Bernie Sanders (Ind. VT)
On the Web: Articles
Restore Our Freedom to Read. Bernie Sanders, San Jose Mercury (5/12/03).
On the Web: Specialized Sites
In the Library: Articles
Bates, Beth. "Burlington, Vermont: Socialism on the local level?" Monthly Review 37,1 (5/85):22-37.
Bookchin, Murray. "Socialism in one city?" Socialist Review 90 (1986). On Burlington VT & Bernie Sanders.
Kopkind, Andrew. "Bernie Sanders does DC [interview]," Nation (6/3/91):728-32.
Sanders, Bernie. "Reflections from Vermont," Monthly Review 41,7 (12/89):13-23.
__________. "Restore our freedom to read," San Jose Mercury
Nichols, John. "Go knock on some doors: Bernie Sanders sounds off," Progressive (5/96):22-25.
In the Library: Non-Fiction Books
Sanders, Bernie with Huck Gutman. Outsider in the House. A Political Autobiography (NY, 1997).