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Pentecostal History, Life & Values

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On the Web: Articles

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Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research.

Society for Pentecostal Studies.

In the Library: Articles

Barrett, D.B. "The 20th c. Pentecostal/Charismatic Renewal in the Holy Spirit with its goal of world evangelization," International Bulletin of Missionary Research 12 (6/88):119-24.

Blumhofer, Edith L. "Restoration as revival: Early American Pentecostalism," in Blumhofer & Balmar (eds.) Modern Christian Revivals (Chicago, 1993), pp. 145-60.

Bundy, David. "Keswick & the experience of evangelical piety," in Blumhofer & Balmar (eds.) Modern Christian Revivals (Chicago, 1993), pp. 119-43. Origins of Pentecostalism.

Cerillo, Augustus. "The origins of American Pentecostalism," Pneuma 15 (1993):77-88.

Creech, Joe. "Visions of Glory: the Azusa Street Revival in Pentecostal history," Church History 65 (1996):405-24.

Deck, Allan Figueroa SJ. "The challenge of Evangelical/Pentecostal Christianity to Hispanic Catholicism," in D. Hackett (ed.) Religion & American Culture (NY, 1995).

Dehavneon, Anna Lou. "'First you feed them, then you clothe them, then you save them': the hungry & homeless & the Sunday feast at a Pentecostal storefront church in East Harlem," in Gutierrez & Fabre (eds.) Feasts & Celebrations in North American Ethnic Communities (Albuquerque, 1995).

Dempster, Murray W. "Reassessing the moral rhetoric of early American Pentecostal pacifism," Crux 26 (1990):23-36.

Lawless, E.J. "'The night I got the Holy Ghost...': Holy Ghost narratives & the pentecostal conversion process," Western Folklore 47 (1/88):1-19.

McClune, L.Grant. "Explosion, motivation & consolidation: the historical anatomy of the Pentecostal missionary movement," Missiology 14,2 (4/86):159-72.

__________. "Theology & strategy of Pentecostal missions," International Bulletin of Missionary Research 12 (1/88):2-6.

Morey, Ann-Janine & Cedric N. Chatterley. "Gestures 1 & 2," Cross Currents 37,4 (win 87):427-41. Women & Pentecostalism.

Santamaria, Daniel J. "Pentecostalismo e identidad étnica," Cristianismo y Sociedad 105 (1990):7-13.

Saracco, Norbert. "Charismatic renewal & social change: a historical analysis from a Third World perspective," An International Dialogue in Evangelical Social Ethics 5,4 (1988):14-18.

Sepúlveda, Juan. "Pentecostal theology in the context of the struggle for life," in D. Kilpatrick (ed.) Faith Born in the Struggle for Life (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1988), pp. 298-318.

__________. "The Pentecostal movement in Latin America," in G. Cook (ed.) New Face of the Church in Latin America (Maryknoll NY: Orbis, 1994), pp. 68-74.

Wacker, Grant. "The Pentecostal tradition," in Numbers & Amundsen (eds.) Caring & Curing (London, 1986), pp. 514-38.

__________. "Searching for Eden with a satellite dish: primitivism, pragmatism & the Pentecostal character," in D. Hackett (ed.) Religion & American Culture (NY, 1995).

Weiss, Lowell. "Speaking in tongues," Atlantic Monthly (6/95).

Willems, Emilio. "Validation of authority in Pentecostal sects of Chile & Brazil," Journal of the Scientific Study of Religion 6,2 (fall 67):253-58.

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Anderson, Allan H. & Walter J. Hollenweger (eds.) Pentecostals after a Century: Global Perspectives on a Movement in Transition (Sheffield, 1999).

Anderson, Robert Mapes. Vision of the Disinherited: The Making of American Pentecostalism (NY: Oxford, 1979).

Bloch-Hoell, Nils. The Pentecostal Movement (Oslo, 1964).

Blumhofer, Edith L. Restoring the Faith: The Assemblies of God, Pentecostalism & American Culture (Urbana: U. Illinois, 1993).

__________; Rissell P. Spittler & Grant A. Wacker (eds.) Pentecostal Currents in American Protestantism (Urbana: U. Illinois, 1999).

Boudewijnse, Barbara; André Droogers y Frans Kamsteeg (eds.) Algo más que opio: una lectura antropológica del pentecostalismo latinoamericano y caribeño (San José, 1991).

Bradfield, Cecil David. Neo-Pentecostalism: A Sociological Assessment (Lanham MD: University Press of America, 1979).

Bruner, Frederick Dale. A Theology of the Holy Spirit: The Pentecostal Experience & New Testament Witness (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 19??).

Cleary, Edward L. & Hannah Stewart-Gambino (eds.) Power, Politics & Pentecostals in Latin America (Boulder: Westview, 1997).

Corten, André & Ruth Marshall-Fratani (eds.) Between Babel & Pentecost: Transnational Pentecostalism in Africa & Latin America (Bloomington: Indiana U., 2001).

Cox, Harvey. Fire from Heaven: The Rise of Pentecostal Spirituality & the Reshaping of Religion in the 21st C (Reading MA, 1995).

Crews, Mickey. The Church of God: A Social History (Knoxville: U. of Tennessee, 1990).

Damboriena, Prudencio. Tongues as of Fire: Pentecostalism in Contemporary Christianity (Washington, 1969).

Dempeter, Murray W.; Byron D. Klaus & Douglas Petersen (eds.) Globalization of Pentecostalism: A Religion Made to Travel (Irvine CA, 1999).

d'Epinay, Christian Lalive. Haven of the Masses (London, 1969). Pentecostalism in Chile.

Gelpi, Donald L. SJ. Pentecostalism: A Theological Viewpoint (NY: Paulist, 1971).

Glazier, Stephen D. Perspectives on Pentecostalism: Case Studies from the Caribbean & Latin America (Washington, 1980).

Goff, James R, Jr. Fields White Unto Harvest: Charles F. Parham & the Missionary Origins of Pentecostalism (Fayetteville: U. Arkansas, 1980).

Higgins, Walter. Pioneering the Pentecost: My Experiences of Forty-Six Years in the Ministry (Bostonia CA, 1958).

Hollenweger, Walter (ed.) New Heaven? New Earth? An Encounter with Pentecostalism (Springfield IL, 1976).

Jongeneel, Jan A.B. (ed.) Pentecost, Mission & Ecumenism (NY: Peter Lang, 1993).

MacRobert, Iain. The Black Roots & White Racism of Early Pentecostalism in the USA (NY: St. Martin's, 1988).

Martin, David. Forbidden Revolutions: Pentecostalism in Latin America & Catholicism in Eastern Europe (London: SPCK, 1996).

Petersen, Douglas. Nor by Might Nor by Power: A Pentecostal Theology of Social Concern in Latin America (NY: Oxford, 1998).

Pomerville, Paul. The Third Force in Missions: A Pentecostal Contribution to Contemporary Mission Theology (Peabody MA, 1985).

Roebling, Karl. Pentecostalists Around the World (Hicksville NY, 1978).

Smith, Brian H. Religious Politics in Latin America: Pentecostal vs. Catholic (Notre Dame IN: Notre Dame, 1998).

Synan, Vinson. The Holiness-Pentecostal Movement in the US (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1971).

__________. The Holiness-Pentecostal Tradition: Charismatic Movements in the 20th C. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997).

Villafañe, Eldin. The Liberating Spirit: Toward an Hispanic American Pentecostal Social Ethic (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1993).

Villamán P., Marcos. El auge pentecostal: certeza, identidad, salvación (México, 1993).

Wacker, Grant. Heaven Below: Early Pentecostals & American Culture (Cambridge MA: Harvard, 2001).

Westmeier, Karl-Wilhelm. Protestant Pentecostalism in Latin America: A Study in the Dynamics of Missions (Madison-Teaneck NJ: Farleigh Dickinson U., 1999).

Willems, Emilio. Followers of the New Faith: Culture Change & the Rise of Protestantism in Brazil & Chile (Nashville, 1967).

Wilson, Everett A. Strategy of the Spirit: J. Philip Hogan & the Growth of the Assemblies of God Worldwide, 1960-1990 (Carlisle, 1998).

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