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Colombia: Black History, Life & Values

(see also Colombia, Colombia: Violencia 1948-1980, & Colombia: Drug Wars: Drug Wars 1980-Present & Colombia: Indigenous History, Life & Values)

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On the Web: Articles

On the Web: Specialized Sites

Plan Colombia y Proceso de Comunidades Negras.

In the Library: Articles

Arocha Rodríguez, Jaime. "Afro-Colombia denied," NACLA 25,2 (1992):28-31.

__________. "Inclusion of Afro-Colombians: unreachable national goal?" Latin American Perspectives 25,3 (1998):70-89.

Escobar, Arturo, Libia Grueso, and Carlos Rosero. "The Process of Black Community Organizing in the Southern Pacific Coast Region of Colombia," in S. Alvarez, E. Dagnino & A. Escobar (eds.) The Culture of Politics/ The Politics of Culture: Re-visioning Latin American Social Movements (Boulder, 1998), pp. 196-213.

Murphy, Robert C. "From Indian to Negro in the Colombian Chocó," in E.T. Thompson & E. Hughes (eds.) Individual & Collective Behavior (NY, 1958).

Sanders, James E. "'Citizens of a free people': popular liberalism & race in 19th-c. southwestern Colombia," Hispanic American Historical Review 84,2 (5/04):277-314.

Sanders, Thomas G. "The Blacks of Colombia's Chocó: race, culture & power in Quibdó," American Universities Field Staff Reports 17,2 (1970):1-7.

Smith, R.L. "The racial composition of the populations of Colombia," Journal of Inter-American Studies 8 (1966):210-35.

Torres, Arlene, and N.E. Whitten. " Blackness in the Americas." NACLA Report 25: 2 (1992) 16-22.

Wade, Peter. "Music & the formation of Black identity in Colombia," NACLA Report 35,6 (5-6/02):21-27.

West, Robert C. "Folk mining in Colombia," Economic Geography 28 (1952):323-30.

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Caballero Muñóz, Rodrigo. La etnobotánica en las comunidades negras e indígenas del delta del Rio Patía (Quito: Abya-Yala, 199?).

Friedmann, N.S. y J. Arocha. De sol a sol: génesis, transformación y presencia de los negros en Colombia (Bogotá, 1986).

Lewis, Marvin A. Treading the Ebony Path: Ideology & Violence in Contemporary Afro-Colombian Prose Fiction (NY: Columbia, 1987).

Maya Restrepo, Adriana (coord.) Los afrocolombianos (Bogotá, 1998).

Minority Rights Group. No Longer Invisible:Afro-Latin Americans Today (London, 1995).

Wade, Peter. Blackness & Race Mixture: The Dynamics of Racial Identity in Colombia (Baltimore, 1993). Chocó.

In the Library: Fiction

Zapata Olivella, Manuel. Corral de negros (La Habana, 1963).

__________. Detrás del rostro (Madrid, 1963).

__________. Tierra mojada (Madrid, 1964).

In the Library: For Young Readers

In the Library: Poetry

In the Library: Drama

In the Library: Photography

CD & Audio

Film & Video

"Los calabazos del sol" [2002], dir. Fernando Restrepo, 15m. From Latin American Video Archives. Grinding poverty & trauma of war-torn Chocó as experienced, & potentially healed, by Afro-Colombian children.

"The Canoe of Life (La canoa de la vida)" [2000], dir. Diego García Moreno, 52m. Chocó farmers' group HACIA struggles to defend natural environment & their way of life.

"Champeta criolla" [1997], dir. Lucas Silva, 30m. From Palenque Records. Study of recent dance form among displaced & marginalized Afro-Colombian population of war refugees in Cartagena.

"Hasta la última piedra" [2006], dir. Juan José Lozano, 58m. From Earthling Productions. "Peace community" of San José de Apartadó in Urabá.

"Los hijos de Bem Kos" [1999], dir. Lucas Silva, 54m. From Palenque Records. Life & work of famous Colombian drummer Paulino Salgado, filmed in San Basilio del Palenque, Depto. de Bolívar.

"Never Again (Nunca más)" [2001], dir. Marta Rodríguez & Fernando Restrepo, 56m. From Latin American Video Archives. Displacement by civil war of Afro-Colombian peasants from Chocó to city of Turbo, Antioquia, & across border to Panamá. Subsequent return to their homes.

"Soraya: Love Is Not Forgiveness (Soraya: amor no es olvido)" [2006], dir. Marta Rodríguez & Fernando Restrepo, 53m.

"Una casa sola se vence" [2004], dir. Marta Rodríguez & Fernando Restrepo, 54m. Searing testimony of Chocó refugee Marta Palma, 1957-2002, & refugee life in Turbo.

Monterey Bay Educators Against War
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