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Fast Food

(see also Slow Food, Meat, Devaluation of Work & World Health Crises: Obesity)

On the Web  •  In the Library  •  CD & Audio  •  Film & Video Search


On the Web: Articles

On the Web: Specialized Sites

In the Library: Articles

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Allen, Michael D. The Spearhead of US Fast-Food Franchises into Mexico (?: Florida International U., 1994).

Barndt, Deborah (ed.) Women Working the NAFTA Food Chain: Women, Food & Globalization (Toronto: Sumach, 2004).

Carney, George O. (ed.) Fast Food, Stock Cars & Rock 'n Roll: Place & Space in American Pop Culture (Lanham MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1995).

Collins, Tracy Brown. Fast Food (Detroit: Greenhaven, 2005).

Emerson, Robert L. The New Economics of Fast Food (NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990).

Jakle, John A. & Keith A. Sculle. Fast Food: Roadside Restaurants in the Automobile Age (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1999).

Leidner, Robin. Fast Food, Fast Talk: Service Work & the Routinization of Everyday Life (Berkeley: U. of California, 1993).

Mallet, Gina. Last Chance to Eat: The Fate of Taste in a Fast Food World (NY: Norton, 2004).

McGinn, Chris & Others. NAFTA's Broken Promises: Fast Track to Unsafe Food (Washington: Public Citizen Global Trade Watch, 1997).

Reiter, Ester. Making Fast Food: From the Frying Pan into the Fryer (Montreal: McGill-Queen's U., 1996).

Ritzer, George. Explorations in the Sociology of Consumption: Fast Food, Credit Cards & Casinos (Thousand Oaks CA: Sage, 2001).

Royal, Tony & Brian Towers. Labour Relations in the Global Fast Food Industry (NY: Routledge, 2002).

Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal (NY: Perennial, 2002).

Stepaniak, Joanne. Vegan Deli: Wholesome Ethnic Fat Food (Summertown TN: Book Publishing, 2001).

Sutton, Iris & Shelby Sewell. Wraps Around the World: Fusion Fast Food (NY: Abbeville, 1998).

Talwar, Jennifer Parker. Fast Food, Fast Track: Immigrants, Big Business & the American Dream (Boulder: Westview, 2002).

Tannock, Stuart. Youth at Work: The Unionized Fast-Food & Grocery Workplace (Philadelphia: Temple U., 2001).

Volpe, Tina. The Fast Food Craze: Wreaking Havoc on Our Bodies & Our Animals (Boulder CO: Canyon, 2005).

In the Library: Fiction

In the Library: For Young Readers

Waber, Bernard. Fast Food! Gulp! Gulp! (Boston: Houghton & Mifflin, 2001).

In the Library: Poetry

In the Library: Drama

In the Library: Photography

CD & Audio

Film & Video

"Fast Food Women" [1991], dir. Ann Lewis Johnson, 28m. Minimum-wage workers with children to raise in Eastern Kentucky.

"Supersize Me" [2004], dir. Morgan Spurlock, 96m. Health consequences of a 100% MacDonald's diet.

Monterey Bay Educators Against War
Last modified May 2, 2005 editor@mbeaw.org Help build this page
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