Mexico: Revolution 1910-20
(see also Mexico, Mexico: Porfiriato, Mexico: Revolutionary Consolidation, 1920-1934, Mexico: PRI Regime to 1969, Mexico: Chiapas, Mexico: Yucatán, Mexico: Veracruz, Mexico: Nuevo León & Coahuila, Mexico: Chihuahua, Mexico: Sonora, Mexico: La Capital, US-Mexican Border, Mexico: Women's History, Mexican American History, Life & Values & Mexican American Movements)
Maps of the Mexican Revolution.
Mexican Revolution (Wikipedia).
The Mexican Revolution: An Overview (Lynn Davies).
On the Web: Articles
On the Web: Specialized Sites
In the Library: Articles
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Brunk, Samuel. "Zapata & the city boys: in search of a piece of the Revolution," Hispanic American Historical Review 73,1 92/93):33-66.
__________. "'The sad situation of civilians & soldiers': the banditry of Zapatismo in the Mexican Revolution," American Historical Review 101,2 (1996):331-53.
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Guerra, François Xavier. "Territorio minado (más allá de Zapata en la Revolución Mexicana)," Nexos 65 (5/83):31-47. Important roles played by northern miners in the struggle.
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Rueda Smithers, Salvador. "La dinámica interna del zapatismo: consideración para el estudio de la cotidianeidad campesina en el área zapatista," in H. Crespo (ed.) Morelos: cinco siglos de historia regional (Cuernavaca, 1984), pp. 224-49.
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Salamini, Heather Fowler. "The Mexican Revolution: a peasant revolution?" Peasant Studies 15,3 (spr 88):191-205. Review essay on Knight, Mexican Revolution.
Silva Herzog, Jesús. "La Constitución mexicana de 1917," Cuadernos Americanos 26,2 (1967):178-91.
Smith, Peter H. "La política dentro de la Revolución: el Congreso Constituyente de 1916-1917," Historia Mexicana 87 (1973):363-95.
__________. "The Mexican Revolution & the transformation of political elites," Boletín de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe 25 (12/78):3-20.
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Tannenbaum, Frank. "Reflections on the Mexican Revolution," Journal of International Affairs 9,1 (1955):37-46. Emphasizes importance for Mexicans of achievement of national sovereignty, dignity & broadening of democratic control.
Taylor, Lawrence D. "The great adventure: mercenaries in the Mexican Revolution, 1910-15," The Americas 43,1 (7/86):25-46.
Turner, Frederick C. "Anti-Americanism in Mexico, 1910-1913," Hispanic American Historical Review 47 (1967):502-17.
Valero Silva, José. "La decena trágica," Estudios de Historia Moderna y Contemporanea Mexicana 3 (1970):89-118.
Vanderwood, Paul. "The picture postcard as historical evidence: Veracruz, 1914," The Americas 45 (10/88):201-26.
Vaughan, Mary Kay. "Cultural approaches to peasant politics in the Mexican Revolution," Hispanic American Historical Review 79,2 (5/99):269-308.
Vela González, Francisco. "Recuerdos de la Convención de Aguascalientes," Historia Mexicana 45 (1962):123-42.
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White, Robert A. SJ. "Mexico: the Zapata movement & the Revolution," in H. Landsberger (ed.) Latin American Peasant Movements (Ithaca: Cornell, 1969), pp. 101-69.
Womack, John. "The Mexican economy during the Revolution, 1910-1920: historiogaphy & analysis," Marxist Perspectives 1,4 (win 78):80-123.
__________. "The Mexican Revolution, 1910-1920," in L. Bethell (ed.) Cambridge History of Latin Americas, vol. V (London, 1986). Reprint in Bethell (ed.) Mexico Since Independence, pp. 125-200.
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Yanes, Emma. "Los recuerdos del abuelo," Historias 8-9 (1-6/85):191-203.
In the Library: Non-Fiction Books
Adame Goddard, Jorge. Influjo de la doctrina social católica en el Artículo 123 constitucional (México, 1988).
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Benjamin, Thomas & Mark Wasserman (eds.) Provinces of the Revolution: Essays on Regional Mexican History, 1910-1929 (Albuquerque: U. of New Mexico, 1990).
__________. La Revolución: Mexico's Great Revolution as Memory, Myth & History (Austin: U. of Texas, 2000).
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Bonfil Batalla, Guillermo (comp.) Mi pueblo durante la Revolución (3 vols.; México: INAÓ, 1985). Invaluable oral-historical memoirs of Revolution as widely diverse experience in dozens of particular localities.
Boyd, Lola Elizabeth. Emiliano Zapata en las letras y el folklore mexicano (Madrid, 1979).
Braddy, Haldeen. Cock of the Walk: The Legend of Pancho Villa (Port Washington NY, 1970).
Brading, David (ed.) Caudillo & Peasant in the Mexican Revolution (NY: Cambridge, 1980).
Branch, H.N. (trans.) The Mexican Constitution of 1917 Compared with the Constitution of 1857 (Suppl. to Annals of the American Academy of Political & Social Science; Philadelphia, 1917). Introduction is lucid summary of Revolution's causes, purposes & results by Carrancista intellectual Luis Cabrera.
Brenner, Anita. The Wind that Swept Mexico: History of the Mexican Revolution, 1910-1942 [1943] (Austin: U. of Texas, 1971).
Brunk, Samuel. Emiliano Zapata: Revolution & Betrayal in Mexico (Albuquerque: U. of New Mexico, 1995).
Bush, I.J. The Gringo Doctor (Caldwell ID, 1939). Memoir of service with Villa's forces.
Calvert, Peter. Mexican Revolution, 1910-1914: The Diplomacy of Anglo-American Conflict (London, 1968).
__________. Emiliano Zapata (London, 1979).
Cantú y Cantú, Carlos H. Los halcones dorados de Villa (México: Diana, 1969).
Cazés, Daniel. Los revolucionarios (Méxioco, 1973). Interviews in their old age with Villistas Roque González Garza & Federico Cervantes, Zapatistas Octavio Magaña & Jacobo Berra, & Carrancistas Alfredo Breceda Mercado & Ignacio Suárez.
Clendenen, Clarence C. The US & Pancho Villa: A Study in Unconventional Diplomacy (Ithaca: Cornell, 1961).
Coerver, Don M. & Lineda B. Hall. Texas & the Mexican Revolution: A Study in State & National Border Policy, 1910-1920 (San Antonio: Trinity U., 1984).
Colmenares M., Ismael y otros (eds.) Cien años de lucha de clases en México (2 vols.; México: Quinto Sol, 1978-80).
Contreras, Mario y Jesús Tamayo (eds.) México en el siglo XX: Vol. I, 1900-1913 & vol. II, 1913-1920 (México, 1976). Useful collection of documents.
Córdova, Arnaldo. La ideología de la Revolución Mexicana (México
Cumberland, Charles C. The Mexican Revolution: Genesis under Madero (Austin: U. of Texas, 1952).
__________. The Mexican Revolution: The Constitutionalist Years (Austin: U. of Texas, 1972).
Dromundo, Baltasar. Vida de Emiliano Zapata (México, 1961).
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Gilly, Adolfo. La revolución interrumpida. México, 1910-1920: una guerra campesina por la tierra y el poder (México: Caballito, 1971).
__________ y otros. Interpretaciones de la Revolución Mexicana (México, 1979).
Gómez, Marte R. Pancho Villa. Un intento de semblanza (México, 1972).
Gonzalez, Michael J. The Mexican Revolution, 1910-1940 (Albuquerque: U. of New Mexico, 2002).
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Guzmán, Martín Luis. Memorias de Pancho Villa (The Memoires of Pancho Villa) (México: Cia. Gral. de Ediciones, 1951; English trans. Virginia H. Taylor; Austin: U. of Texas, 1965).
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Hanrahan, Gene Z. (ed.) Documents on the Mexican Revolution (9 vols.; Salisbury NC: Documentary Publications, 1976-82). Includes among others Blood Below the Border: American Eye-Witness Accounts of the Mexican Revolution, Villa: Bandit or Patriot? & Abajo el Gringo!: Anti-American Sentiment during the Mexican Revolution.
Hart, John Mason. Revolutionary Mexico: The Coming & Process of the Mexican Revolution (Berkeley: U. of California, 1987).
Henderson, Peter V.N. Felix Diaz, the Porfirians, & the Mexican Revolution (Lincoln: U. of Nebraska, 1981).
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Jauffret, Eric. Revolution et sacrifice au Mexique: naissance d'une nation (1910-1917) (Paris, 1986).
Johnson, William Weber. Heroic Mexico (NY, 1968). Popular history.
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Katz, Friedrich. The Secret War in Mexico: Europe, the US & the Mexican Revolution (Chicago: U. of Chicago, 1981).
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King, Rosa E. Tempest over Mexico (Boston: Little, Brown, 1935). Memoir of a Cuernavaca hotel-keeper.
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Krauze, Enrique. Francisco I. Madero: místico de la libertad (México, 1987).
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Madero, Francisco I. Plan de San Luis: Manifiesto a la Nación (10-11/1910) (México, 1972). ;Call to arms of first phase of Revolution.
Magaña, Gildardo. Emiliano Zapata y el agrarismo en México (5 vols.; México, 1936-52).
Mancisidor, José. Historia de la Revolución Mexicana (México, 1958). Marxist synthesis.
Márquez Sterling, Manuel. Los últimos días del Presidente Madero (Mi gestión diplomática en México) (2nd ed.; México, 1958). Cuban ambassador's account of Huerta coup against Madero.
Martínez, Oscar J. (ed.) Fragments of the Mexican Revolution: Personal Accounts from the Border (Albuquerque: U. of New Mexico, 1983).
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Mena, Mario. Zapata (México, 1998).
Meyer, Eugenia. Conciencia histórica norteamericana sobre la Revolución de 1910 (México: INAH, 1970).
__________. Luis Cabrera: teórico y crítico de la Revolución (México: SEP/80, 1982).
Meyer, Michael C. Mexican Rebel: Pascual Orozco & the Mexican Revolution, 1910-1915 (Lincoln: U. of Nebraska, 1967).
__________. Huerta: A Political Portrait (Lincoln: U. of Nebraska, 1972).
Millon, Robert P. Zapata: The Ideology of a Peasant Revolutionary (NY: International, 1969).
Niemeyer, E.V. Revolution at Querédtaro: The Mexican Constitutional Convention of 1916-1917 (Austin: U. of Texas, 1974).
O'Hea, Patrick. Reminiscences of the Mexican Revolution (London, 1981).
O'Shaughnessy, Edith. Intimate Pages of Mexican History (NY, 1920). Memoir of a foreign diplomat's wife.
Peterson, Jessie & Thelma Cox Knowles. Pancho Villa: Intimate Recollections by People Who Knew Him (NY, 1977).
Pinchon, Edgcumb. Viva Villa! A Recovery of the Real Pancho Villa: Peon, Bandit, Soldier, Patriot (NY, 1933).
Pineda Gómez, Francisco. La irrupción zapatista, 1911 (México, 1997).
Puente, Ramón. Villa en pie (México, 1966).
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Quirk, Robert E.Tthe Mexican Revolution, 1914-1915: The Convention of Aguascalientes (Bloomington: Indiana U., 1960).
Raat, D. & W. Beezley (eds.) 20th C. Mexico (Lincoln: U. of Nebraska, 1986).
Reed, John. Insurgent Mexico [1914] (NY: Simon & Schuster, 1969). Brilliant war reportage from Villista camps in North.
Reyes H., Alfonso. Múgica, ideólogo del Congreso Constituyente (México, 1967).
Richmond, Douglas W. Venustiano Carranza's Nationalist Struggle, 1893-1920 (Lincoln: U. of Nebraska, 1983).
Rius (Eduardo del Rio). La Revolucioncita Mexicana (México: Posada, 1978). Critical history in comic form.
Rodríguez O., Jaime E. (ed.) The Revolutionary Process in Mexico: Essays in Political & Social Change, 1880-1940 (LA, 1990).
Roman, Richard. Ideología y clase en la Revolución Mexicana: la Convención y el Congreso Constituyente (México: SepSetentas, 1976).
Ross, Stanley. Francisco I. Madero: Apostle of Mexican Democracy (NY: Columbia, 1955).
__________ (ed.) Is the Mexican Revolution Dead? (NY: Knopf, 196?).
Rouaix, Pastor. Génesis de los artículos 27 y 123 de la Constitución Política de 1917 (Puebla, 1945). Good for radical influence of Francisco Múgica & Heriberto Jara on Querétaro debates.
Ruiz, Ramón Eduardo. The Great Rebellion: Mexico, 1905-1924 (NY, 1980).
Rutherford, John. Mexican Society during the Revolution: A Literary Approach (NY, 1971). How novels may be used to study the period.
Sauza, Isabel María. ¿Por qué con Villa? (México, 1975). Analysis of oral history data taken from veterans of División del Norte, to establish why they joined up.
Silva Herzog, Jesús. Breve historia de la Revolución Mexicana (2 vols.; México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1960). Insider's lucid account from perspective of an exemplary public functionary of the Cárdenas era. For years the most widely-read history in Mexico itself.
__________. Trayectoria ideológica de la Revolución Mexicana, del manifiesto del Partido Liberal de 1906 a la Constitución de 1917 (México, 1963).
Simmons, Merle Edwin. The Mexican Corrido as a Source for Interpretive Study of Modern Mexico, 1870-1950 (Bloomington: Indiana U., 1957).
Sotelo Inclán, Jesús. Raíz y razón de Zapata [1943] (México, 1991).
__________. Emiliano Zapata (México, 1970). Interviews with Eugenia Meyer & Alicia Olivera de Bonfil.
Stout, Joseph A. Border Conflict: Villistas, Carrancistas & the Punitive Expedition, 1915-1920 (Fort Worth, 1999).
Taylor, Lawrence. La gran aventura en México: el papel de los voluntarios extranjeros en los ejércitos revolucionarios mexicanos, 1910-1915 (México, 1993).
Thord-Gray, I. Gringo Rebel (Mexico 1913-14) (Coral Gables, 1960). Mercenary memoir.
Tompkins, Frank. Chasing Villa: Pershing's Expedition into Mexico (Harrisburg PA, 1934).
Torres, Elías L. Twenty Episodes in the Life of Pancho Villa (Austin: U. of Texas, 1973)
Tuchman, Barbara. The Zimmerman Telegram (NYU, 1958).
Tuck, Jim. Pancho Villa & John Reed: Two Faces of Romantic Revolution (Tucson: U. of Arizona, 1984).
Turner, Timothy G. Bullets, Bottles & Gardenias (Dallas, 1935). American newspaperman's memoir.
Valadés, José C. Imaginación y realidad de Don Francisco I. Madero (2 vols.; México: Robredo, 1960).
Valero Silva, José y otros. Polvos del olvido: cultura y revolución (México, 1993).
Various authors. Emiliano Zapata y el movimiento zapatista (México: INAH, 1980.
Vargas Arreola, Juan Bautista. A sangre y fuego con Pancho Villa (México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1988).
Vasconcelos, José. Ulíses criollo. La tormenta. El desastre. El proconsulado (México, 1936-38 & many subsequent editions). Classic autobiographical account of the era running into 1920s.
Wilkie, James W. & Albert L. Michaels (eds.) Revolution in Mexico: Years of Upheaval, 1910-1940 (NY, 1969).
Wolfskill, George & Douglas W. Richmond (eds.) Essays on the Mexican Revolution: Revisionist Views of the Leaders (Austin: U. of Texas, 1979).
Womack, John. Zapata & the Mexican Revolution (NY, 1968).
Wood, Andrew G. The Firecracker Wars: Urbanism, Protest & the State in Revolutionary Mexico, 1870-1927 (Wilmington DE: Scholarly Resources, 2001).
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Guzmán, Martín Luis. El águila y la serpiente (The Eagle & the Serpent) [1930] (México: Cia. General de Ediciones, 1954; English trans. Harriet de Onís; Gloucester MA: Peter Smith, 1969).
Montana, Alfredo. Andanzas del indio Vicente Alonso (México, 1995). Revolution in Colima.
Ocampo, María Luisa. La maestrita: novela corta inspirada en la vida de la Srta. Dolores Jiménez y Muro, coautora del Plan de Ayala (México, 1968).
In the Library: For Young Readers
In the Library: Poetry
In the Library: Drama
Steinbeck, John. Zapata (ed. R.E. Morsberger: Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1993). Film script for "Viva Zapata", with a narrative on Zapata's life that remained unpublished until 1991.
In the Library: Photography
Samponaro, Frank N. & Paul J. Vanderwood. War Scare on the Rio Grande: Robert Runyon's Photographs of the Border Conflict, 1913-1916 (Austin: U. of Texas, 1992).
Vanderwood, Paul J. & Frank N. Samponaro. Border Fury: A Picture Postcard Record of Mexico's Revolution & US War Preparedness, 1910-1917 (Albuquerque: U. of New Mexico, 1988).
CD & Audio
Film & Video
"El compadre Mendoza" [1933], dir. Fernando de Fuentes, 85m. Classic focused on war & politics in Zapatista territory.
"Old Gringo" [1989], dir. Luis Puenzo, 120m. In video stores. American journalist Ambrose Bierce goes to die with forces of Pancho Villa, from Carlos Fuentes novel.
"Pancho Villa's Columbus Raid" [1983], dir. W. Clark & J. Parsons, 26m. From Cinema Guild.
"The Ragged Revolution" [1981], dir. Tony Essex, 37m. From Cinema Guild. Realities behind the romantic myths.
"Reed: México Insurgente" [1971], dir. Paul LeDuc, 110m. Realistic dramatization of John Reed's dispatches from the Villista camps.
"Vámonos con Pancho Villa" [1935], dir. Fernando de Fuentes, 92m. Classic focused on war & politics in Villista territory.
"Viva Zapata" [1952], dir. Elia Kazan, 113m. In video stores. Dramatic retelling of Zapata's story, deeply influenced by anti-Communist McCarthyism of US in that day.