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Mexico: Military

(see also Mexico: Porfiriato, Mexico: Revolution (1910-1920), Mexico: Revolutionary Consolidation (1920-1940), Mexico: PRI Regime (1940-1968), Mexico: PRI Regime (1969-2000), Mexico: Chiapas, Mexico since 2000)

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Beals, Carleton. "The Indian who sways Mexico's destiny, Joaquín Amaro," in Wilkie & Michaels (eds.) Revolution in Mexico (NY, 1969), pp. 166-73. Remarkable process of demilitarization from above during period of revolutionary consolidation.

Cope, John A. "In search of convergence: US-Mexican military relations in the 1990s," in J. Bailey & S. Aguayo (eds.) Strategy & Security in US-Mexican Relations Beyond the Cold War (La Jolla CA: U. of California, 1996).

Evans, Col. Albert S. "Our military escort," in Carlos B. Gil (ed.) The Age of Porfirio Díaz: Selected Readings (Albuquerque: U. of New Mexico, 1977), pp. 15-17. American officer appraises Porfirian military.

Granados Roldán, Otto. "Regreso a las armas?" Nexos 50 (2/82):25-29.

Hernández Chávez, Alicia. "Orígen y ocaso del ejército porfiriano," Historia Mexicana 39,1 (1989):257-96.

Leñero, Vicente. "Estrenando Colegio Militar," in his Talacha periodística (México, 1988), pp. 193-205.

Lozoya, Jorge Alberto. "Un guión para el estudio de los ejércitos mexicanos del siglo diecinueve," Historia Mexicana 68 (1968):553-68.

__________. "Breve historia del Ejército Mexicano," Aportes 20 (4/71):113-31

__________. "El Ejército Mexicano," in Centro de Estudios Internacionales, Lecturas de política mexicana (México: Colegio de México, 1977), pp. 355-76.

Margiotta, F.D. "Civilian control & the Mexican military: changing patterns of political influence," in C.E. Welch (ed.) Civilian Control of the Military: Theory & Cases from Developing Countries (Albany: SUNY, 1977), pp. 213-53.

Meyer, Michael C. "The militarization of Mexico, 1913-1914," Americas 27 (1970-71):283-306.

Pineyro, José Luis. "Relaciones militares México-Estados Unidos: los rumbos de una vecindad caliente," Nexos 87 (3/85).

Prewitt, Virginia. "The Mexican Army," Foreign Affairs 19 (4/41):609-20.

Rausch, George. "The early career of Victoriano Huerta," Americas 21,2 (1964):136-45. Porfirian officer, later military dictator in 1913-14.

Rodríguez Avinoa, Pastora. "La prensa nacional frente a la intervención de México en la Segunda Guerra Mundial," Historia Mexicana 29,2 (1979):252-300.

Ronfeldt, David. "The Mexican Army & the political order since 1940," in J. Wilkie (ed.) Contemporary Mexico (LA: U. of California, 1976) & A.F. Lowenthal & J. Samuel Fitch (eds.) Armies & Politics in Latin America (NY: Holmes & Meier, 1986).

Sánchez Gutiérrez, Arturo. "Los militares en la década de los cincuenta (México)," Revista Mexicana de Sociología 50 (7-9/88):269-84.

Tobler, Hans-Werner. "Las paradojas del ejército revolucionario: papel social en la Reforma Agraria mexicana, 1920-1935," Historia Mexicana 81 (1971):38-80.

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Anon. Always Near, Always Far (SF: Global Exchange, 2000). Eleven military experts study human rights abuses of the Mexican armed forces.

Bagley, Bruce Michael. Mexico: In Search of Security (New Brunswick NJ: Rutgers, 1993).

Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente. El militarismo mejicano (Valencia, 1920). Critical Spanish journalist's dispatches on overwhelming role of improvised military men of the Revolution in Mexican politics.

Boils, Guillermo. Los militares y la política en México, 1915-1974 (México: Caballito, 1980).

Camp, Roderic Ai. Generals in the Palacio: The Military in Modern Mexico (NY: Oxford, 1992).

de la Cruz, Victor. El general Charis y la pacifación del México postrevolucionario (México, 1993). Military career of a Oaxacan general in 1920s.

Dunn, Timothy J. The Militarization of the US-Mexico Border, 1978-1992 (Austin: U. of Texas, 1996).

Global Exchange. Always Near, Always Far: The Armed Forces in Mexico (San Francisco, 2000).

Gutiérrez Santos, Daniel. Historia militar de México, 1876-1914 (México, 1955). Federal Army organized under Porfirio Díaz, & its dissolution during Revolution.

Izquierdo, J. Joaquín. Un veterano del ejército permanente (México, 1951). Memoir & critical history of 19th-c. Mexican Army.

Lieuwen, Edwin. Mexican Militarism: The Political Rise & Fall of the Revolutionary Army [1968] (Westport CT: Greenwood, 1981).

Lozoya, Jorge Alberto. El Ejército Mexicano (1911-1965) (México: Colegio de México, 1970).

Portilla, Santiago. Una sociedad en armas (México, 1995).

Ronfeldt, David (ed.) The Modern Mexican Military: A Reassessment (San Diego: Center for US-Mexican Studies, 1984).

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