Mexico: Morelos
(see also Mexico: Porfiriato, Mexico: Revolution, Mexico: Consolidation, Mexico: PRI Regime to 1968, Mexico: PRI Regime 1968-2000, Mexico since 2000)
On the Web: Articles
On the Web: Specialized Sites
In the Library: Articles
Bock, Philip K. "Tepoztlán reconsidered," Journal of Latin American Lore 6,1 (sum 80):129-50. Return to traditions a sign of disappointment with the Revolution.
Foley, Michael W. "Organizing, ideology & moral suasion: political discourse & action in a Mexican town," Comparative Studies in Society & History 32 (1990):455-87.
Friedlander, Judith. "Doña Zeferina Barreto," in H. Fowler-Salamini & M. Vaughan (eds.) Women of the Mexican Countryside, 1850-1990 (Tucson: U. of Arizona, 1994), pp. 125-39.
Grammont, Hubert C. de. "Jaramillo y las luchas campesinas en Morelos," in J. Moguel y otros, Historia de la cuestión agraria mexicana, vol. 8: Política estatal y conflictos agrarios, 1950-1970 (México, 1989), pp. 262-76.
Lewis, Oscar. "Social & economic changes in a Mexican village: Tepoztlán, 1926-1944," América Indígena 4,4 (10/44):281-314.
__________. "Plow culture & hoe culture: a study in contrast," Rural Sociology 14,2 (6/49):116-27. Contrasts subsistence with new cash crop cultivation in Tepoztlán.
Lomnitz-Adler, Claudio. "Concepts for the study of regional culture," American Ethnologist 18,2 (5/01):195-214.
Martin, JoAnn. "When the people were strong & united:stories of the past & the transformation of politics in a Mexican community," in C. Nordstrom & J. Martin (eds.) The Paths to Terror (Berkeley: U. of California, 1992), pp. 177-89. Zapatista town of Buena Vista.
__________. "Contesting authenticity: battles over the representation of history in Morelos, Mexico," Ethnohistory 40,3 (sum 93):458-65.
__________. "Antagonisms of gender & class in Morelos," in H. Fowler-Salamini & M. Vaughan (eds.) Women of the Mexican Countryside, 1850-1990 (Tucson: U. of Arizona, 1994), pp. 225-42.
Méndez Alonso, Ignacio. "Recordando un poquito mi vida," en G. Bonfil Batalla (ed.) Mi pueblo durante la Revolución, vol. 1 (México, 1985), pp. 189-213.
Rosen, Fred & Irene Ortiz. "Mega-stores destroy historic site," NACLA Report 37,4 (1-2/04):11-13, 41-2. Cuernavaca's Casino de la Selva with its trees & murals now a Costco & shopping mall despite spirited community resistance.
Sindico, Domenico E. "Modernization in 19th-c. sugar haciendas: the case of Morelos," Latin American Perspectives (fall 80):83-99.
Spitzer, Allen. "Aspects of religious life in Tepoztlán," Anthropological Quarterly 30 (1057):1-17.
Waterbury, Ronald. "Non-revolutionary peasants: Oaxaca compared to Morelos in the Mexican Revolution," Comparative Studies in Society & History 17 (1975):410-42.
Waters, Wendy. "Revolutionary childhood: schools, roads & the revolutionary generation gap in Tepoztlán, Mexico, 1928-1944," Journal of Family History 23,3 (7/98):292-311.
Weinberg, Bill. "The golf war of Tepoztlán: ecology & popular defense in the heartland of Zapata," Native Americas 13,3 (fall 96):33-42. Organized villagers & their allies prevent well-connected entrepreneurs from turning cornfields into a golf course.
In the Library: Non-Fiction Books
Crespo, H. (ed.) Morelos: cinco siglos de historia regional (Cuernavaca: U. Autónoma de Morelos, 1984).
de la Peña, Guillermo. A Legacy of Promises: Agriculture, Politics & Ritual in the Morelos Highlands of Mexico (Austin: U. of Texas, 1983).
Friedlander, Judith. Being Indian in Hueyapan: A Study of Forced Identity in Contemporary Mexico (NY: St. Martin's, 1975).
Fromm, Erich & Michael Maccoby. Social Character in a Mexican Village (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1970). Chiconcuac.
Hernández Chávez, Alicia. Anenecuilco: memoria y vida de un pueblo (México: Colegio, 1991). History & memory in Zapata's home town.
Jaramillo, Rubén. Autobiografía (México: Nuestro Tiempo. 1967).
Lomnitz-Adler, Claudio. Evolución de una sociedad rural (México: SEP/80, 1982). Tepoztlán.
__________. Exits from the Labyrinth: Culture & Ideology in the Mexican National Space (Berkeley: U. of California, 1992). Political legitimacy & charisma in Morelos & the Huasteca.
Macín, Raúl. Jaramillo: un profeta olvidado (Montevideo, 1970).
Melville, Roberto. Crecimiento y rebelión: el desarrollo económico de las haciendas azucareras en Morelos (1880-1910) (México, 1979).
Redfield, Robert. Tepoztlán: A Mexican Village. A Study of Folk Life (Chicago: U. of Chicago, 1930).
Romanucci-Ross, Lola. Conflict, Violence & Morality in a Mexican Village (Palo Alto CA, 1973). Chiconcuac.
Rosas, María. Tepoztlán: crónica de desacatos y resistencia (México, 1997).
Rounds, Christopher R. From Hacienda to Ejido: Land Reform & Economic Development in Yautepec, Morelos, 1920-1970 (NY, 1986).
Rueda Smithers, Salvador. El paraíso de la caña: historia de una construcción imaginaria (México, 1999). Rhetoric & ideology of long struggle for control of fertile valleys of Morelos.
Santamaría Ochoa, Adán. Mujeres de Morelos: una etnografía (Cuernavaca, 1998). Women's testimonies from Tepoztlán, Hueyapan, Cuautla, Tlayacapan, Ocuituco, Amatlán de Quetzalcóatl & Tetelcingo, covering most of 20th c.
Tirado, Thomas C. Celsa's World: Conversations with a Mexican Peasant Woman (Tempe: Arizona State U., 1991). Tepoztlán matriarch.
Warman, Arturo. ...y venimos a contradecir. Los campesinos de Morelos y el Estado Nacional (México: Casa Chata, 1976).
In the Library: Fiction
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In the Library: Poetry
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CD & Audio
Film & Video
"They Shine... On Being Gay in Morelos, Mexico (Se lucen)" [2002], 13m. From Latin American Video Archives.
"Tlalnepantla: the Price of Democracy" [2004], dir. Greg Berger, 30m. From Latin American Video Archives. Morelos Indian community rejects outcome of an election that violated its own traditional procedures of governance, & faces severe repression.
"Water Willies in the Global Village (Aires y aguafiestas en el Estado de Morelos)" [2000], dir. Greg Berger, 30m. From Latin American Video Archives. Tradition of honoring the spirits of the main spring in Tejalpa