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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Asexual & Transgendered (LGBAT) History, Life & Values

(see also Gay & Lesbian Movements, Latin America: LGBT History & Movements, & World Health Crises: HIV/AIDS)

On the Web  •  In the Library  •  CD & Audio  •  Film & Video Search


On the Web: Articles

Mattachine: Radical Roots of Gay Liberation. Will Roscoe, Shaping San Francisco.

On the Web: Specialized Sites

Asexual Visibility & Education Network.

Audre Lorde Project.

Body Politic.

Gay America.

Gay Community News (Ireland).

Lambda Literary Foundation.

Oasis Magazine. Writing community for queer & questioning youth.

Persimmon's Radical Faerie Homepage.



Rainbow History Project.


In the Library: Articles

Gamson, Joshua. "The officer & the diva," Nation (6/28/99). Israeli gays still closeted, but enjoy civil rights.

Merrett, Jim. “Sister & brother, wife & lover,” Nation (11/21/94):611

Scheier, Rachel. "Anglicans find it's Africa vs. West on homosexuality," Christian Science Monitor (10/6/03):1,10..

Vidal, Gore. "Andy Kopkind, 1935-94," Nation (6/12/95).

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Aizely, Harlyn. Buying Dad (Los Angeles, CA: Alyson Books, 2003).

Albuquerque, Severino J. Tentative Transgressions: Homosexuality, AIDS & the Theater in Brazil (Madison: U. Wisconsin, 2003).

Bechdel, Alison. Dykes and Sundry Other Carbon-Based Life Forms to Watch Out For (Boston:Alyson, 2003)

Berry, Chris; Fran Martin & Audrey Yue (eds.) Mobile Cultures: New Media in Queer Asia (Durham NC: Duke, 2003).

Berube, Allan. Coming Out Under Fire: The History of Gay Men & Women in World War II (NY: Plume, 1991).

Browning, Frank. The Culture of Desire: Paradox & Perversity in Gay Lives Today (NY: Crown, 1993).

__________. A Queer Geography: Journeys Toward a Sexual Self (NY: Crown, 1996).

Burg. B.R. Gay Warriors: A Documentary History from the Ancient World to the Present (NY: NYU, 2002).

Cameron, Edwin & Mark Gevisser (eds.) Defiant Desire: Gay & Lesbian Lives in South Africa (NY: Routledge, 1995).

Chauncey, George. Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, & the Making of the Gay Male World, 1890-1940 (NY: Basic Books, 1994).

Chávez-Silverman, Susana & Librada Hernández (eds.) Reading & Writing the Ambiente: Queer Sexualities in Latino, Latin American & Spanish Culture (Madison: U. Wisconsin, 2000).

Clausen, Jan. Beyond Gay or Straight: Understanding Sexual Orientation (Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 1997).

Comstock, Gary David. Violence Against Lesbians & Gay Men (NY: Columbia, 1991).

Corber, Robert J. Homosexuality in Cold War America: Resistance & the Crisis of Masculinity (Durham NC: Duke U, 1997).

Cvetkovich, Ann. An Archive of Feelings: Trauma, Sexuality, & Lesbian Public Cultures (Durham NC: Duke, 2003).

D'Emilio, John. Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities: The Making of a Homosexual Minority in the United States, 1940-1970 [1983] (2nd ed.; Chicago: U. of Chicago, 1998).

__________ & Estelle B. Freedman. Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America [1988] (2nd ed.; Chicago: U. Chicago, 1997).

__________. The World Turned: Essays on Gay History, Politics & Culture (Durham NC: Duke, 2002).

Duberman, Martin. Left Out: The Politics of Exclusion. Essays, 1964-2002 (Boston: South End, 2002).

Edsall, Nicholas C. Toward Stonewall: Homosexuality & Society in the Modern Western World (Charlottesville: U. of Virginia, 2003).

Faderman, Lillian. Surpassing the Love of Men: Romantic Friendship & Love Between Women from the Renaissance to the Present (NY: Morrow, 1981).

__________. Odd Girls & Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in 20th C. America (NY: Columbia, 1991).

__________. To Believe in Women: What Lesbians Have Done for America, a History (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999).

__________. Naked in the Promised Land (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2003).

Fishlow, Albert. Beyond Carnival: Male Homosexuality in 20th-C. Brazil (Chicago: U. of Chicago, 1999).

Halberstam, Judith. Female Masculinity (Durham NC: Duke, 1998).

Harris, Daniel. The Rise & Fall of Gay Culture (NY: Hyperion, 1997).

__________. A Memoir of No One in Particular: In Which Our Author Engages in Naïve Indiscretions, a Self-Aggrandizing Solipsism, & an Off-Putting Infatuation with his Own Bodily Functions (NY: Basic Books, 2002).

Hocquenghem, Guy. Homosexual Desire (Durham NC: Duke, 1993).

Hollibaugh, Amber L. My Dangerous Desires: A Queer Girl Dreaming Her Way Home (Durham NC: Duke, 2000).

Jones, Cleve with Jeff Dawson. Stitching a Revolution: The Making of an Activist (SF: Harper, 2000). Politics of the AIDS Memorial Quilt Project.

Kamen, Paula. Her Way: Young Women Remake the Sexual Revolution (NY: Broadway, 2002).

Katz, Jonathan Ned. Love Stories: Sex Between Men before Homosexuality (Chicago: U. of Chicago, 2003).

Kent, Kathryn R. Making Girls into Women: American Women's Writing & the Rise of Lesbian Identity (Durham NC: Duke, 2003).

Lemke, Jürgen. Gay Voices from East Germany (ed. John Borneman; Bloomington: Indiana U., 1991).

Levine, Martin P. Gay Macho: The Life & Death of the Homosexual Clone (ed. Michael S. Kimmel; NY: NYU, 1998).

Manrique, Jaime. Eminent Maricones: Arenas, Lorca, Puig & Me (Madison: U. Wisconsin, 1999).

Marmor, Judd. Sexual Inversion: The Multiple Roots of Homosexuality (NY: Basic Books, 1965). Advances arguments that persuaded American Psychiatric Association, after a century of often cruel "treatment," to remove homosexuality from its official list of clinical disorders in 1974.

__________ (ed.) Homosexual Behavior: A Modern Reappraisal (NY: Basic Books, 1980).

Marshall, Bill & Guy Hocquenghem. Beyond Gay Identity (Durham NC: Duke, 1997).

Mohr, Richard D. Gays/Justice: A Study of Ethics, Society & Law (NY: Columbia, 1991).

Molloy, Sylvia & Robert Irwin (eds.) Hispanisms & Homosexuality (Durham NC: Duke, 1998).

Nardi, Peter; David Sanders & Judd Marmor (eds.) Growing Up Before Stonewall: Life Stories of Some Gay Men (NY: Routledge, 1994).

Nestle, Joan & Joan Nestle (eds.) Sister & Brother: Lesbian & Gay Men Write About Their Lives Together (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1994)

Newton, Esther. Margaret Mead Made Me Gay: Personal Essays, Public Ideas (Durham NC: Duke, 2000).

Paller, Michael. Gentlemen Callers: Tennessee Williams, Homosexuality, & Mid-20th C. Drama (NY: Palgrave, 2005).

Parker, Richard G. Beneath the Equator: Cultures of Desire, Male Homosexuality & Emerging Gay Communities in Brazil (NY: Columbia, 1998).

Rechy, John. About My Life & the Kept Woman: A Memoir (NY: Grove, 2008).

Roscoe, Will. Queer Spirits: A Gay Men's Myth Book (Boston: Beacon, 1995).

Sears, James T. Rebels, Rubyfruit, & Rhinestones: Queering Space in the Stonewall South (New Brunswick NJ: Rutgers, 2001). Southern gay life in the 70s.

Segrest, Mab. My Mama's Dead Squirrel: Lesbian Essays on Southern Culture (Ithaca: Firebrand, 1985).

__________. Born to Belonging: Writings on Spirit & Justice (New Brunswick NJ: Rutgers, 2002).

Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. Epistemology of the Closet (Berkeley: U. California, 1990).

Spurlin, William J (ed.) Lesbian & Gay Studies & the Teaching of English: Positions, Pedagogies & Cultural Politics (Urbana IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 2000).

Stryker, Susan & Jim Van Buskirk. Gay By the Bay: A History of Queer Culture in the San Francisco Bay Area (SF: Chronicle, 1996).

__________. Queer Pulp: Perverse Passions in the Golden Age of Paperbacks (SF: Chronicle, 2001).

Weston, Kath. Families We Choose: Lesbians, Gays, Kinship (NY: Columbia, 1991).

White, Mel. Stranger at the Gate: To Be Gay & Christian in America (NY: Simon & Schuster, 1994).

Young, Perry Deane. Lesbians & Gays & Sports (NY: Chelsea House, 1995).

Young, Alan. Gays Under the Cuban Revolution (San Francisco : Grey Fox, 1981)

Zwerman, Gilda. Martina Navratilova (NY: Chelsea House, 1995).

In the Library: Fiction

Mishima, Yukio. Confessions of a Mask (NY: New Directions, 1958).

Picano, Felice. Like People in History (NY: Penguin, 1995). Wide-ranging novel about US gay history in last half of 20th C.

Wilson, Barbara. Ambitious Women (Seattle: Seal, 1982).

__________. Murder in the Collective (Seattle: Seal, 1984).

__________. Sisters of the Road (Seattle: Seal, 1986).

In the Library: For Young Readers

Krakow, Kari. The Harvey Milk Story (Ridley Park PA: Two Lives, 2001).

In the Library: Poetry

In the Library: Drama

In the Library: Photography

Barton, Crawford. Days of Hope: 70's Gay San Francisco. Photos (London: Aubrey Walter, 1994).

CD & Audio

Film & Video

"After Stonewall" [1999], dir. John Scagliotti, 88m. From PBS. Survey of US gay & lesbian history since 1969.

"All God's Children" [1996], by Dee Mosbacher, Frances Reid & Sylvia Rhue, 26m. From Woman Vision. Role of church in struggle for equality for all people, including gays & lesbians.

"Angels in America" [2003], dir. Mike Nichols, 352m. In video stores. AIDS, politics & domestic drama in 1985 NY.

"Bedrooms & Hallways" [1999], dir. Rose Troche, 96m. From First Run Features. Roommates seek romance in new-age London.

"Before Stonewall" [1984], dir. Greta Schiller, 87m. From First Run Features. Excellent, sympathetic introduction to US gay & lesbian history & political struggles before 1969.

"Bobbie's Girl" [2001], dir. Jeremy Paul Kagan, 95m. In video stores. Sympathetic portrayal of lesbian relationship in Ireland.

"Boyfriends" [1996], dir. Neil Hunger & Tom Hunsinger, 82m. From First Run Features.

"Boys Don't Cry" [1999], dir. Kimberley Peirce, 114m. In video stores. Searing account of a transgendered life ending in homicide.

"Butterfly Kiss" [1995], dir. Michael Winterbottom, 90m. From First Run Features.

"Coming Out" [1989], dir. Heiner Carow, 108m. From First Run Features.

"Flag Wars" [2003], dir. Linda Goode Bryant, 90m. From Zula Pearl Films. Communal strife between gay gentrifiers & their African-American neighbors in Columbus, OH.

"The Fluffer" [2001], dir. Wash West & Richard Glatzer, 94m. From First Run Features. Aspiring young cinematographer meets porn star in LA.

"A Girl Like Me: The Gwen Araujo Story" [2006], dir. Agnieszka Holland, ?m. TV documentary about murdered transgendered San Jose teenager.

"History Lessons" [2000], dir. Barbara Hammer, 70m. From First Run Features. Playful romp through 20th-c. lesbian history in US.

"Hooking Up" [1995], dir. Roland Tec, 13m. Cruising in search of Mr. Right.

"The Iron Ladies" [2000], dir. Youngyooth Thongkonthon, 104m. From Strand Releasing. Heart-warming story of 1996 gay & transgendered Thai volleyball team that won national championship in face of institutionalized homophobia.

"Like It Is" [1998], dir. Paul Oremland, 95m. From First Run Features. London gay club life brings improbable couple together.

"Midnight Dancers" [1994], dir. Mel Chionglo, 118m. From First Run Features. Manila gay club life.

"Normal" [2003], dir. Jane Anderson, 110m. In video stores. Powerful story of a family challenged by the father's desire for a sex-change operation, & kept whole by love.

"Out in Suburbia" [1989], dir. Pam Walton, 28m.

"Paragraph 175" [2000], dir. Rob Epstein & Jeffrie Friedman, 81m. Reconstructs gay life in Germany before & during Holocaust through interviews with concentration camp survivors.

"Parting Glances" [1985], dir. Bill Sherwood, 90m. From First Run Features.

"Peach & A Bitter Song, with Lavender Limelight: Lesbians in Film" [?], dir. ?, 95m. From First Run Features.

"Philadelphia" [1993], dir. Jonathan Demme, 125m. In video stores. Man with AIDS is fired by a conservative law firm, hires homophobic lawyer to press case for wrongful dismissal.

"The Question of Equality: Out Rage '69" [1995], dir. Arthur Dong, 55m. From Deep Focus. Documentary on struggle for gay civil rights in '60s & '70s.

"A Soldier's Girl" [2003], dir. Frank Pierson, 112m. In video stores. Documents love story of Barry Winchell, US soldier murdered in homophobic hate crime in 1999, & transgendered Calpernia Addams/Scottie.

"Southern Comfort" [2001], dir. Kate Davis, 90m. In video stores. Unforgettable portrait of transgendered Robert Eads, full of life & optimism, who died of ovarian cancer due to prejudices of US health care delivery system.

"Strangers in Good Company" [1990], dir. Cynthia Scott, 101m. In video stores. Busload of very diverse women are stranded for a few days in the countryside, & embark on a time of discovery.

"To Die For" [1994], dir. Peter Mackenzie Litten, 96m. From First Run Features. Lover's ghost haunts hunk's adventures in London's gay cruising scene.

"Torch Song Trilogy" [1988], dir. Paul Bogart, 120m. In video stores. Sympathetic, poignant portrait of the life & dreams of a drag queen.

"Trembling Before G-d" [2001], dir. Sandi Simcha Dubowski, 80m. In video stores. Moving exploration of anguished identity crises among gay & lesbian Orthodox Jews in Israel & the US.

"The Watermelon Woman" [1997], dir. Cheryl Dunye, 85m. From First Run Features.

"When Night is Falling (Quand tomb la nuite)" [1995], dir. Patricia Rozema, 94m. Protestant schoolteacher in Quebec, engaged to be married, finds love with another woman.

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