Gulf War 1991
(see also Iraq, Iraq: Kurdistan, Iraq: Shi'ites, Iraq: Saddam Hussein Regime, Iraq: Post-War, Kuwait, Middle East General, Militarization of Foreign Policy, War vs. Environment)
On the Web: Articles
The Marines' "How To" Book for Empire. William Marina, Common Dreams (4/14/04).
Selling an Iraq-Al-Qaeda Connection. Bruce Morton, CNN (3/11/03).
The Bottom Line on Iraq: It's the Bottom Line. Arianna Huffington, Arianna Online (2/19/03).
The Case Against War: A Conflict Driven by the Self-Interest of America. Robert Fisk, Independent (2/15/03).
The Real Reasons for the Upcoming War in Iraq. W. Clark, Independent Media Center (2/2/03).
Iraq is a Trial Run. Noam Chomsky, ZNet (4/2/03).
Hey, People: War is No Game. Robert Scheer, Nation (1/7/03).
Undercover War Begins as US Forces Enter Iraq. John Donnelly & Tom Allard, Sydney Morning Herald (1/6/03).
Bush Aide: Inspections or Not, We'll Attack Iraq. Paul Gilfeather, Mirror (11/22/02).
After Iraq, Bush will Attack His Real Target. Eric Margolis, Toronto Sun (11/10/02).
The Push for War. Anatol Lieven, London Review of Books (10/3/02). Brilliant critique of world view & militarist foreign policy of "think tank" intellectuals surrounding Bush administration.
The UN Charter & the Use of Force Against Iraq. Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy, Western States Legal Foundation & Center for Constitutional Rights (10/2/02). How proposed Iraq invasion violates international law.
The Case Against War. Stephen Zunes, Nation (9/30/02).
The President's Real Goal in Iraq. Jay Bookman, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (9/29/02).
US Pacifists Volunteer to Risk Lives in Baghdad. Greg Barrett, Salt Lake Tribune (9/29/02). Christian Peacemakers will rotate in & out as witnesses so long as war danger persists.
The Dishonesty of this So-Called Dossier. Robert Fisk, Independent (9/25/02).
Marching Off to Peace. Ken Loach, Observer (9/22/02)
Oiling the Wheels of War. Michael Klare, Nation (9/19/02).
Bush's UN Speech Unconvincing. Stephen Zunes, Foreign Policy in Focus (9/14/02).
Into the Rough. Ze'ev Schiff, Ha'aretz (8/18/02). Implications for Israel of coming US war on Iraq.
US Willing to Push for Iraq Weapons Inspection. Carola Hoyos, Financial Times (8/16/02).
French Sources: US to Attack Iraq 'Soon'. Amir Oren, Ha'aretz (7/20/02).
Cheney's Money Has Roots in Evil. Dave Zweifel (Madison Capitol Times 6/5/02), Common Dreams.
Foreign Affairs: Diplomatic Impunity, George Monbiot, Guardian (4/23/02). America in process of eliminating all obstacles to war on Iraq.
Iraq. The Offensive Has Already Started. Sergey Yugov, Pravda (2/20/02).
Hawkish Defense Aide Doesn't Bend. Esther Schrader, LA Times (10/7/01). Wolfowitz argues for war on Iraq.
Cheney Panel Seeks Review of Sanctions: Iraq, Iran & Libya Loom Large in Boosting Oil Supply.
US-Iraq Policy: Recent Military Attacks. Phyllis Bennis, Foreign Policy in Focus (10/96).Peter Behr & Alan Sipress, Washington Post (4/19/01).
US & Saddam Hussein (n.d.). Video on young Saddam's years of collaboration with the CIA.
Global Media, the New World Order & the Significance of Failure. S. Abdallah Schleifer (1991).
On the Web: Specialized Sites
American Gulf War Veterans' Association.
Artists United to Win Without War.
Center for Defense Information.
Iraq Policy Information Project .
National Gulf War Resource Center.
National Network to End the War Against Iraq.
Open Letter from the Academic Community Opposing a US Invasion of Iraq.
Rachel's Environment
& Health News .
Swarna Rajagopalan's
page on the Iraq Question.
Traprock Peace Center (Deerfield MA).
Veterans Against the Iraq War.
Wade Hudson's Baghdad Journal. Reports from peace witness in Baghdad before & during US invasion.
In the Library: Articles
Ahmad, Eqbal. "Nightmare victory? In a war with Iraq, victory carries the seeds of defeat," Mother Jones (3-4/91):4-7.
Anderson, Jon Lee. "No Place to Hide," New Yorker (11/25/02): 76-85.
__________. "Dreaming of Baghdad," New Yorker (2/03):57-69. Visit with Iraqi Shia opposition in exile.
__________. "Invasions," New Yorker (3/24/03). Iraqi memories of earlier conflicts.
__________. "The collapse," New Yorker (4/21/03):70-75.
__________. "The bombing of Baghdad," New Yorker (4/31/03):80-85.
__________. “War wounds,” New Yorker (4/14/03):46-51.
Arnove, Anthony (ed.) Iraq Under Siege: The Deadly Impact of Sanctions & War (Boston: South End, 2003).
Bennis, Phyllis. "'And they called it peace': US policy on Iraq," MERIP Report 215 (sum 2000).
___________. "The UN, the US & Iraq," Nation (11/11/02):8-10.
Blanford, Nicholas. "Kuwait hopes for answers on its Gulf War POWs,"
Christian Science Monitor (12/1\23/02). 600 still unaccounted for; & Iraq still has possession of Kuwaiti National Archives.
Bleifuss, Joel. "Iraq in the cross hairs," In These Times
Bone, James; Roland Watson, Richard Beeston & Philip Webster. "America
turns sights on Iraq," London Sunday Times (10/15/01).
Brown, Graham-Sarah. "Sanctioning Iraq: A failed policy," MERIP Report 215 (sum 2000).
Chomsky, Noam. "Truths & myths about the invasion of Iraq," in L. Panitch & C. Leys (eds.) Socialist Register 2004: The New Imperial Challenge (NY: Monthly Review, 2004).
Coles, R.L. "Peaceniks & warmongers' framing fracas on the home front:
dominant and opposition discourse interaction during the Persian Gulf crisis,"
Sociological Quarterly 39,3 (sum 98):369-91.
__________. "Odd folk & ordinary people: collective identity disparities between peace groups in the Persian Gulf crisis," Sociological Spectrum 19,3 (7-8/99):325-57.
Dodge, T. "Iraq & the 'Bush doctrine': storming the desert," World Today 58,4 (4/02):4-6.
Falk, Richard. “Why international law matters,” Nation (3/10/03):19-22.
Gordon, Colin. "Lessons of history? Past & present in the Gulf War," Radical History Review 5 (1in 93):135-46.
Greer, Edward, "The hidden history of the Iraq war," Monthly Review 43,1 (5/91):1-14.
Halliday, Fred. "The Gulf War & its aftermath: first reflections," International Affairs 67,2 (apr 1991):223-334.
Hersh, Seymour M. "The spoils of the Gulf War," New Yorker (9/6/93):70-81. Lucrative contracts in Kuwait.
__________. "A case not closed," New Yorker (11/1/93):80-92. Clinton's bombing of Iraq in response to suspected plot to assassinate George Bush.
__________. "Saddam's best friend," New Yorker (4/5/99):32-40.
__________. "Overwhelming force," New Yorker (5/22/00):49-82. On annihilation of retreating Iraqi soldiers in last days of Gulf War.
__________. "The Iraq hawks. Can their war plan work?" New Yorker (12/24/01):58-63.
__________. "The debate within. The objective is clear -- topple Saddam. But how?" New Yorker (3/11/02):34-39.
Hertzberg, Hendrik. "Grinding axis," New Yorker (2/11/01):23-24. Argues against war as way to remove Saddam Hussein from office.
__________. "On to Iraq?" New Yorker (8/12/02):23-4.
Hiro, Dilip. "Flying the Iraqi skies," Nation (3/15/99):5.
Hiltermann, Joost. "Elusive justice: trying to try Saddam," MERIP Report 215 (sum 2000).
Judah, Tim. "Death in Baghdad," New York Review (5/1/03):45-47.
Knickerbocker, Brad. "Iraq war's human toll could be felt for decades," Christian Science Monitor (10/1/03):4.
Kucinich, Dennis. "The bloodstained path," Progressive (11/02). Moving denunciation of "preemptive" war & call for international problem-solving through the UN.
Landau, Saul. "Doom in Baghdad," Progressive (11/02):18-20. Report on visit with Rep. Nick Rahall (D, W.Va.) & ex-Sen. James Abourezk in 9/02.
Lapham, Lewis. "Regime change," Harper's (2/03):7-9.
Lemann, Nicholas. "How it came to war: when did Bush decide that he had to fight Saddam?" New Yorker (4/31/03):36-39.
Lynch, Marc. "The politics of consensus in the Gulf," MERIP Report 215 (sum 2000).
_________. "Using and abusing the UN, redux," Middle East Report 225
(win 2002).
Mack, Andrew. "Containing Saddam," Nation (12/16/02).
Mailer, Norman. "Only in America," NY Review (3/27/03):49-53.
Mantius, Peter. "Shell game," In These Times (1/22/96):25. How US companies toked the buildup of Saddam Hussein's war machine-& why American citizens still haven't heard the full story.
Massing, Michael. "The moral quandary: anti-imperialism vs. humanitarianism," Nation (1/6/03):17-22.
McGovern, George. "The reason why," Nation (4/21/03):18-21. The motive is empire & corporate profit, not the liberation of the Iraqis.
Menon, S.M. "Iraq: 'terror bombing', starvation & mechanical force: US prescription for good governance," Economic & Political Weekly 34,1 (1/15/99):21-23.
Nagy, Thomas. "The secret behind the sanctions: how the US intentionally destroyed Iraq's water supply," Progressive (8/01).
O'Connor, James. "Murder on the Orient Express: political economy of the Gulf War," Capitalism, Nature, Socialism 2,2 (6/91).
Peterson, Scott. "Depleted uranium haunts Kosovo & Iraq," MERIP Report 215 (sum 2000).
Pizzo, Stephen. "Family Value$: George W. Bush," Mother Jones (9-10/92). Harken Energy (with stockholder Dubya on its board) scores exclusive offshore Bahrein oil drilling contract in 1/90.
Salama, Salama A. "Oil & war," Al Ahram Weekly (8/21/02). Bush's war on Iraq not about WMDs or undemocratic government, but about getting control of Iraq's oil & rearranging Middle East.
Scahill, Jeremy. "Letter from Iraq," Nation (3/3/03):25-27. Baghdad on the eve of war.
Urquhart, Brian. "The prospect of war," NY Review of Books (12/19/02):16-22. Review essay on Pollack, Threatening Storm.
In the Library: Non-Fiction Books
'Abidin, Muhammad 'Ali. The Historical Pretext for the Occupation of Kuwait (Qum: Dar Al-Mostafa, 1996).
Algosaibi, Ghazi A.[Ghazi 'Abd al-Rahman Qusaybi] The Gulf Crisis: An Attempt to Understand (London: Kegan Paul, 1993).
Anderson, John Lee. The Fall of Baghdad (NY: Penguin, 2004).
Beinin, Joel. Origins of the Gulf War (Westfield NJ: Open Magazine Pamphlet, 1991).
Bennis, Phyllis & Michael Moushabeck (eds.) Beyond the Storm: A Gulf Crisis Reader (NY: Olive Branch, 1991).
Bulloch, John & Harvey Morris. Saddam's War: The Origins of the Kuwait Conflict & the International Response (Boston: Faber & Faber, 1991).
Clark, Wesley R. Winning Modern Wars: Iraq, Terrorism and the American Empire (NY: PublicAffairs, 2003).
Cockburn, Leslie. Looking for Trouble: One Woman, Six Wars & A Revolution (NY: Anchor, 2003).
Cumings, Bruce. War & Television (NY: Verso, 1992).
Darwish, Adel & Gregory Alexander. Unholy Babylon: The Secret History
of Saddam's War (NY: St. Martin's, 1991).
Fricker, Ronald D. Jr. Pesticide Use During the Gulf War: A Survey of Gulf War Veterans (Santa Monica: Rand Corp., 2000).
Garrels, Anne. Naked in Baghdad (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2003).
Gow, James (ed.) Iraq, The Gulf Conflict & the World Community (Washington: Brassey's, 1993).
Graham-Brown, Sarah. Sanctioning Saddam: The Politics of Intervention in Iraq (London: I.B. Tauris, 1999).
Gutman, Roy & David Rieff (eds.) Crimes of War: What the Public Should Know (NY, 1999).
Haykal, Muhammad Hasanayn. Illusions of Triumph: An Arab View of the Gulf War (London: HarperCollins, 1992).
Hersh, Seymour M. Against All Enemies: Gulf War Syndrome, the War Between America's Ailing Veterans & Their Government (NY: Ballantine, 1998).
Hiro, Dilip. Desert Shield to Desert Storm: The Second Gulf War (NY: Routledge, 1992).
__________. Neighbors, Not Friends: Iraq & Iran after the Gulf Wars (NY: Routledge, 2001).
__________. Iraq: In the Eye of the Storm (NY: Nation Books, 2002).
Laurent, Eric. Guerre du Golfe: Le Dossier Secret (Paris: Olivier Orban, 1991).
Lauterpacht, E. (ed.) The Kuwait Crisis: Basic Documents (Cambridge: Grotius, 1991).
Lewis, Tim. The Human Shield: British Hostages in the Gulf & the Work of the Gulf Support Group (Lichfield: Leomansley, 1991).
Malek, Mohammed H. (ed.) International Mediation & the Gulf War (Glasgow: Royston, 1991).
McArthur, John R. Secont Front: Censorship and Propaganda in the Gulf War (Harper's, 1993).
Menon, N.C. Mother of Battles: Saddam's Folly (Delhi: Konark, 1991).
Miller, Judith & Laurie Mylroie. Saddam Hussein & the Crisis in
the Gulf (NY: Times, 1990).
Mowlana, Hamid; George Gerbner & Herbert I. Schiller. Triumph of
the Image: The Media's War in the Persian Gulf, a Global Perspective (Boulder:
Westview, 1992).
Munthe, Tori (ed.) The Saddam Hussein Reader: Selections from Leading Writers on Iraq (NYU: Thunder's Mouth, 2003). Invaluable.
Musallam, Musallam Ali. The Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait: Sadaam Hussein, His State & International Power Politics (London: British Academic, 1996).
Murray, Williamson & Major Gen. Robert H. Scales Jr. The Iraq War: A Military History (Cambridge MA: Harvard, 2003).
Parish, Daphne. Prisoner in Baghdad (London: Chapmans, 1992).
Pelletiere, S. Iraq & the International Oil System: Why America Went to War in the Gulf (Westport CT: Praeger, 2001).
__________. America's Oil Wars (Westport CT: Praeger, 2004). Real reason for war in Middle East is to put a lock on its future energy supplies.
Pitt, William Rivers with Scott Ritter. War on Iraq: What Team Bush Doesn't Want You to Know (NY: Context, 2002).
Pollack, Kenneth. The Threatening Storm: The Case for Invading Iraq (NY: Random House, 2002). Persuasive, knowledgeable summary of the arguments for war.
Power, Samantha. "A Problem from Hell": America & the Age of Genocide (NY: Basic Books, 2002).
Prados, Alfred B. Iraq & Kuwait: Conflicting Historical Claims (Washington: Congressional Research Service, 1991).
Rezun, Miron. Saddam Hussein's Gulf Wars: Ambivalent Stakes in the Middle East (Westport CT: Praeger, 1992).
Rizvi, Yasin. The Renegade: A Narration of the Mother of All Retreats (2nd ed.; Islamabad: Y. Rizvi, 1991).
Sasson, Jean P. The Rape of Kuwait: the True Story of Iraqi Atrocities Against a Civilian Population (NY: Knightsbridge, 1991).
Schofield, Richard N. Kuwait & Iraq: Historical Claims & Territorial Disputes (London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1991).
Sciolino, Elaine. The Outlaw State: Saddam Hussein's Quest for Power & the Gulf Crisis (NY: Wiley, 1991).
Sifry, Micah L. & Christopher Cerf (eds.) The Gulf War Reader: History, Documents, Opinions (NY: Times Books, 1991).
__________ & Christopher Cerf (eds.) The Iraq War Reader: History, Documents, Opinions (NY: Touchstone, 2003).
Simons, Geoff. The Scourging of Iraq: Sanctions, Law, & Natural Justice (NY: St. Martin's, 1996).
__________. Targeting Iraq: Sanctions & Bombing in US Policy (NY: Palgrave, 2002).
Smith, Perry M. How CNN Fought the War: A View from the Inside (NY: Carol, 1991).
Stefoff, Rebecca. Saddam Hussein (Brookfield CT: Millbrook, 1995).
Stevens, Richard P. (ed.) The Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait: American Reflections (Washington: International Education & Communications Group, 1993).
Sulh, Raghid. Britain's Two Wars with Iraq, 1941-1991 (Reading: Ithaca, 1996).
Swofford, Anthony. Jarhead: A Marine's Chronicle of the Gulf War & Other Battles (NY: Scribner, 2003).
Tanter, Raymond. Rogue Regimes: Terrorism & Proliferation (NY: St. Martin's, 1998).
Turnipseed, Joel. Baghdad Express:A Gulf War Memoir (Minneapolis: Minnesota Historical Society, 200?).
Vidal, Gore. Dreaming War: Blood for Oil & the Cheney-Bush Junta (NY: Nation Books, 2001).
Webster, Donovan. Aftermath: The Remnants of War (NY: Pantheon, 1996).
Weller, M. (ed.) Iraq & Kuwait: The Hostilities & their Aftermath (Cambridge: Grotius, 1993).
Wurmser, David. Tyranny's Ally: America's Failure to Defeat Saddam Hussein (Washington: American Enterprise Institute, 1999).
In the Library: Fiction
Blinn, James. The Aardvark is Ready for War: A Novel (Boston: Little, Brown, 1997).
Cooper, Jeremy. The Folded Lie (London: Ellipsis, 1998).
Forsyth, Frederick. The Fist of God (NY: Bantam, 1994).
Joy, Camden. Boy Island: A Novel (NY: Quill, 2000).
Nance, John J. Scorpion Strike (NY: Crown, 1992).
Sigaud, Dominique. Somewhere in a Desert (NY: Arcade, 1998).
Watts, Timothy. The Money Lovers (NY: Soho, 1994).
White, Robin A. Angle of Attack (NY: Crown, 1992).
In the Library: For Young Readers
In the Library: Poetry
In the Library: Drama
In the Library: Photography
CD & Audio
Film & Video
"Desert Storm: The Air Assault" [1997], by Video Ordnance Inc., 47m. From Columbia River Entertainment Group.
"Deterrence" [1999], dir. Rod Lurie, 104m. In video stories.
"The Hidden Wars of Desert Storm"
"The Myth of the Liberal Media: The Propaganda Model of News" [1997], dir. Sut Jhally, 60m. From Media Education Foundation.
"The Persian Gulf: Images of a Conflict" [1991], by ABC News, 340m. From MPI Home Video.
"Prelude to War" [1991], by ABC News, 140m. From MPI Home Video.
"Rape as a Weapon of War" [1993], by Gobalvision with Thirteen-WNET, 27m. From Global Communications Foundation.
"Report from Iraq" (1991), dir. John Knoop & Greg Landau, 22m.
From Video Project.
Right Road
Lost, dir. Victoria Gamburg. 11 min. Story of Phil Rios, Gulf War vet
and victim, who participated in war crimes against Iraqi soldiers.
"Saddam Hussein Defying the World" [1990], by ITN, 35m. From Strand VCI Entertainment.
"Saddam Hussein vs. the Coalition: Behind the Military Strategies" [1991], by ABC News, 55m. From MPI Home Video.
"Three Kings' [1999], dir. David O. Russell, 115m. In video stores.
"Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War" [2003], dir. Robert Greenwald, 56m.
"War in the Gulf" [1991], by Cable News Network, 490m. From CNN Video.