John Shelby Spong
(see also Liberation Theology: US)
On the Web: Articles
Profile of a Bishop: John Shelby Spong. Ellen Barrett, The Voice (9-10/97).
On the Web: Specialized Sites
Bishop John Shelby Spong Homepage.
Bishop John Shelby Spong Unofficial Fan Website.
In the Library: Articles
Spong, John Shelby. "Forward" to Daniel A. Helminiak, What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality (San Francisco: Alamo Square, 1994).
In the Library: Non-Fiction Books
Spong, John Shelby & Jack Daniel Spiro. Dialogue: In Search of Jewish-Christian Understanding (NY: Seabury, 1975).
__________. The Living Commandments (NY: Seabury, 1977).
__________. The Easter Moment (NY: Seabury, 1980).
__________. Into the Whirlwind: The Future of the Church (NY: Seabury, 1983).
__________ & Denise G. Haines. Beyond Moralism: A Contemporary View of the Ten Commandments (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1986).
__________. Living in Sin? A Bishop Rethinks Human Sexuality (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1988).
__________. Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism: A Bishop Rethinks the Meaning of Scripture (San Francisco: Harper, 1991).
__________. Born of a Woman: A Bishop Rethinks the Birth of Jesus (San Francisco: Harper, 1992).
__________. This Hebrew Lord: A Bishop's Search for the Authentic Jesus (San Francisco: Harper, 1993).
__________. Resurrection: myth or reality? A Bishop's Search for the Origins of Christianity (San Francisco: Harper, 1995).
__________. Liberating the Gospels: Reading the Bible with Jewish Eyes. Freeing Jesus from 2,000 Years of Misunderstanding (San Francisco: Harper, 1996).
__________. Why Christianity Must Change or Die: A Bishop Speaks to Believers in Exile. A New Reformation of the Church's Faith & Practice (San Francisco: Harper, 1998).
__________. The Bishop's Voice: Selected Essays, 1979-1999 (NY: Crossroads, 1999).
__________. Here I Stand: My Struggle for a Christianity of Integrity, Love, & Equality (San Francisco: Harper, 2000).
__________. A New Christianity for a New World: Why Traditional Faith is Dying, & How a New Faith is Being Born (San Francisco: Harper, 2001).
In the Library: Fiction
In the Library: For Young Readers
In the Library: Poetry
In the Library: Drama
In the Library: Photography
CD & Audio
Film & Video
"The Roots of Hate: The New Testament & Anti-Semitism" [1999], dir. George James, 29m. From Films for the Humanities & Sciences.