El Salvador
(see also El Salvador: Civil War & US & Central America)
CIA World Factbook. Includes map.
UN Development Program, Human Development Indicators.
On the Web: Articles
On the Web: Specialized Sites
In the Library: Articles
Aguilar, Edwin Eloy et al. "Protestantism
in El Salvador: conventional wisdom vs. the survery evidence," in Garrard-Burnett
& Stoll (eds.) Rethinking Protestantism in Latin America (Philadelphia,
1993), pp. 111-42.
Alvarez, Francisco A. "Transition
before the transition: the case of El Salvador," Latin American Perspectives
56 (win 88):78-92.
Anderson, Charles W. "El Salvador: the Army as reformer," in M. Needler
(ed.) Political Systems of Latin America (Princeton, 1964).
Baloyra, Enrique A. "Reactionary despotism in El Salvador: an impediment to democratic transition," in M. Diskin (ed.) Trouble in Our Back Yard (NY, 1983), pp. 101-24.
Berryman, Philip. "El Salvador: from evangelization to insurrection," in Levine (ed.) Religion & Political Conflict in Latin America (Chapel
Hill, 1986), pp. 58-78.
Blachman, M.J. & K.E. Sharpe. "Things fall apart: trouble ahead in
El Salvador," World Policy Journal 6 (win 88-89):107-39.
Browning, D. "Agrarian reform in El Salvador," Journal of Latin
American Studies 15,2 (11/83):399-406.
Burns, E. Bradford. "The modernization of underdevelopment: El Salvador,
1858-1931," Journal of Developing Areas 18,3 (4/84):293-316.
Cáceres Prendes, Jorge. "Political radicalization & popular
pastoral practices in El Salvador, 1969-1985," in S. Mainwaring & A. Wilde
(eds.) The Progressive Church in Latin America (Notre Dame, 1989), pp.
Cardenal, Rodolfo. "The martyrdom of the Salvadoran Church," in Keogh
(ed.) Church & Politics in Latin America (London, 1990), pp. 225-46.
Chapin, Mac. "The 500,000 invisible
Indians of El Salvador," Cultural Survival Quarterly 13,3 (1989):11-16.
__________. "La población indígena de El Salvador,"
Mesoamérica 12,21 (6/91):1-40.
Ching, Erik. "In search of the
party: the Communist Party, the Comintern, and the peasant rebellion of 1932
in El Salvador," The Americas 55,2 (10/98):204-39.
Dunkerley, James. "El Salvador since 1930," in L. Bethell (ed.) Central
America Since Independence (Cambridge, 1991), pp. 159-90.
Erno, Kim. "El Salvador: liberation & resurrection," in G. Cook
(ed.) New Face of the Church in Latin America (Maryknoll, 1994), pp.
Ferguson, Anne. "Marketing medicines: pharmaceutical services in a Salvadoran community," Latin American Perspectives 39 (fall 83):40-58.
Gleijeses, Piero. "The case for power sharing in El Salvador," Foreign Affairs 61,5 (sum 83):1048-63.
Gould, Jeffrey L. & Aldo Lauria-Santiago. "'They call us thieves & steal our wage': toward a reinterpretation of the Salvadoran rural mobilization, 1929-1931," Hispanic American Historical Review 84,2 (5/04):191-238. Background to La Matanza.
Helvarg, David. "A voice from the grave," Progressive (6/98). Remembering murders of Catholic missionaries Ita Ford, Dorothy Kazel, Maura Clarke & Jean Donovan in 1980.
Grieb, Kenneth J. "The US & the rise of General Maximiliano Hernández Martínez," Journal of Latin American Studies 4, (1971):151-73.
Jung, Harald. "Class struggles in El Salvador," New Left Review 122 (1980):3-25.
Kantor, Harry. "El Salvador: the military as reformists," in Patterns of Politics & Political Systems in Latin America (Chicago, 1969).
Karl, Terry. "The Christian Democratic Party & prospects for democratization in El Salvador," in Flora & Torres-Rivas (eds.) Sociology of "Developing Societies": Central America (NY, 1989), pp. 140-64.
__________. "El Salvador's negotiated revolution," Foreign Affairs 71,2 (spr 92):147-65.
Karush, Gerald E. "Plantations, population & poverty: the roots of the demographic crisis in El Salvador," Studies in Comparative International Development 13 (fall 78):59-75.
Kovel, Joel. "Two spiritual revolutionaries," Monthly Review 40,8 (1/89):22-34. Story of Miguel Mármol, a founding member of the Salvadoran Communist Party.
Krauss, Clifford. "Religious roots of rebellion in El Salvador," Nation (7/30/82):7-10.
Kumm, Bjorn. "El Salvador's rebel priests," Nation (12/30/78):728-30.
Lapper, Richard & Hazel Johnson. "El Salvador: background to the struggle," Race & Class 22,1 (sum 80):63-75.
Lara, Carlos Benjamin. "Iglesias evangélicas y conflicto político en El Salvador," Cristianismo y Sociedad 103 (1990):107-21.
LeMoyne, James. "El Salvador's forgotten war," Foreign Affairs 68,3 (sum 89):105-26.
Leogrande, William. "Oligarchs & officers: the crisis in El Salvador," Foreign Affairs (sum 80).
__________. "El Salvador after Duarte: Ruben Zamora (interview)," World Policy Journal 5 (fall 88):703-24.
__________. "After the battle of San Salvador," World Policy Journal 7,2 (spr 90):331-56.
Makofsky, Abraham. "Voluntary association in a climate of repression: union activists in El Salvador," Human Organization 37,1 (spr 78):57-63.
Marroquín, A. D. "El problema indígena en El Salvador," América Indígena 35,4 (10-12/75):747-71.
Miles, Sara & Bob Ostertag. "D'Aubuisson's new arena," NACLA Report 23,2 (7/89):14-38.
Montgomery, Tommie Sue. "The Church in the Salvadoran revolution," Latin American Perspectives 36 (win 83):62-87.
Nairn, Alan. "Behind the death squads," Progressive (5/84). How US-trained official Salvadoran security apparatus of Kennedy years later became death squads.
Norton, Chris. "Speaking of Duarte in the past tense & Salvador's future imperfect," In These Times (07/6-19/88):10.
_________. "U.S. self-delusion exacts brutal price on Salvador," In These Times (12/6-12/89):9.
O'Malley, William J. "El Salvador. Rutilio Grande, SJ," in his The Voice of Blood (Maryknoll, 1980).
Paige, Jeffery M. "Coffee & power in El Salvador," Latin American Research Review 28,3 (1993):7-40.
Peacock, Chris. "Salvadoran refugees return to wage peace at home," In These Times (1/24-30/90):9.
Pérez Brignoli, Hector. "Indians,
Communists & peasants: the 1932 rebellion in El Salvador," in W.
et al. (eds.) Coffee, Society & Power in Latin America (Baltimore,
1995), pp. 232-61.
Quigley, Thomas E. "The Catholic Church in El Salvador," Cross Currents (sum 82):179-92.
Ramírez Amaya, Atilio et al. "Justice & the penal system in El Salvador," Crime & Social Justice 30 (1987):1-27.
Richter, Ernesto. "Social classes, accumulation & the crisis of 'overpopulation' in El Salvador," Latin American Perspectives 7,2-3 (spr-sum 80):114-39.
Seligson, Mitchell. "Thirty years of agrarian transformation in El Salvador," Latin American Research Review 30,3 (1995):43-74.
Wilson, Everett. "Sanguine saints: Pentecostalism in El Salvador," Church History 52,2 (6/83).
Zamosc, Leon. "Class conflict in an export economy: the social roots of the Salvadoran insurrection of 1932," in Flora & Torres-Rivas (eds.) Sociology of ""Developing Societies": Central America (NY, 1989).
In the Library: Non-Fiction Books
Adams, Richard N. Cultural Survey of El Salvador (Washington, 1957).
Alvarenga, Patricia. Cultura y ética de la violencia. El Salvador, 1880-1932 (San José, 1996).
Anderson, Thomas P. Matanza: El Salvador's Communist Revolt of 1932 (Lincoln, 1971).
Aron, Adrianne & Shawn Corne. Writings for a Liberation Psychology: Ignacio Martín-Baró (Cambridge, 1994).
Bluestein, Howard I. et al. U.S. Army Area Handbook for El Salvador (Washington, 1970).
Browning, David. El Salvador: Landscape & Society (NY, 1971). Indispensable background.
Cardenal, Rodolfo. Historia de una esperanza. Vida de Rutilio Grande (San Salvador, 1987).
Dalton, Roque. Miguel Marmol. Los sucesos de 1932 en El Salvador (San José, 1972).
__________. Las historias prohibidas
del pulgarcito (México, 1974).
Durham, William H. Scarcity
& Survival in Central America: The Ecological Origins of the Soccer War
(Stanford, 1979).
Gorkin, Michael; Marta Pineda & Glora Leal. From Grandmother to Granddaughter: Salvadoran Women's Stories (Berkeley, 2000).
Lauria-Santiago, Aldo A. An Agrarian Republic. Commercial Agriculture & the Politics of Peasant Communities in El Salvador, 1823-1914 (Pittsburgh, 1999).
__________ & Leigh Binford (eds.) Landscapes of Struggle: Politics, Society & Community in El Salvador (Pittsburgh: U. of Pittsburgh, 2004). Invaluable interdisciplinary essays on 20th C.
Lindo Fuentes, Hector. Weak Foundations. The Economy of El Salvador in the 19th c., 1821-1898 (Berkeley, 1991).
Menjívar, Rafael y Rafael Guido Vejar. El Salvador de 1840 a 1935, estudiado y analizado por los extranjeros (San Salvador, 1978).
North, Liisa. Bitter Grounds. Roots of Revolt in El Salvador (Toronto, 1982).
Parkman, Patricia. Nonviolent Insurrection in El Salvador. The Fall of Maximiliano Hernández Martínez (Tucson, 1988).
Santiago, Daniel. The Harvest of Justice. The Church of El Salvador Ten Years After Romero (Mahwah NJ, 1995).
Tilley, Virginia Q. Seeing Indians: A Study of Race, Nation, & Power in El Salvador (Albuquerque, U. of New Mexico, 2005).
Webre, Stephen. José Napoleon Duarte & the Christian Democratic Party in Salvadoran Politics, 1960-1972 (Baton Rouge, 1979).
White, Alistair. El Salvador (Boulder, 1973).
In the Library: Fiction
Alegría, Claribel. Cenizas de Izalco (Barcelona, 1966).
__________. Album familiar (San José CR, 1984).
Argueta, Manlio. El valle de las hamacas (San Jose, 1982).
__________. Un día en la vida [One Day of Life] (San Salvador: UCA, 1980; English trans. NY: Random House, 1983).
__________. Cuzcatlán donde bate la mar del sur (Tegucigalpa, 1986).
Bencastro, Mario. Disparo en la catedral (México, 1990). On murder of Msgr. Romero.
Benítez, Sandra. Bitter Grounds (?,?). Three generations of Salvadoran women.
García, Carlos Ernesto. Hasta la cólera se pudre (Barcelona, 1987).
Lindo, Hugo. The Ways of Rain (Pittsburgh, 1986).
Lombera Pallares, Enrique. El comandante Arrupe (México, 1995).
Machón Villanova, Francisco. Ola roja (México, 1948).
Menjivar Ochoa, Rafael. Historia del traidor de nunca jamás (San José CR, 1985).
In the Library: For Young Readers
In the Library: Poetry
Alegría, Claribel & D.J. Flakoll. On the Front Line: Guerrilla Poems of El Salvador (Willimantic CT, 1989)
Argueta, Manlio (ed.) Poesía de El Salvador (San José CR, 1983).
Dalton, Roque. Poesía escogida (San José CR, 1983).
Forche, Carolyn. The Country Between Us (NY, 1981).
Hernández, Reyna. "There will be someone" & "In old man shoes" in Partnoy, Alicia. You Can't Drown the Fire: Latin American Women Writing in Exile (San Francisco: Cleis, 1988), pp. 227-29.
In the Library: Drama
In the Library: Photography
Andersen, Robin. "Images of war: photojournalism, ideology & Central America," Latin American Perspectives 16 (spr 89):96-114.
Guzmán, Carlos et al. El Salvador [text by Carolyn Forche] (NY, 1983).
CD & Audio
Film & Video
"1932: Scars of Memory (Cicatriz de la memoria)" [2002], dir. Jeffrey Gould & Carlos Henríquez Consalvi, 52m. From First Run/Icarus.
"El Salvador: Challenge & Crisis" [2001], dir. 57m. Prospects for recovery from two earthquakes in 2000 that killed over 1100 people.
"For a Woman in El Salvador Speaking" (1985), dir. Sara Halprin. 8 min. Dramatic poem in sign language, Spanish & English celebrating Salvadoran women's strength in the face of terrible loss.
"In the Name of Democracy: Life, Death & Elections in El Salvador" (1982), dir. Pamela Cohen & José Ponce. 31 min. Records badly flawed US-sponsored elections to Constitutional Assembly in 1982, from Cinema Guild.
"A Question of Conscience: The Murder of the Six Jesuit Priests in El Salvador" [199?], dir. Ilan Ziv, 43m. From Palisades Video.
"Romero" [199?], dir. John Dugan, 105m. In video stores.
"Roses in December" [198?], dir. Bernard Stone, 56m. From Palisades Video.
"Stories from Cuscatlan" (1989), dir. Peter Chappell & Jane Ryder. 52 min. Personal stories of ordinary Salvadorans, script by writer Manlio Argueta. From First Run/Icarus.