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Latin America: Church & Social Change

(see also Liberation Theology: Latin America, Brazil: Church & Society & Mexico: Church & State)

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On the Web: Articles

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In the Library: Articles

Beozzo, Oscar. "The Church & the liberal states," in E. Dussel (ed.) The Church in Latin America, 1492-1992 (Maryknoll NY: Orbis, 1992), pp. 117-38.

Bidegain, Ana Maria. "The Church in the Emancipation process (1750-1830)," in E. Dussel (ed.) The Church in Latin America, 1492-1992 (Maryknoll NY: Orbis, 1992), pp. 81-104.

Coleman, John A. SJ. "Catholic integralism as a fundamentalism," in L. Kaplan (ed.) Fundamentalism in Comparative Perspective (Amherst MA, 1992).

Dussel, Enrique. "The Church in populist regimes," in E. Dussel (ed.) The Church in Latin America, 1492-1992 (Maryknoll NY: Orbis, 1992), pp. 139-52.

Lynch, John. "The Catholic Church," in L. Bethell (ed.) Cambridge History of Latin America, vol. 4. 1870-1930.

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Anderle, Adam (ed.) Iglesia, religión y sociedad en la historia latinamericana, 1492-1945. VIII Congreso, Asociación de Historiadores Latinoamericanistas de Europa (4 vols.; Szeged, 1989).

Bastian, Jean-Pierre (comp.) Protestantes, liberales y francmasones: sociedades de ideas y midernidad en América Latina, siglo xix (México, 1990).

__________. La mutación religiosa de América Latina: para una sociología del cambio social en la modernidad periférica (México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1997).

Batstone, David (ed.) New Visions for the Americas: Religious Engagement & Social Transformation (Minneapolis, 1993).

Beeson, Trevor & Jenny Pearce. A Vision of Hope: The Churches & Change in Latin America (Philadelphia, 1984).

Berryman, Phillip. Religion in the Megacity: Catholic & Protestant Portraits from Latin America (NY, 199?). São Paulo & Caracas.

Bishop, Jordan. Latin America & Revolution (London, 1965). Early intimation of changes to come.

Burdick, John & W.E. Hewitt (eds.) The Church at the Grassroots in Latin America: Perspectives on 30 Years of Activism (NY, 2000).

Cleary, Edward L. (ed.) Shaping a New World: An Orientation to Latin America (Maryknoll NY: Orbis, 1970).

Concha, Miguel & Jorge Iñîguez. Cristianos por la revolución en América Latina (México: Grijalbo, 1977).

Considine, John. Call for Forty Thousand (NY, 1946). Launched campaign for American bishops to send missionaries to staff parishes in priest-starved Latin America, with major consequences for history of Church in every country.

Deely, Glen Caudill. Life in Latin America: Spirit & Ethos in a Catholic Society (Boulder, 1992).

Dussel, Enrique. A History of the Church in Latin America (Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans, 1982).

Goodpasture, H. McKennie. Cross & Sword: An Eyewitness History of Christianity in Latin America (Maryknoll NY: Orbis, 1989).

Graziano, Frank. The Millennial New World (Oxford, 1999).

Hales, Edward E.Y. The Catholic Church in the Modern World, from the French Revolution to the Present (NY, 1960).

Hunermann, Peter (ed.) Enseñanza social de la Iglesia en América Latina (Frankfurt: Vervuert, 1991).

Ivereigh, Austin. The Politics of Religion in an Age of Revival: Studies in 19th-C. Europe & Latin America (London, 2000).

Jackson, Robert H. (ed.) Liberals, the Church & Indian Peasants. Corporate Lands & the Challenge of Reform in 19th-c. Spanish America ( Albuquerque: U. of New Mexico, 1997).

Kirkpatrick, Dow (ed.) Faith Born in the Struggle for Life (Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans, 1988).

Kohut, Karl & Albert Meyers (eds.) Religiosidad popular en América Latina (Frankfurt, 1988).

Mainwaring, Scott & Timothy R. Scully (eds.) Christian Democracy in Latin America: Electoral Competition & Regime Conflicts (Stanford CA: Stanford U., 2003).

Marcílio, Maria Luisa (ed.) A mulher pobre na história da Igreja latino-americana (São Paulo, 1983).

Mecham, J. Lloyd. Church & State in Latin America: A History of Politico-Ecclesiastical Relations [1934] (rev. ed.; Chapel Hill: U. of North Carolina, 1966).

Meyer, Jean. Cincuenta años de radicalism: la Iglesia Católica, la derecha, y la izquierda en América Latina (México, 1986).

__________. Historia de los cristianos en América Latina, siglos xix y xx (México, 1989).

Pike, Frederick (ed.) Conflict Between Church & State in Latin America (NY: Knopf, 1964).

Pinillos, Maria de las Nieves. El sacerdote en la novela hispanoamericana (Washington, 1987).

Prien, Hans-Jürgen. La historia del cristianismo en América Latina [1978] (Salamanca, 1985).

__________ & Rosa María Martínez de Codes (eds.) El proceso desvinculador y desamortizador de bienes eclesiásticos y comunales en la América Española, siglos xviii y xix [special issue of Cuadernos de Historia Latinoamericana 7 (1999)].

Richard, Pablo. Death of Christendoms, Birth of the Church [1978] (Maryknoll NY: Orbis, 1987).

Shapiro, Samuel (ed.) Integration of Man & Society in Latin America (Notre Dame IN: Notre Dame U., 1967).

Smith, Christian & Julia Prokopy (eds.) Latin American Religion in Motion (NY, 1999).

Williams, Edward J. The Emergence of the Secular Nation-State & Latin American Catholicism (Tucson: U. of Arizona, 1971).

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