Gary MacEoin (1909-2003)
On the Web: Articles
Tributes to a Friend. National Catholic Reporter (7/03).
Gary MacEoin Dies: Wrote on Poverty in Latin America. Colman McCarthy, Washington Post (7/12/03).
From Coffee to Cocaine: US Pours Gasoline on Colombia's Flames. AlterNet (9/12/01).
Bush Nominates "Dirty Tricks" Diplomat to the UN. San Antonio Current [AlterNet] (4/17/01).
Spirit of the Revolution: Poverty is an Insult to Creation. People's Tribune (10/99).
American Synod, Rome Agenda: Working Paper Plans Again to Clip Wings of Theology of Liberation. Gary MacEoin, National Catholic Reporter (10/25/96).
Law, Conscience & the Sanctuary Movement. The World & I (1986).
With God on our Side. New Internationalist 130 (12/83). Role of religion in Central America.
On the Web: Specialized Sites
Gary MacEoin's Articles for the NCR.
In the Library: Articles
MacEoin, Gary. ""Latin America's radical church," Latin American Review of Books 1 (spr 73):67-74.
__________. "Varieties of Catholicism," Commonweal (6/15/73):332-36.
__________. "Forming a Catholic conscience on social questions," Cross Currents (sum 75):187-97.
__________. "US-based sects in Latin America," The Witness 67,5 (5/84):12-14.
__________. "Betto & Borge: revolutionary religion in socialist states," Cross Currents (sum/fall 87):140-46 .
__________. "Samuel Ruiz, voice of the voiceless," Cross Currents 46,3 (1996):362-69.
In the Library: Non-Fiction Books
Eisner, Sigmund (ed.) The Kalendarium of Nicholas of Lynn (trans. Gary MacEoin; Athens: U. of Georgia, 1980).
Hunton, George K. All af Which I Saw, Part of Which I Was:The Autobiography of George K. Hunton as told to Gary MacEoin (NY: Doubleday, 1967).
MacEoin, Gary. Nothing Is Quite Enough (NY: Holt, 1953). Memoir of training for the priesthood.
__________. Latin America: The Eleventh Hour (NY: P.J. Kennedy, 1962).
__________. New Challenges to American Catholics (NY: P.J. Kennedy, 1965).
__________. Colombia, Venezuela & the Guianas (NY: Time, 1965).
__________. What Happened at Rome? The Council & Its Implications for the Modern World (NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1967).
__________. Revolution Next Door: Latin America in the 1970s (NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1971).
__________. No Peaceful Way: Chile's Struggle for Dignity (NY: Sheed & Ward, 1974).
__________. Chile Under Military Rule (Cuernavaca?: IDOC, 1974).
__________. Northern Ireland: Captive of History (NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1974).
__________. The Inner Elite: Dossiers of Papal Candidates (Kansas City MO: Andrews & McMeel, 1978).
__________ & Nivita Riley. Puebla: A Church Being Born (NY: Paulist, 1980).
__________ & Nivita Riley. No Promised Land: American Refugee Policies & the Rule of Law (NY: Oxfam, 1982).
__________. Sanctuary: A Resource Guide for Understanding & Participating in the Central American Refugees' Struggle (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1985).
__________. Memoirs & Memories (Mystic CT: Twenty-Third, 1986).
__________. Central America's Options: Death or Life (?: Sheed & Ward, 1988).
__________. Unlikely Allies: The Christian-Socialist Convergence (NY: Crossroad, 1990).
__________. The People's Church: Bishop Samuel Ruiz of Mexico & Why He Matters (NY: Crossroad, 1996).
__________. The Papacy & the People of God (Maryknoll NY: Orbis, 1998).
Murphy, Francis X. & Gary MacEoin. Synod 67: A New Sound in Rome (Milwaukee: Bruce, 1968).
Sobrino, Jon; Philip Wheaton & Gary MacEoin. 500 Years: Domination or Liberation? Theological Alternatives for the Americas in the 1990s (Berlin MD: Skipjack, 1992).
Steele, Harvey. Agent for Change: The Story of Pablo Steele, as Told to Gary MacEoin (Maryknoll NY: Orbis, 1973).
In the Library: Poetry