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Fidel Castro

(see also Cuba: Revolution 1959-1990, Cuba: Revolution since 1990, Cuba & the US)

On the Web  •  In the Library  •  CD & Audio  •  Film & VideoSearch


Fidel Castro bio.

On the Web: Articles

On the Web: Specialized Sites

Castro Speech Database (U. of Texas). These contain some of the more lucid analyses of the world situation, & of the consequences for poor countries of the policies of the rich, that have been enunciated anywhere since World War II.

Fidel Castro History Archive.

In the Library: Articles

Castro, Fidel. "Castro speaks in Copenhagen," Monthly Review 47,2 (6/95):30-34. Speech to Summit for Social Development, 3/11/95.

__________. "Speech to International Conference on Financing for Development, Monterey,
Mexico 3/21/02" International Journal of Humanities & Peace 18 (2002).

Díaz, Regino. "The unpayable debt: an interview with Fidel Castro," in S. Jonas & N. Stein (eds.) Democracy in Latin America (NY, 1990), pp. 117-43.

Farber, Samuel. "Castro under siege," World Policy Journal (Spring 1992).

Halperin, Ernst. "Castro & the Communists," New Republic (8/21/61).

__________. "Why Castro can't be neutral," New Republic (11/27/61).

Kirk, John M. "Fidel Castro & the Cuban Revolution: age, position,character, destiny, personality, & ambition," Annals of the American Academy of Political & Social Science (7/90).

Nichols, John Spicer. "The selling of Fidel Castro: the media & the Cuban Revolution," Journal of Communications, 39 (Spring 1989).

Perez, Louis A. Jr. "Fear & loathing of Fidel Castro: sources of US policy toward Cuba," Journal of Latin American Studies 34 (5/2002):227.

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Bunck, Julie Marie. Fidel Castro & the Quest for a Revolutionary Culture in Cuba (University Park PA: Pennsylvania State U., 1994).

Castro, Fidel. Fidel Castro Speaks on Marxism-Leninism, Dec. 2, 1961. (NY: Fair Play for Cuba Committee,1961?).

__________. Revolutionary Struggle: The Selected Works of Fidel Castro (1947-1958) (Cambridge MA: MIT, 1972).

__________. War and Crisis in the Americas (Fidel Castro Speeches,1984-1985). (NY: Pathfinder, 1985).

__________. Fidel Castro y la religion: conversaciones con Frei Betto (Mexico: Siglo XXI, 1986).

__________. Fidel Castro Warns: We Want an Honorable Peace, Not a Degrading Peace (Habana: Emp. Cons. de Artes Graficas, 1964).

Coltman, Leycester. The Real Fidel Castro (New Haven: Yale, 2003).

Halperin, Maurice. The Rise & Decline of Fidel Castro (Berkeley: U. of California, 1972).

Harnecker, Marta. Fidel Castro's Political Strategy: from Moncada to Victory (NY: Pathfinder Press, 1987).

Liss, Sheldon B. Fidel! Castro's Political & Social Thought (Boulder, 1993).

Luque Escalona, Roberto. The Tiger & the Children: Fidel Castro & the Judgement of History (New Brunswick NJ, 1992). Harsh critique.

Mallin, Jay, Sr. Covering Castro: Rise & Decline of Cuba's Communist Dictator (New Brunswick NJ, 1994).

Mankiewicz, Frank & Kirby Jones. With Fidel: A Portrait of Castro & Cuba (NY, 1975).

Matthews, Herbert L. Castro: A Political Biography (London, 1969).

Quirk, Robert. Fidel Castro (NY, 1993).

Szulc, Tad. Fidel: A Critical Portrait (NY, 1986).

Wilkerson, Loree. Fidel Castro's Political Programs from Reformism to "Marxism-Leninism" (Gainesville: U. of Florida, 1965).

In the Library: Poetry

In the Library: Photography

CD & Audio:

Film & Video:

"Comandante" [2003], dir. Oliver Stone, 99m.

"Dear Fidel: Marita's Story (Lieber Fidel: Maritas Geschichte)" [2000], dir. Wifried Huismann, 90m.

"Fidel" [1971], dir. Saul Landau, 95m.

"Fidel" [2001], dir. Estela Bravo, 91m. From First Run/Icarus.

"Fidel" [2002], dir. David Attwood, 206m.

"Looking for Fidel" [2004], dir. Oliver Stone, 57.

"Mi hermano Fidel" [1977], dir. Santiago Alvarez, ?m.

"Ricardo, Miriam y Fidel" [1997], dir. Christian Frei, ?m.

"Waiting for Fidel" [1974], dir. Michael Rubbo, 58m.

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