Social Gospel
(see also Progessivism)
On the Web: Articles
On the Web: Specialized Sites
In the Library: Articles
In the Library: Non-Fiction Books
Antonides, Harry. Stones for Bread: The Social Gospel & Its Contemporary Legacy (Jordan Station ONT: Paideia, 1985).
Bourgeois, Michael. All Things Human: Henry Codman Potter & the Social Gospel in the Episcopal Church (Urbana: U. of Illinois, 2003).
Curtis, Susan. A Consuming Faith: The Social Gospel & Modern American Culture (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins U., 1991).
Dom, Jacob Henry. Washington Gladden: Prophet of the Social Gospel (Columbus: Ohio State U., 1967).
Edwards, Wendy J. Deichman & Carolyn De Swarte Gifford (eds.) Gender & the Social Gospel (Urbana: U. of Illinois, 2003).
Ferré, John P. A Social Gospel for Millions: The Religious Best Sellers of Charles Sheldon, Charles Gordon & Harold Bell Wright (Bowling Green OH: Bowling Green State U., 1988).
Fishburn, Janet Forsythe. The Fatherhood of God & the Victorian Family: The Social Gospel in America (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1981).
Gilbert, Richard S. The Prophetic Imperative: Unitarian Universalist Foundations for a New Social Gospel (Boston: Unitarian Universalist Assoc., 1980).
Gorrell, Donald K. The Age of Social Responsibility: The Social Gospel in the Progressive Era, 1900-1920 (Macon GA: Mercer U., 1988).
Graham, William C. Half Finished Heaven: The Social Gospel in American Literature (Lanham MD: U. Press of America, 1995).
Handy, Robert T. (ed.) The Social Gospel in America, 1870-1920 (NY: Oxford, 1966).
Hopkins, Charles Howard. The Rise of the Social Gospel in American Protestantism, 1865-1915 (New Haven: Yae, 1940).
Hsung, Chun. Baptized in the Fire of Revolution: The Social Gospel & the YMCA in China, 1919-1937 (Bethlehem PA: Lehigh U., 1996).
Luker, Ralph. The Social Gospel in Black & White: American Racial Reform, 1885-1912 (Chapel Hill: U. of North Carolina, 1991).
Morris, Calvin S. Reverdy C. Ransom: Black Advocate of the Social Gospel (Lanham MD: U. Press of America, 1990).
Page, Kirby. Kirby Page & the Social Gospel: An Anthology (ed. Charles Chatfield & Charles DeBenedetti; NY: Garland, 1976).
Rauschenbusch, Walter. A Theology for the Social Gospel [1917] (Louisville KY: Westminster John Knox, 1997).
__________. A Rauschenbusch Reader: The Kingdom of God & the Social Gospel (ed. Benson Y. Landis: NY: Harper, 1957).
White, Ronald C. & C. Howard Hopkins. The Social Gospel : Religion & Reform in Changing America (Philadelphia: Temple, 1976).