Disabled People's History, Life & Values
(see also Disabled Rights Movement, Deaf People's History, Life & Values & Blind People's History, Life & Values)
On the Web: Articles
On the Web: Specialized Sites
Disability & Society. Scholarly journal.
Joseph Carey Merrick Tribute Site.
Social Security Disability Secrets. Set up by a retired Social Security disability claims examiner, to help people find their way to benefits that the system makes it difficult to find out about.
Society for Disability Studies.
In the Library: Articles
Barker, Roger G. "The social psychology of physical disability," Journal of Social Issues 4 (1948).
Baynton, Douglas C. "Laura Bridgman & the history of disability," Reviews in American History 30,2 (6/02).
Conniff, Ruth. "Banishing the disabled," Progressive (3/96):20-21. Defunding of vital community services sends many to nursing homes unnecessarily.
Diehl, James. "Victors or victims? Disabled veterans in the Third Reich," Journal of Modern History 59 (1987):705-36.
Fairchild, Amy. "The polio narratives: dialogues with FDR," Bulletin of the History of Medicine 75 (2001): 488-534.
Kudlick, Catherine J. "Disability history: why we need another 'other'," American Historical Review (6/03):763-93.
Longmore, Paul K. & David Goldberger. "The League of the Physically Handicapped & the Great Depression: a case study in the New Disability History," Journal of American History 87,3 (12/00):888-922.
In the Library: Non-Fiction Books
Adams, Rachael. Sideshow USA: Freaks & the American Cultural Imagination (Chicago: U. Chicago, 2001).
Barker, Roger G.; Beatrice A. Writht & Mollie Gonick. Adjustment to Physical Handicap & Illness [1946] (NY: Social Science Research Council, 1953).
Baynton, Douglas C. Forbidden Signs: American Culture & the Campaign Against Sign Language (Chicago: U. Chicago, 1996).
Brown, Christy. My Left Foot (London: Martin, Secker & Warburg, 1954).
Callahan, John. Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot (NY: Vintage, 1989).
Cohen, Deborah. The War Come Home: Disabled Veterans in Britain & Germany, 1914-1939 (Berkeley: U. California, 2001).
Cox, Eugenia M. From the Ground Up: The True Story of a Polio Victim (NY, 1960).
Gallagher, Hugh Gregory. FDR's Splendid Deception: The Moving Story of Roosevelt's Massive Disability & the Intense Efforts to Conceal It from the Public [1985] (Arlington VA, 1994).
Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie (ed.) Freakery: Cultural Spectacles of the Extraordinary Body (NY: NYU, 1996).
__________. Extraordinary Bodies: Figuring Physical Disability in American Culture & Literature (NY: Columbia, 1997).
Gerber, David A. (ed.) Disabled Veterans in History (Ann Arbor, 2000).
Graham, Peter W. & Fritz H. Oehlschlaeger. Articulating the Elephant Man: John Merrick & His Interpreters (Baltimore, 1992).
Hathaway, Katherine Butler. The Little Locksmith: A Memoir [1942] (NY, 2000).
Keller, Helen. Selected Writings (NY: NYU, 2005).
Lake, Louise. Each Day a Bonus: 25 Courageous Years in a Wheelchair (Salt Lake City, 1971).
Longmore, Paul K. & Lauri Umansky (eds.) The New Disability History: American Perspectives (NY: NYU, 2001).
McCagg, William O. & Lewis Siegelbaum (eds.) The Disabled in the Soviet Union: Past & Present, Theory & Practice (Pittsburgh: U. Pittsburgh, 1989).
Nielsen, Kim. The Radical Lives of Helen Keller (NY, 2003).
Ott, Katherine; David Serlin & Steven Mihm (eds.) Artificial parts, Practical Lives: Modern Histories of Prosthetics (NY, 2002).
Silla, Eric. People Are Not the Same: Leprosy & Identity in 20th-C. Mali (Portsmouth NH, 1998).
Smith, Bonnie G. & Beth Hutchison (eds). Gendering Disability (Piscataway NJ: Rutgers, 2003).
Snyder, Sharon L.; Brenda Jo Bruggeman & Rosemarie Garland-Thomson (eds.) Disability Studies: Enabling the Humanities (NY: Modern Language Association, 2002).
Stiker, Henri-Jacques. A History of Disability (trans. William Sayers; Ann Arbor, 1999).
In the Library: Fiction
Bayard, Louis. Mr. Timothy: A Novel (NY: HarperCollins, 2003).
In the Library: For Young Readers
In the Library: Poetry
In the Library: Drama
In the Library: Photography
CD & Audio
Film & Video
"Elephant Man" [1980], dir. David Lynch & Jonathan Sanger, 124m. In video stores.
"Maintaining Independence with Dignity: Perspectives from the Wheelchair" [?], dir. Gretchen Berland & Michael Majoros, 90m.
"My Left Foot" [1989], dir. Jim Sheridan, 103m. In video stores.
"Rolling (Life in a Wheelchair)" [?], dir. Gretchen Berland, 71m.