequal World (NY, 1985).

Fierro, Alfredo. The Militant Gospel. A Critical Introduction to Political Theologies (Maryknoll, l977).

Ghibellini, Rosino (ed.) The Liberation Theology Debate (Maryknoll, l98?).

___________ (ed.), Frontiers of Theology in Latin America (Maryknoll, l979).

Gottwald, Norman K. (ed.) The Bible & Liberation. Political & Social Hermeneutics (Maryknoll, l983).

Haight, Roger SJ. An Alternative Vision. An Interpretation of Liberation Theology (?, l985).

Hanks, Thomas D. God So Loved the Third World. The Bible, the Reformation & Liberation Theologies (Maryknoll, l98?).

Hennelly, Alfred T. Theologies in Conflict: The Challenge of Juan Luis Segundo (Maryknoll, 1979).

__________. Liberation Theology: A Documentary History (Maryknoll, 1990).

John Paul II et al, The Pope & Revolution: John Paul; II Confronts Liberation Theology (?,?).

Kirkpatrick, Dow (ed.) Faith Born in the Struggle for Life. A Rereading of Protestant Faith in Latin America Today (Grand Rapids MI, 1988).

Kee, Alistair. Marx & the Failure of Liberation Theology (London, 1990).

Keogh, Dermot (ed.) Church & Politics in Latin America (Basingstoke, 1990).

Kirby, Peadar. Lessons in Liberation: The Church in Latin America (Leominster, l98l).

Kirk, J. Andrew. Liberation Theology: An Evangelical View from the Third World (Atlanta, 1979).

__________, Theology Encounters Liberation (Downers' Grove IL, 1980).

Kirk de Hanaut, Raymond. Faith & Ideology in Latin American Perspective (Cuernavaca, 1972).

Kliever, Lonnie D. (ed.), The Terrible Meek. Essays on Religion & Revolution (NY, l987).

__________, Radical Christianity (?,?).

Kloppenburg, Boaventura. Temptations for Liberation Theology (Chicago, 1974).

Lakeland, Paul. Freedom in Christ. An Introduction to Political Theology (NY, 1986).

Lamb, Matthew L. Solidarity with Victims. Towards a Theology of Social Transformation (NY, l984).

Latinamerica Press, A New Way of Being Church (Lima, 198?).
Levi, Werner. From Alms to Liberation. The Catholic Church, the Theologians, Poverty & Politics (NY, 1989).

López Trujillo, Alfonso. Liberation or Revolution? (Huntington IN, 1977).

McCann, Dennis P. Christian Realism & Liberation Theology: Practical Theologies in Creative Conflict (Maryknoll, 1981).

McGovern, A.F. Marxism: An American Christian Perspective (Maryknoll, 1981).
__________, Liberation Theology & its Critics: Toward an Assessment (Maryknoll, 1989).

Nash, Robert (ed.), Liberation Theology (Milford MI, l984).

Nuñez, Emilio. Liberation Theology (Chicago, l985).

Novak, Michael (ed.) Liberation South, Liberation North.

_________, Will it Liberate? Questions about Liberation Theology (NY, l986).
_________ (ed.), Liberation Theology & the Liberal Society (Lanham MD, 1987).

Petula, Joseph. Christian Political Theology. A Marxian Guide (Maryknoll, l982).

Planas, Ricardo. Liberation Theology. The Political Expression of Religion (Kansas City, l986).

Pobbe, John S. & Bärbel von Wartenberg-Potter, New Eyes for Reading: Biblical & Theological Reflections by Women from the Third World (Oak Park IL, 1987).

Pottenger, John R. The Political Theory of Liberation Theology: Toward a Reconvergence of Social Values & Social Science (Ithaca, 1989).

Quade, Quentin (ed.) The Pope & Revolution (NY, 1982).

Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal. Instruction on Certain Aspects of the "Theology of Liberation" (Rome; August, 1984). Official critique, published in many places.

Reuther, Rosemary Radford. The Radical Kingdom (NY, 1970).

__________, Liberation Theology (NY, 1972).

Rubinstein, Richard L. & John K. Roth, The Politics of Latin American Liberation Theology (Washington, l988).

Santa Ana, Julio de (ed.), Towards a Church of the Poor (Maryknoll, l98l).

Schall, J. V. SJ. Liberation Theology in Latin America, with selected essays and documents (San Francisco, l982).

Segundo, Juan Luis. Theology & the Church. A Response to Cardinal Ratzinger & a Warning to the Whole Church (NY, 1987).

Sigmund, Paul E. Liberation Theology at the Crossroads: Democracy or Revolution? (NY, 1990).

Smith, Christian. The Emergence of Liberation Theology. Radical Religion & Social Movement Theory (Chicago, 1991).

Torres, Sergio & John Eagleson (eds.) Theology in the Americas (Maryknoll, 1976).

Wagner, Peter. Latin American Theology (Grand Rapids, 1970).

Witvliet, Theo. A Place in the Sun: An Introduction to Liberation Theology in the Third World (London, l985).

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