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(see also Chile: Popular Unity, Chile: Mapuches, Chile: Pinochet Regime & Chile since 1990)

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CIA World Factbook. Includes map.

New Internationalist Profile

UN Development Program, Human Development Indicators

World Guide

On the Web: Articles

On the Web: Specialized Sites

Ibermundo Chile.

WWW Virtual Library.

In the Library: Articles

Barnard, Andrew. "Chilean communists, radical presidents & Chilean relations with the US, 1940-1947," Journal of Latin American Studies 13,2 (11/81):347-74.

Cerqueira, Silas. "Chile," in Bernard & others, Guide to Political Parties of South America (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973), pp. 236-76.

Chaney, Elsa M. "Women in Latin American politics, the cases of Peru & Chile," in A. Pescatello (ed.) Female & Male in Latin America (Pittsburgh: U. Pittsburgh, 1973), pp. 103-40Hispanic American Historical Review 81,3-4 (8-11/01):587-

Hutchinson, Elizabeth Quay. "From 'la mujer esclava' to 'la mujer limón': anarchism & the politics of sexuality in early 20th-c. Chile," Hispanic American Historical Review 81,3-4 (8-11/01):519-54.

Chonchol, Jacques. "La reforma agraria en Chile (1964-1973)," Trimestre Económico (México) 43,171 (7-9/76):599-623.

Klubock, Thomas Miller. "Writing the history of women & gender in 20th-C. Chile," Hispanic American Historical Review 81,3-4 (8-11/01):493-518.

Rosemblatt, Karin Alejandra. "Charity, rights & entitlement: gender, labor, & welfare in early 20th-C. Chile," Hispanic American Historical Review 81,3-4 (8-11/01):555-86.

Tinsman, Heidi. "Good wives & unfaithful men: gender negotiations & sexual conflicts in the Chilean agrarian reform, 1964-1973," Hispanic American Historical Review 81,3-4 (8-11/01):587-622.

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Alexander, Robert J. Arturo Alessandri: A Biography (Ann Arbor MI: U. Microfilms, 1977).

Angell, Alan. Politics & the Labor Movement in Chile (London: Oxford, 1972).

Arellano, José Pablo. Políticas sociales y desarrollo, Chile 1924-1984 (Santiago: CIEPLAN, 1988).

Bauer, Arnold. Chilean Rural Society (Cambridge: Cambridge U, 1975).

Bowers, Claude G. Chile through Embassy Windows, 1939-1953 (NY: Simon & Schuster, 1958).

Bravo Lira, Bernardino. Régimen de gobierno y partidos políticos en Chile, 1924-1973 (Santiago: Jurídica de Chile, 1978).

DeShazo, Peter. Urban Workers & Labor Unions in Chile, 1902-1927 (Madison: U. Wisconsin, 1983).

Drake, Paul. Socialism & Populism in Chile, 1932-1952 (Urbana: U. Illinois, 1978).

Faundez, Julio. Marxism & Democracy in Chile: 1932 to the Fall of Allende (New Haven: Yale, 1989).

Feinberg, Richard E. The Triumph of Allende: Chile's Legal Revolution (NY, 1972).

Fischer, Kathleen B. Political Ideology & Educational Reform in Chile, 1964-1976 (Los Angeles, 1979).

Furci, Carmelo. The Chilean Communist Party & the Road to Socialism (London: Zed, 1984).

Loveman, Brian. Chile: The Legacy of Hispanic Capitalism (2nd ed.; NY: Oxford, 1988).

Monteón, Michael. Chile & the Great Depression: The Politics of Underdevelopment, 1927-1948 (Tempe: Arizona State U., 1998).

Neruda, Pablo. Confieso que he vivido [Memoirs] [1974] (NY: Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, 1977).

__________. Hacia la ciudad espléndida [Toward the Splendid City: Nobel Lecture] (NY: Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, 1972).

Power, Margaret. Right-Wing Women in Chile: Feminine Power & the Struggle Against Allende, 1964-1973 (University Park: Pennsylvania State U, 2003).

Pollack, Benny & Hernan Rosenkranz. Revolutionary Social Democracy: The Chilean Socialist Party (London: Pinter, 1986).

Ramírez Necoechea, Hernán. Orígen y formación del Partido Comunista de Chile (Santiago: Austral, 1965).

Rosemblatt, Karin Alejandra. Gendered Compromises: Political Cultures & the State in Chile, 1920-1950 (Chapel Hill: U. of North Carolina, 2000).

Sater, William. Chile & the US: Empires in Conflict (?:?, 1990).

Scully, Timothy R. Rethinking the Center: Party Politics in 19th & 20th-c. Chile (Stanford: Stanford, 1992).

Stallings, Barbara. Class Conflict & Economic Development in Chile, 1958-1973 (Stanford: Stanford, 1978).

Teitelboim, Volodia. Antes del olvido, vol. I: Un muchacho del siglo XX (Santiago: Sudamericana Chilena, 1997). Memoir of a leading writer, literary critic & Communist political activist.

__________. Antes del olvido, vol. II: Un hombre de edad media (Santiago: Sudamericana Chilena, 1999).

In the Library: Fiction

Acuña Aguirre, Eduardo. Cuentos del trabajo en Chile: Aportes de la literatura para aprender sobre empresas y organizaciones chilenas (Santiago: Universitaria, 2002).

Agosin, Marjorie. Happiness: Stories (Fredonia NY: White Pine, 1993).

Alegría, Fernando. El paso de los gansos: novela (NY: Ediciones Puelche, 1975).

__________ (ed.) Chilean Writers in Exile: Eight Short Novels (Trumansburg NY: Crossing, 1982).

__________. Allende: mi vecino el presidente (Santiago: Planeta, 1989; English trans. Allende: A Novel; Stanford: Stanford, 1993).

__________. Mañana los guerreros (3rd ed.; Santiago: LOM, 1997; English trans.: The Maypole Warriors; Pittsburgh PA: Latin American Literary Review, 1993).

Allende, Isabel. La casa de los espíritus [The House of the Spirits] (Madrid: Plaza y Janes, 1982; English trans. NY: Knopf, 1985).

__________. De amor y sombra [Of Love & Shadows] (Madrid: Plaza y Janes, 1984; English trans. NY: Knopf, 1987).

__________. Eva Luna (Madrid: Plaza y Janes, 1987; English trans. NY: Knopf, 1988).

__________. Cuentos de Eva Luna (Barcelona: Plaza y Janes, 1989; English trans.NY: Knopf, 1991).

__________. Retrato en sepia (Barcelona: Plaza y Janes, 2000; English trans. Margaret Sayers Peden, Portrait in Sepia: A Novel; NY: HarperCollins, 2001).

de la Parra, Marco Antonio. The Secret Holy War of Santiago de Chile: A Novel (NY: Interlink, 1994).

Dobyns, Stephen. After Shocks, Near Escapes (NY: Viking, 1991).

Dorfman, Ariel. Moros en la costa

Edwards Bello, Joaquín. El roto [1920] (Santiago: Universitaria, 1968). Naturalist classic.

Fredriksson, Marianne. Inge & Mira (English trans. Anna Paterson; London: Orion, 2000).

Fuguet, Alberto. Bad Vibes (NY: St. Martin's, 1997).

Guzmán, Nicomedes. La sangre y la esperanza (Santiago: Quimantú, 1971). Classic social fiction on the life of a poor barrio in Santiago during the 30s.

Hazuka, Tom. In the City of the Disappeared: A Novel (Bridgehampton NY: Bridgeworks, 2000).

Lutz, Patricia. Años de viento sucio (Santiago: Planeta, 1999).

Marks, Camilo (comp.) Grandes cuentos chilenos del siglo xx (Santiago: Sudamericana, 2001).

Prado, Pedro. Country Judge: A Novel of Chile (trans. Lesley Byrd Simpson; Berkeley: U. California, 1968).

Raspail, Jean. Who Will Remember the People: A Novel (trans. Jeremy Leggatt; San Francisco: Mercury House, 1988).

Richards, Caroline. Sweet Country (NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979).

Rivera Letelier, Hernán. Santa María de las flores negras (Buenos Aires: Seix Barral, 2002). Novel of the Iquique massacre of striking nitrate mineworkers in 1907, a key moment in the development of Chilean working-class consciousness.

Sabella, Andrés. Norte grande [1959] (Santiago: LOM, 1997). Classic social fiction of the desert North.

Serrano, Marcela. Antigua vida mía (México: Alfaguara, 1995; English trans. Margaret Sayers Peden, Antigua & My Life Before: A Novel; NY: Doubleday, 2000).

__________. Nosotras que nos queremos tanto (México: Alfaguara, 1996).

__________. El albergue de las mujeres tristes (Madrid: Alfaguara, 1998).

Skármeta, Antonio (ed.) Jóven narrativa chilena después del golpe (Clear Creek IN: American Hispanist, 1976).

__________. Soñé que la nieve ardía ( ; English trans. Malcolm Coad, I Dreamt the Snow Was Burning; NY: Readers International, 1985).

__________. La boda del poeta (Barcelona: Plaza y Janes, 1999).

In the Library: For Young Readers

In the Library: Poetry

Belitt, Ben (ed. & trans.) Pablo Neruda. Five Decades: Poems 1925-1970 (NY: Grove, 1974).

Bly, Robert (ed.) Neruda & Vallejo: Selected Poems (Boston: Beacon, 1971).

Neruda, Pablo. Pablo Neruda: A New Decade. Poems 1958-1967 (NY: Grove, 196?).

__________. The Captain's Verses (NY: New Directions, 1972).

In the Library: Drama

In the Library: Photography

Polumbaum, Ted & Nyna Brael. Today Is Not Like Yesterday: A Chilean Journey (Cambridge MA: Light & Shadow, 1994). Photographic revisitation of friends from the Unidad Popular days.

Sigmund, Paul E. The Overthrow of Allende & the Politics of Chile, 1964-1976 (Pittsburgh: U. of Pittsburgh, 1977).

CD & Audio

Film & Video

"Chile's Roots" [1991], dir. David Benavente, 50m. From First Run/Icarus. Compares rural life of Mapuche & Aymara, Chile's principal indigenous groups.

"Magic Wool" [1995], dir. ?, 28m. From Cinema Guild. Tells the story of the Bardadores of Isla Negra, peasant women who embroider beautiful tapestries of wool on flour sacks.

"Holy Father and Gloria" [1987], dir.?, 43m. From Cinema Guild. Chronicles Pope John Paul's visit to Chile.

"Jews in Chile: Emigrants through Time (Judíos en Chile: emigrantes en el tiempo)" [2002], dir. Cristián Leighton, 52m. From Latin American Video Archives.

"The Last Trace" [2001], dir. Paola Castillo, 67m. From Latin America Video Archives. Elderly sisters, the last surviving Yagans of far southern Chile, come to terms with disappearance of their language & culture.

"Returning to Chile" [1986], dir. ?, 28m. From Cinema Guild. Profiles Chilean youngsters returning to Chile after years in exile with their parents.


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