John Berger
On the Web: Articles
The First Fireball: the US Nuclear Attack on Hiroshima Paved the Way for 9/11 & its aftermath. Guardian (7/29/03).
Fruit as Remembered by the Dead. Harper's (1/1/03).
Master of diversity. Paul Bonaventura, New Statesman (11/12/01). Interview with Berger.
On the Web: Specialized Sites
In the Library: Articles
Berger, John. "The new ABCs: education reform & the arts, business, & commuinity," Jesse Marvin Unhruh Assembly Fellowship Journal 9 (1996-97).
__________. "Fear eats the soul," Nation (5/12/03):33-35. On US victory in Iraq.
In the Library: Non-Fiction Books
Berger, John. Permanent Red: Essays in Seeing (London: Methuen, 1960).
__________. Toward Reality: Essays in Seeing (NY: Knopf, 1962).
__________. The Success & Failure of Picasso (Baltimore: Penguin, 1965).
__________. Art & Revolution: Ernst Neizvestny & the Role of the Artist in the USSR (NY: Pantheon, 1969).
__________. The Moment of Cubism, & Other Essays (NY: Pantheon, 1969).
__________. The Look of Things: Essays (NY: Viking, 1974).
__________. About Looking (NY: Pantheon, 1980).
__________& Jean Mohr with Nicholas Philibert. Another Way of Telling (NY: Pantheon, 1982).
__________. And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief as Photos (NY: Pantheon, 1984).
__________. The Sense of Sight: Writings (ed. Lloyd Spencer; NY: Pantheon, 1985).
__________ & Nella Bielski. A Question of Geography (London: Faber & Faber, 1987).
__________ & Nella Bielski. Goya's Last Portrait: The Painter Played Today (London: Faber & Faber, 1989).
__________. Keeping a Rendezvous (NY: Pantheon, 1991).
__________ & Christoph Hänsli. Wet Rocks Seen from Above (Zurich: Memory/Cage, 1996).
__________. I Send You this Cadmium Red: A Correspondence between John Berger & John Christie (Barcelona: ACTAR/MALM, 2000).
__________. The Shape of a Pocket (London: Bloomsbury, 2001).
__________. Selected Essays (ed. Geoff Dyer; NY: Pantheon, 2001).
__________; Michael Hofmann & Christopher Lloyd. Arturo Di Stefano (London: Merrell, 2001).
Dyer, Geoff. Ways of Telling: The Work of John Berger (Dover NH: Pluto, 1986).
Fuller, Peter. Seeing Through Berger [1980] (rev. ed.; Lexington GA: Claridge, 1988).
Papastergiadis, Nikos. Modernity as Exile: The Stranger in John Berger's Writing (Manchester: Manchester U, 1993).
In the Library: Fiction
Berger, John. A Painter of Our Time (London: Secker & Warburg, 1958).
__________. The Foot of Clive [1962] (London: Granta,1992).
__________. Corker's Freedom [1964] (NY: Pantheon, 1992).
__________. G: A Novel [1972] (NY: Vintage, 1991). Historical fiction set in Trieste.
__________. Into their Labours: A Trilogy (NY: Pantheon, 1991). Stories of French village & peasant life: Pig Earth [1979]; Once in Europa [1987]; & Lilac & Flag [1990].
__________. To the Wedding: A Novel (NY: Pantheon, 1995).
__________ & Nella Bielski. Isabelle: A Story in Shots (Chester Springs PA: Arcadia, 1998).
__________. King: A Street Story (NY: Pantheon, 1999). A homeless man & his dog.
In the Library: For Young Readers
In the Library: Poetry
Berger, John. Pages of the Wound: Poems, Drawings, Photographs, 1956-96 (London: Bloomsbury, 1996).
In the Library: Drama
Berger, John & Alain Tanner. Jonah Who Will Be 25 in the Year 2000: Screenplay (Berkeley CA: North Atlantic, 1983).
McBurney, Simon & Mark Wheatley. The Three Lives of Lucie Cabrol: Based on a Story by John Berger (London: Methuen Drama, 1995).
In the Library: Photography
Berger, John & Jean Mohr. A Fortunate Man [1967] (NY: Pantheon, 1981). Portrait of a British country doctor.
__________ & Jean Mohr. A Seventh Man: A Book of Images & Words about the Experience of Migrant Workers in Europe (Baltimore: Penguin, 1975).
Berger, John. Pages of the Wound: Poems, Drawings, Photographs, 1956-96 (London: Bloomsbury, 1996).
__________. Photocopies (NY: Pantheon, 1996).
Franck, Martine. One Day to the Next (NY: Aperture, 1998).
Killip, Christopher. In Flagrante (London: Secker & Warburg, 1988).
Mohr, Jean & John Berger. At the Edge of the World (London: Reaktion, 1999).
Peralta, Moyra. Nearly Invisible (London: Inside Eye, 2001).
CD & Audio
Film & Video
"Jonah Who will be 25 in the Year 2000" [1983], dir. Alain Tanner, ?m. In video stores.
"The Spectre of Hope" [2000], by Minerva Pictures, 52m. From First Run/Icarus.
"Ways of Seeing" [1974], a BBC Production (two videocassettes), 123m. From Films Inc.