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Islamist Politics

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On the Web: Articles

Right Islam vs. Wrong Islam. Abdurrahman Rahid (Gus Dur), Wall St. Journal (12/30/05).

On the Web: Specialized Sites

In the Library: Articles

Mamdani, Mahmood. "Whither political Islam?" Foreign Affairs (1-2/05).

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Ahmed, Akbar. Islam under Siege: Living Dangerously in a Post-Honor World (NY: Polity, 2003).

Al-‘Ashmawy, Muhammad Sa’id. Against Islamic Extremism (Gainesville, 2001).

Alatas, Hussein. The Democracy of Islam (The Hague, 1956).

Al-Husry, Kaldun S. Three Reformers: A Study in Modern Arab Political Thought (Beirut, 1966).

Ali, Tariq. The Clash of Fundamentalisms (London: Verso, 2001).

Appleby, R. Scott (ed.) Spokesmen for the Despised: Fundamentalist Leaders of the Middle East (Chicago, 1997).

__________. The Ambivalence of the Sacred: Religion, Violence, & Reconciliation (Lanham MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000).

Beinin, Joel and Joe Stork (eds.) Political Islam: Essays from Middle East Report (Berkeley: U. California, 1997).

Black, Antony. The History of Islamic Political Thought. From the Prophet to the Present (NY: Routledge, 2001).

Brown, Carl. Religion & State. The Muslim Approach to Politics (NY, 2000).

Buck-Morss, Susan. Thinking Past Terror: Islamism & Critical Theory on the Left (NY: Verso, 2003).

Burgat, François & William Dowell. The Islamic Movement in North Africa (Austin, 1993).

Cleveland, William L. Islam Against the West: Shakib Arslan & the Campaign for Islamic Nationalism (Austin, 1985).

Cormack, Margaret. Sacrificing the Self (Oxford, 2002).

Eickelman, Dale & James Piscatori, Muslim Politics (Princeton).

Elhadj, Elie. The Islamic Shield: Arab Resistance to Democratic & Religious Reforms (Boca Raton FL: Brownwalker, 2006).

Esposito, John. Voices of Resurgent Islam (NY, 1983).

__________. Islam & Politics (Syracuse, 1984).

__________. The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality? (NY, 1992).

__________. Islam & Democracy (NY, 1996).

__________ (ed.) Political Islam: Revolution, Radicalism or Reform? (Boulder, 1997).

__________ & Michael Watson (eds.) Religion & Global Order (Cardiff, 2000).

__________ & Azzam Tamini (eds.) Islam & Secularism in the Middle East (NY, 2000).

__________. Islam & Civil Society (San Domenico de Fiesole, 2000).

__________. Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam (NY: Oxford, 2003).

Firestone, Reuven. Jihad: The Origin of Holy War in Islam (Oxford, 1999).

Fuller, Graham. The Future of Political Islam (NY: Palgrave, 2003).

Gerges, Fawaz A. America & Political Islam. Clash of Cultures or Clash of Interests (Cambridge, 2001).

Hiro, Dilip. Holy Wars: The Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism (NY: Routledge, 1989).

Huband, Mark. Warriors of the Prophet. The Struggle for Islam (Boulder: Westview, 1999).

Jansen, G.H. Militant Islam (NY, 1979).

Juergensmeyer, Mark. The New Cold War? Religious Nationalism Confronts the Secular State (Berkeley: U. California, 1993).

__________. Terror in the Mind of God. The Global Rise of Religious Violence (Berkeley, 2000).

Karim, Karim H. The Islamic Peril: Media & Global Violence (NY: Black Rose, 2003).

Keddie, Nikki R. An Islamic Response to Imperialism. Political & Religious Writings of Ayyid Jamal ad-Din "al-Afghani" (Berkeley, 1968).

Kepel, Gilles. Muslim Extremism in Egypt. The Prophet & the Pharaoh (Berkeley: U. California, 1985). Good for an introduction to the life & thought of the Islamist theorist Sayyid Qutb.

__________. Allah in the West: Islamic Movements in America & Europe (Stanford, 1997).

__________. Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam (Cambridge MA: Harvard, 2003).

Kerr, Malcolm H. Islamic Reform. The Political & Legal Theories of Muhammed Abduh & Rashid Ridá (Berkeley, 1966).

Mernissi, Fatima. Islam & Democracy: Fear of the Modern World (Boulder: Perseus, 2002).

Munson, Henry Jr. Islam & Revolution in the Middle East (New Haven, 1988).

Parfrey, Adam (ed.) Extreme Islam: Anti-American Propaganda of Muslim Fundamentalism (LA: Feral House, 2001).

Pinto, Maria do Ceu. Political Islam & the United States: A Study of US Policy Towards Islamist Movements in the Middle East (Reading UK: Ithaca, 1999).

Rodinson, Maxime. Marxism & the Muslim World (NY: Monthly Review, 1981).

Roy, Olivier. The Failure of Political Islam (Cambridge MA: Harvard, 1994).

Shadid, Anthony. Legacy of the Prophet: Despots, Democrats & the New Politics of Islam (Boulder: Westview, 2002).

Shahin, Emad Eldin. Political Ascent: Contemporary Islamic Movements in North Africa (Boulder: Westview, 1998).

Shore, Zahary. Breeding Bin Ladens: America, Islam, & the Future of Europe (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 2006).

Tibi, Bassam. The Challenge of Fundamentalism. Political Islam & the New World Disorder (Berkeley: U. California, 1998).

Wright, Robin. Sacred Rage: The Wrath of Militant Islam [1985] (rev. ed.; NY: Simon & Schuster, 2001).

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