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US & Latin America

(see also US & Central America, US & Caribbean, US & Mexico, AFL-CIO Abroad, Latin America: Drug War, & American Empire)

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On the Web: Articles

On the Web: Specialized Sites

Council on Hemispheric Affairs. Critical perspectives.

Foreign Affairs. Mainstream liberal & conservative perspectives.

Foreign Policy in Focus. Key source for informed critical perspectives.

Inter-American Foundation. Government agency.

Latin American Studies Association. Publishes indispensable Latin American Research Review.

Latin American Working Group. Critical perspectives.

Organization of American States. Inter-governmental agency dominated by US.

In the Library: Articles

Buckman, Robert. "Cultural agenda of Latin American newspapers & magazines: is US domination a myth?" Latin American Research Review 25,2 (1990):134-55.

Cammack, Paul. "'Signs of the times': capitalism, competitiveness, & the new faces of empire in Latin America," in L. Panitch & C. Leys (eds.) Socialist Register 2005: The Empire Reloaded (NY: Monthly Review, 2005).

Church, Frank. "It's time we learned to live with Third World revolutions," Journal of Third World Studies 3,2 (fall 86):119-25. Reflections of a US senator.

Dickson, T.I. "Official perceptions of the nature of the Soviet threat to the US via Latin America," Defense Analysis 4 (3/88):25-38.

Goldstene, Paul N. "American perceptions of a revolutionary world," Journal of Third World Studies 3,2 (fall 86):126-34.

Hendereson, James D. "Latin America in the Movietone News collection," Latin American Research Review 23,3 (1988):128-30.

Isaacs, Harold. "US policy in the Third World," Journal of Third World Studies 2,1 (spr 85).

Krenn, Michael L. "'Lions in the woods': the US confronts economic nationalism in Latin America, 1917-1929," Radical History 33 (9/85):95-116.

Lernoux, Penny. "When republics go bananas," Massachusetts Review 27,3-4 (fall-win 86):4763-84.

Pastor, Robert. "Nurturing democracy in the Americas: seven proposals," Journal of Third World Studies 4,2 (fall 87):108-20.

Pike, Frederick B. "Latin America & the inversion of US stereotypes in the 1920s & 30s," The Americas 42,2 (10/85):131-62.

Smith, Robert Freeman. "The Good Neighbor Policy: the Liberal paradox in US relations with Latin America," in L. Liggio & J.J. Martin (eds.) Watershed of Empire: Essays on New Deal Foreign Policy (?, 1966) .

__________. "Latin America, the US & the European powers, 1830-1930," in L. Bethell (ed.) Cambridge History of Latin America, vol. 4 (London, 1986).

Tulchin, Joseph S. "The US & Latin America in the 1960s," Journal of Inter-American Studies & World Affairs 30 (spr 88):1-36.

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Berger, Mark T. Under Northern Eyes: Latin American Studies & US Hegemony in the Americas, 1898-1990 (Bloomington: Indiana U., 1995).

Black, Jan Knippers. Sentinels of Empire: The US & Latin American Militarism (Westport CT: Greenwood, 1986).

Blasier, Cole. The Hovering Giant: US Responses to Revolutionary Change in Latin America (Pittsburgh: U. of Pittsburgh, 1976).

Child, Jack. Unequal Alliance: The Inter-American Military System, 1938-1978 (Boulder: Westview, 1980).

Coerver, Don M. & Lindsa B. Hall. Tangled Destinies: Latin America & the US (Albuquerque: U. of New Mexico, 1999).

Cueto, Marcos (ed.) Missionaries of Science: The Rockefeller Foundation & Latin America (Bloomington: Indiana U., 1994).

Gilderhus, Mark T. Pan American Visions: Woodrow Wilson in the Western Hemisphere, 1913-1921 (Tucson: U. of Arizona, 1986).

Grieb, Kenneth J. The Latin American Policy of Warren G. Harding (Fort Worth TX, 1979).

Haglund, David G. Latin America & the Transformation of US Strategic Thought, 1936-1940 (Albuquerque: U. of New Mexico, 198?).

Herring, Hubert. Good Neighbors: Argentina, Brazil, Chile & Seventeen Other Countries (New Haven: Yale, 1941).

Holden, Robert H. & Eric Zolov. Latin America & the US: A Documentary History (NY: Oxford, 2000).

Huggins, Martha K. Political Policing: The US & Latin America (Durham NC: Duke U., 1998). Story of the CIA, AID & state terrorism in Brazil & elsewhere.

Irish, Donald P. (ed.) Multinational Corporations in Latin America: Private Rights, Public Responsibilities (Athens OH: Center for International Studies, 1978).

Johnson, John J. Latin America in Caricature (Austin: U. of Texas, 1980). 100 cartoons from US newspapers of 20th c.

Joseph, Gilbert M.; Catherine C. Legrand & Ricardo D. Salvatore (eds.) Close Encounters of Empire: Writing the Cultural History of US-Latin American Relations (Durham NC: Duke, 1998).

Kane, W.E. Civil Strife in Latin America: A Legal History of US Involvement (NY, 1972).

Lowenthal, Abraham F. Partners in Conflict: The US & Latin America in the 1990s (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1990).

McPherson, Alan. Yankee No! Anti-Americanism in U.S.-Latin American Relations (Cambridge MA: Harvard, 2003).

Meade, Teresa & Mark Walker (eds.) Science, Medicine & Cultural Imperialism (NY, 1991).

Middlebrooik, Kevin J. & Carlos Rico (eds.) The US & Latin America in the 1980s: Contending Perspectives on a Decade of Crisis (Pittsburgh: U. of Pittsburgh, 1986).

Newfarmer, Richard (ed.) From Gunboats to Diplomacy: New US Policies for Latin America (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1984).

O'Brien, Thomas F. The Revolutionary Mission: American Business in Latin America, 1900-1945 (Cambridge, 1996).

__________. The Century of US Capitalism in Latin America (Albuquerque: U. of New Mexico, 1999).

Painter, David A. Oil & the American Century: The Political Economy of US Foreign Oil Policy, 1941-1954 (Baltimore, 1986).

Park, James William. Latin American Underdevelopment: A History of Perspectives in the US, 1870-1965 (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State U., 1995).

Pike, Frederick B. FDR's Good Neighbor Policy: Sixty Years of Generally Gentle Chaos (Austin:U. of Texas, 1995).

Poitras, Guy. The Ordeal of Hegemony: The US & Latin America (Boulder, 1989).

Powell, Philip W. Tree of Hate: Propaganda & Prejudices Affecting US Relations with the Hispanic World (NY, 1971).

Rabe, Stephen G. Eisenhower & Latin America: The Foreign Policy of Anticommunism (Chapel Hill: U. of North Carolina, 1988).

Rama, Carlos M. La imagen de los Estados Unidos en la América Latina (México, 1981).

Ronning, C. Beale & Albert P. Vannucci (eds.) Ambassadors in Foreign Policy: The Influence of Individuals on US-Latin American Policy (NY, 1987).

Rosengarten, Frederic Jr. Wilson Popenoe: Agricultural Explorer, Educator & Friend of Latin America (Honolulu: U. of Hawai'i, 1994).

Schoultz, Lars. National Security & US Policy Toward Latin America (Princeton: Princeton U., 1987).

__________. Beneath the US: A History of US Policy toward Latin America (Cambridge MA, 1998).

Sims, Beth. Workers of the World Undermined: American Labor & the Pursuit of Foreign Policy (Boston, 1991).

Smith, Joseph. The US & Latin America: A History of American Diplomacy, 1776-2000 (NY: Routledge, 2005).

Smith, Peter H. Talons of the Eagle: Dynamics of US-Latin American Relations (2nd ed.; NY: Oxford, 1999).

US Dept. of State. US Policy toward Latin America: Recognition & Non-Recognition of Governments & Interruptions in Diplomatic Relations, 1933-1974 (Washington, 1975).

Wesson, Robert & Heraldo Muñoz. Latin American Views of US Policy (NY, 1986).

Wiarda, Howard J. (ed.) The Iberian-Latin American Connection: Implications for US Foreign Policy (Boulder, 1986).

Williams, William Carlos. In the American Grain (NY, 1933).

Wood, Bryce. The Dismantling of the Good Neighbor Policy (Austin: U. of Texas, 1985).

In the Library: Fiction

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CD & Audio

Film & Video

"Death Squadrons: The French School" [2003], dir. Marie-Monique Robin, 60m. From First Run/Icarus. Impact on Latin America of counter-insurgency lessons from Algeria & Indochina.

Monterey Bay Educators Against War
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