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Italian Radicalism

(see also Italy, Marxism, Socialism, Anarchism, Antonio Gramsci)

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In the Library: Articles

Golden, Miriam. "The city as factory: workers' control in Turin," Socialist Review 95 (1987).

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Agocs, Sandor. The Troubled Origins of the Italian Catholic Labor Movement, 1878-1914 (Detroit: Wayne State U., 1988).

Baker, John A. Italian Communism: The Road to Legitimacy & Autonomy (Washington: National Defense U., 1989).

Bedani, Gino. Politics & Ideology in the Italian Workers' Movement: Union Development & the Changing Role of Catholic & Communist Subcultures in Postwar Italy (Oxford: Berg, 1995).

Bellamy, Richard & Darrow Schechter. Gramsci & the Italian State (Manchester: U. Manchester, 1993).

Blackmer, Donald L.M. & Sidney Tarrow (eds.) Communism in Italy & France (Princeton: Princeton, 1975).

Clark, Martin. Antonio Gramsci & the Revolution that Failed (New Haven: Yale, 1977).

Dalla Costa, Mariarosa & Selma James. The Power of Women & the Subversion of the Community (Bristol: Falling Wall, 1975).

DiScala, Spencer M. Renewing Italian Socialism: Nenni to Craxi (NY: Oxford, 1988).

__________ (ed.) Italian Socialism: Between Politics & History (Amherst MA: U. Massachusetts, 1996).

Drake, Richard. Apostles & Agitators: Italy's Marxist Revolutionary Tradition (Cambridge MA: Harvard, 2003).

Evans, Robert H. Coexistence: Communism & Its Practice in Bologna, 1945-1965 (Notre Dame: U. of Notre Dame, 1967).

Favretto, Ilaria. The Long Search for a Third Way: The British Labour Party & the Italian Left since 1945 (NY: Palgrave, 2003).

Filipelli, Ronald N. American Labor & Postwar Italy, 1943-1953: A Study of Cold War Politics (Stanford: Stanford U., 1989).

Fontana, Benedetto. Hegemony & Power: On the Relationship between Gramsci & Machiavelli (Minneapolis: U. Minnesota, 1993).

Germino, Dante. Antonio Gramsci: Architect of a New Politics (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State U., 1990).

Golden, Miriam. Labor Divided: Austerity & Working-Class Politics in Contemporary Italy (Ithaca: Cornell, 1988).

Gonzalez, Manuel G. Andrea Costa & the Rise of Socialism in the Romagna (Washington: U. Press of America, 1980).

Gramsci, Antonio. Two Articles on Workers' Control & Revolution (trans. Stephen Bodington; Nottingham: Institute for Workers' Control, 1968).

__________. The Open Marxism of Antonio Gramsci (trans. & ed. Carl Marzani: NY: Cameron, 1957).

__________. Soviets in Italy (Chicago: Sojourner Truth Organization, 1973).

__________. Selections from Political Writings, 1921-1926, with Additional Texts by Other Italian Communist Leaders (trans. & ed. Quintin Hoare; Minneapolis: U. Minnesota, 1990).

__________. The Gramsci Reader: Selected Writings, 1916-1935 (ed. David Forgacs; NY: NYU, 2000).

Gundle, Stephen. Between Hollywood & Moscow: The Italian Communists & the Challenge of Mass Culture, 1943-1991 (Durham NC: Duke, 2000).

Hilton-Young, W. The Italian Left: A Short History of Political Socialism in Italy (Westport CT: Greenwood, 1975).

Hobsbawm, Eric with Giorgio Napolitano. The Italian Road to Socialism: An Interview (Westport CT: Lawrence Hill, 1977).

Kertzer, David I. Comrades & Christians: Religion & Political Struggle in Communist Italy (NY: Cambridge, 1980).

__________. Politics & Symbols: The Italian Communist Party & the Fall of Communism (New Haven: Yale, 1996).

Kohn, Margaret. Radical Space: Building the House of the People (Ithaca: Cornell, 2003).

Lévesque, Jacques. Italian Communists vs. the Soviet Union: The PCI Charts a New Foreign Policy (Berkeley: Institute of International Studies, 1987).

Miller, James E. From Elite to Mass Politics: Italian Socialism in the Giolittian Era, 1900-1914 (Kent OH: Kent State U., 1990).

Nesti, Arnaldo. "Gesù Socialista": una tradizione populare italiana (Torino: Claudiana, 1974).

Parlagreco, Salvatore. La guerra delle due sinistre: dal frontismo alla diaspora (Soveria Manelli: Rubettino, 2001).

Partito della Rifondazione Comunista. Opening & Innovation (Nottingham: Spokesman, 2002).

Pons, Vittorio. The Long-Term Strategy of Italy's Communists (London: Institute for the Study of Conflict, 1977).

Roberts, David D. The Syndicalist Tradition & Italian Fascism (Chapel Hill: U. North Carolina, 1979).

Sassoon, Donald. The Strategy of the Italian Communist Party: From the Resistance to the Historic Compromise (NY: St. Martin's, 1981).

__________ (ed.) The Italian Communists Speak For Themselves (Nottingham: Spokesman, 1978).

Shore, Cris. Italian Communism: The Escape from Leninism, an Anthropological Perspective (London: Pluto, 1990).

Silone, Ignazio. Emergency Exit (Uscita di sicurezza) (London: Gollancz, 1969).

Slaughter, Jane. Women & the Italian Resistance, 1943-1945 (Denver: Arden, 1997).

Urban, G.R. (ed.) Eurocommunism: Its Roots & Future in Italy & Elsewhere (NY: Universe, 1978).

Urban, Joan Barth. Moscow & the Italian Communist Party (Ithaca: Cornell, 1986).

Weinberg, Leonard. The Transformation of Italian Communism (New Brunswick NJ: Transaction, 1995).

Williams, Gwyn A. Proletarian Order: Antonio Gramsci, Factory Councils & the Origins of Italian Communism, 1911-1921 (London: Pluto, 1975).

Wright, Steve. Storming Heaven: Class Composition & Struggle in Italian Autonomist Marxism (London: Pluto, 2002).

Zappi, Elsa Gentili. If Eight Hours Seem Too Few: Mobilization of Women Workers in the Italian Rice Fields (Albany: SUNY, 1991).

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