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México: Yucatán since 1850

(see also Mexico: Porfiriato, Mexico: Revolution 1910-1920, Mexico: Revolutionary Consolidation 1920-1940, Mexico: PRI Regime 1940-1968, Mexico: PRI Regime since 1969)

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In the Library: Articles

Baños, Othón. "Los nuevos campesinos en México: el caso de Yucatán," Estudios Sociológicos 17 (1989).

Bartolomé, Miguel Alberto. "The medicine men speak: stories of the Mayan shamans of Yucatán," Latin American Indian Literatures 2,2 (fall 1986):78-84.

Béhar, M. "Food & nutrition of the Maya before the conquest & at the present time," in Biomedical Challenges Presented by the American Indian (Washington, 1968).

Benítez, Fernando. "El sureste de México," in X. Tavera Alfaro (ed.) Viajes en México II (México, 1984), pp. 567-83.

Berzunza Pinto, Ramón. "Las vísperas yucatecas de la Revolución," Historia Mexicana 21 (1956):75-88.

__________. "El constitucionalismo en Yucatán," Historia Mexicana 46 (1962):274-95. How Salvador Alvarado came to power, peasant revolt under Juan Campos Esquillano.

Boils, Guillermo. "El movimiento de los trabajadores de Yucatán durante la gubernatura de Salvador Alvarado (1915-1917)," Revista Mexicana de Sociología 41,3 (7-9/79):621-50.

Cervantes, Enrique A. "Bosquejo del desarrollo de la ciudad de Mérida," in Homenaje a Don Francisco Gamoneda (México, 1946), pp. 109-32.

Chacón, Ramón D. "Rural educational reform in Yucatán: from the Porfiriato to the era of Salvador Alvarado," The Americas 42,2 (10/85):207-28.

Climo, Jacob J. "Capitalism & unemployment on a collective farming (ejido) development project in southern Yucatán," Human Organization 38,4 (1979):395-400.

Crumrine, L.S. "Where Mayas meet mestizos: a model for the social structure of culture contact," Human Organization 28 (1969):50-57.

Fallaw, Benjamin W. "Cárdenas & the caste war that wasn't: state power & indigenismo in post-revolutionary Yucatán," The Americas 53,4 (4/97):551-78.

__________. "The life & deaths of Felipa Poot: women, fiction, & Cardenismo in postrevolutionary Mexico," Hispanic American Historical Review 82,4 (11/02):645-84.

Fortuny, Patricia. "Difusión e inserción protestante en el campo yucateco," Taller de Teología 10 (1982):41-58.

Gates, Marilyn. "Alfredo Pech: a modern Maya," Journal of Peasant Studies 3,4 (10/76):465-71. Peasant view of Mexican land reform in 1970.

Gill, Mario. "Felipe Carrillo Puerto," in his México y la Revolución de Octubre (México, 1976), pp. 32-51. Evaluation from the left of socialism in Yucatán.

Goldkind, Victor. "Class conflict & cacique in Chan Kom," Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 22 (1966):325-45.

Halperin, Rhoda. "Redistribution in Chan Kom: a case for Mexican political economy," in Halperin & Dow (eds.) Peasant Livelihood: Studies in Economic Anthropology & Cultural Ecology (NY, 1977), p. 79-85.

Joseph, Gilbert M. "Mexico's 'popular revolution': mobilization & myth in Yucatán, 1910-1940," Latin American Perspectives 22(sum 79):46-65.

__________. "The fragile revolution: cacique politics & revolutionary process in Yucatán," Latin American Research Review 15,1 (1980):89-107.

__________. "Caciquismo & the revolution: Carrillo Puerto in Yucatan," in D.A. Brading (ed.) Caudillo & Peasant in the Mexican Revolution (NY: Cambridge, 1980), pp. 193-221.

__________ & Allen Wells. "Summer of discontent: economic rivalry among elite factions during the late Porfiriato in Yucatán," Journal of Latin American Studies 18,2 (1986):255-82.

__________ & Allen Wells. "The rough-and-tumble career of Pedro Crespo," in W.H. Beezley & J. Ewell (eds.) The Human Tradition in Latin America: 20th C. (Wilmington DE: Scholarly Resources, 1987), pp. 27-40.

__________. "Forging the regional pastime: baseball & class in Yucatán," in J. Arbena (ed.) Sport & Society in Latin America (Westport CT: Greenwood, 1988).

__________ & Allen Wells. "Seasons of upheaval: the crisis of oligarchical rule in Yucatán, 1909-1915," in J.E. Rodríguez O. (ed.) The Revolutionary Process in Mexico: Essays on Political & Social Change, 1880-1940 (LA, 1990), pp. 161-95.

__________ & Allen Wells. "Yucatan: elite politics & rural insurgency in a period of transition, 1897-1913," in T. Benjamin & M. Wasserman (eds.) Provinces of the Mexican Revolution (Albuquerque: U. of New Mexcio, 1990).

__________. "Rethinking Mexican revolutionary mobilization: Yucatán's season of upheaval, 1909-1915," in G.M. Joseph & D. Nugent (eds.) Everyday Forms of State Formation (Durham NC: Duke, 1994), pp. 135-69.

Macías, Anna. "Felipe Carrillo Puerto & women's liberation in Mexico," in A. Lavrin (ed.) Latin American Women: Historical Perspectives (Westport CT: Greenwood, 1978), pp. 286-301.

Montalvo Ortega, Enrique. "Caudillismo y estado en la Revolución Mexicana: el gobierno de Alvarado en Yucatán,:" Nova Americana 2 (1979):13-36.

Nixon, David Glyn. "Controlling bees & Indians in Mexico: Maya & the USDA," Cultural Survival Quarterly 13,3 (1989):46-48.

Ramos Díaz, Martín. "Islas mexicanas en el Caribe: historia de sus preceptores y escuelas," Revista Mexicana del Caribe 1 (1996):149-68. Schools & society on Holbox, Isla de Mujeres & Cozumel since mid-19th c.

Redfield, Robert. "The second epilogue to Maya history," Hispanic American Historical Review 17 (1937):170-81.

Restall, Matthew. "The ties that bind: social cohesion & the Yucatec Maya family," Journal of Family History 23,4 (10/98).

Richmond, Douglas W. "Salvador Alvarado & Yucatan during the Mexican Revolution, 1914-20," Maryland Historian 15,2 (fall-win 84):1-10.

Silva Herzog, Jesús. "Un revolucionario y otro dudoso: Salvador Alvarado y Alberto J. Pani," en su El pensamiento económico (México, 1967), chap. 20.

Soto, Shirlene. "Yucatan's leadership in the women's movement: the first & second Feminist Congresses, 1916," in A. del Castillo (ed.) Between Borders: Essays on Mexicana/Chicana History ( Berkeley, 1988).

Strickon, Arnold. "Hacienda & plantation in Yucatán: an historical-ecological consideration of the folk-urban continuum," America Indígena 25,1 (1965):35-61.

Turner, John K. "Slaves of Yucatán," American Magazine 68 (1908):525-38. Peones on henequen plantations, treated also in his Barbarous Mexico.

Varguez, Luis. "Cultura obrera entre los cordeleros de Yucatán," Estudios Sociológicos 17 (1989).

Wells, Allen. "Yucatán: violence & social control on henequen plantations," in Benjamin & McNellie (eds.) Other Mexicos (Albuquerque: U. of New Mexico, 1984), pp. 213-42.

__________ & Gilbert M. Joseph. "Yucatán: elite politics & rural insurgency in a period of transition, 1897-1913," in T. Benjamin & M. Wasserman (eds.) Provinces of the Revolution: Essays in Mexican Regional History, 1910-1929 (Albuquerque: U. of New Mexico, 1990).

__________. "All in the family: railroads & henequen monoculture in Porfirian Yucatán," Hispanic American Historical Review 72,2 (5/92):159-210.

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Alvarado, Salvador. Antología ideológica (México: SepSetentas, 1976).

Askinasy, Siegfried. El problema agrario de Yucatán (México, 1936). Pioneer critical analysis of the social injustices of the henequen economy.

Bartolomé, Miguel Alberto y Alicia Mabel Barabas. La resistencia maya: relaciones interétnicas en el oriente de la peninsula de Yucatán (México: INAH, 1981).

Berzunza Pinto, Ramón. Una chispa en el Sureste (México, 1949).

__________. Guerra social en Yucatán (México, 1965).

Bolio, Edmundo. Yucatán en la Dictadura y en la Revolución (México, 1967).

Burns, Allen F. An Epoch of Miracles: Oral Literature of the Yucatec Maya (Austin: U. of Texas, 1983).

Carey, James C. The Mexican Revolution in Yucatan, 1915-1924 (Boulder, 1985).

Flannery, Kent (ed.) Maya Subsistence (NY, 1982).

Carrillo, Antonio B. Los mayas ante la cultura y la Revolución de México (México, 1957).

Elmendorf, Mary L. Nine Maya Women: A Village Faces Change (NY, 1974). Chan Kom.

Flores Vizcarra, Jorge y Otto Granados Roldán. Salvador Alvarado y la Revolución Mexicana (Culiacán, 1980).

Gabbert, Wolfgang. Becoming Maya: Ethnicity & Social Inequality in Yucatán since 1500 (Tucson: U. of Arizona, 2004).

González y otros. Yucatán (Mérida, 1981).

Hansen, Asael T. & Juan R. Bastarrechea. Mérida: su transformación de capital colonial a naciente metrópoli en 1935 (México, 1984).

Huigera Bonfil, Antonio. Antropología social de la economía en el sureste de México (México, 1985).

Jones, Grant D. (ed.) Anthropology & History in Yucatán (Austin: U. of Texas, 1977).

Joseph, Gilbert M. Rediscovering the Past at Mexico's Periphery (University: U. of Alabama, 1986).

_________. De guerra de castas a lucha de clases: la historiografía del Yucatán moderno (Mérida, 1987).

__________ & Jeffrey T. Brannon (eds.) Land, Labor & Capital in Modern Yucatán: Essays in Regional History & Political Economy (Tuscaloosa: U. of Alabama, 1991).

León, María del Carmen; Mario Humberto Ruz y José Alejos García. Del katún al siglo : tiempos de colonialismo y resistencia entre los mayas (México: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 1992).

Lombardo Toledano, Vicente. El llanto del sureste (México, 1977).

Mosely, Edward H. & Edward D. Terry (eds.) Yucatán: A World Apart (University: U. of Alabama, 1980).

Paoli, Francisco y Enrique Montalvo. El socialismo olvidado de Yucatán (México: Siglo XXI, 1977).

__________. Yucatán y los orígenes del nuevo Estado mexicano: gobierno de Salvador Alvarado, 1915-1981 (México, 1984).

__________. Salvador Alvarado (México, 1985).

Press, Irwin. Tradition & Adaptation: Life in a Modern Yucatecan Maya Village (Westport CT: greenwood, 1975).

Redfield, Robert & Alfonso Villa Rojas. Chan Kom: A Maya Village (Chicago: U. of Chicago, 1934; abridged ed. Chicago, 1962).

__________. Folk Culture of Yucatán (Chicago: U. of Chicago, 1941).

__________. A Village that Chose Progress: Chan Kom Revisited (Chicago: U. of Chicago, 1958). Follow-up on the classic village study, twenty years later.

Sánchez Novelo, Paulo M. José María Iturralde Traconis (El Kanxoc): ideología y polzítica en un régimen socialista yucateco (Mérida, 1986).

Sarkisyanz, Manuel. Felipe Carrillo Puerto: actuación y muerte del Apostol "Rojo" de los mayas: con un ensayo sobre la hagiografía secular en la Revolución Mexicana (Mérida, 1995).

Steggerda, Morris. Maya Indians of Yucatán (Washington, 1941). Everyday life as observed in 30s: humor, thrift, competition, family.

Sullivan, Paul. Unfinished Conversations: Mayas & Foreigners Between Two Wars (NY, 1989).

Thompson, Richard A. The Winds of Tomorrow: Social Change in a Maya Town (Chicago: U. of Chicago, 1974). Development of cottage industry in Ticul following World War II.

Topik, Steven C. & Allen Wells (eds.) The Second Conquest of Latin America: Coffee, Henequen & Oil during the Export Boom, 1850-1930 (Austin: U. of Texas, 1998).

Villanueva Mukul, Eric. Crisis henequenera y movimientos campesinos en Yucatán, 1966-1983 (México: INAH, 1985).

__________. Así tomamos las tierras. Henequén y haciendas en Yucatán durante el Porfiriato (Mérida, 1989).

Wayland-Smith, Giles. The Catholic Church & Social Change: Research Note & Preliminary Findings on the Archdiocese of Yucatán (Northwest Pennsylvania Institute of Latin American Studies Monograph 5; Edinboro PA, 1978).

Wells, Alan. Yucatan's Gilded Age: Haciendas, Henequen & International Harvester (Albuquerque: U. of New Mexico, 1985).

__________ & Gilbert M. Joseph. Summer of Discontent, Seasons of Upheaval: Elite Politics & Rural Insurgency in Yucatán, 1876-1915 (Stanford: Stanford U., 1996).

Wilson, Carter. Hidden in the Blood: A Personal Investigation of AIDS in the Yucatán (NY, 1995).

In the Library: Fiction

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In the Library: Photography

Everton, Macduff. The Modern Maya: A Culture in Transition (Albuquerque: U. of New Mexico, 1991).

Levine, R.M. (ed.) Windows in the New World: Photographs of Latin America (Coral Gables FL, 1987), piece by G.M. Joseph on baseball in Yucatán.

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"Sin dejar huella (Without a Trace)" [2001], dir. María Novaro, 105m.

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