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Independent Zimbabwe since 1980

(see also Zimbabwe)

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On the Web: Articles

Brinkley, John. Zimbabwe & the Politics of Torture (US Institute of Peace Special Report 92; August 2002).

On the Web: Specialized Sites

All Africa News Service: Zimbabwe.

The Harare Daily News. Tireless opposition newspaper edited by Geoff Nyarota.

WWW Virtual Library.

ZNet Africa Watch.

In the Library: Articles

Bobo, Nathaniel. "The Zimbabwe lesson," Monthly Review 35,4 (9/83):25-42, with response by Robert Ware in MR 36,2 (6/84):46-48.

Bond, Patrick. "Political reawakening in Zimbabwe" Monthly Review 50,11 (3/99):1-17.

Booker, Salih. "The ruins of Great Zimbabwe," Crisis (5-6/02):19-21. On Mugabe's rigged reelection.

Fishman, Ted C. "Making a killing: the myth of capital's good intentions," Harper's (8/02):33-41.

Gevisser, Mark. "As Zimbabwe goes..." Nation (4/8/02):4-5.

Gourevitch, Philip. "Letter from Zimbabwe: wasteland," New Yorker (6/3/02):59-68.

Logan, B.I. & W.G. Moseley. "The political ecology of poverty alleviation in Zimbabwe’s Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources (CAMPFIRE)," Geoforum 33,1(2002): 1-14.

MacLean, Sandra J. "Mugabe at war: the political economy of conflict in Zimbabwe," Third World Quarterly 23,3 (2002).

Mamdani, Mahmood. "Zimbabwe: land & votes," Nation (7/10/00):5-6.

Mazarire, Gerald & Martin R. Rupiya. "Two wrongs do not make a right: a critical assessment of Zimbabwe's demobilization & reintegration programmes, 1980-2000," Journal of Peace, Conflict & Military Studies (Harare) 1,1 (3/00).

Power, Samantha. “How to kill a country: turning a breadbasket into a basket case in ten easy steps-the Robert Mugabe way,” Atlantic Monthly (12/03):86-100.

Seidman, Gay. "Government policies toward women in post-Independence Zimbabwe," Feminist Studies 10 (1984).

Wijesinha, Sanjiva & Ronald Watts. "Smoke screen of success," New Internationalist (11/92):29. On importance of tobacco exports (to meet growing market demand, especially among women in Europe) in paying for food imports!

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Abraham, Keshia Nicole; Patricia McFadden & others. Reflections on Gender Issues in Africa (Harare: SAPES, 1999).

Astrow, Andre. Zimbabwe: A Revolution that Lost Its Way? (London, 1983).

Barber, James. Zimbabwe's Regional Role: Prospects for a Land-Locked Power (London, 1991).

Baynham, Simon (ed.) Zimbabwe in Transition (Stockholm, 1992).

Berkeley, Bill. Zimbabwe: Wages of War: A Report on Human Rights (NY: Lawyers' Committee for Human Rights, 1986).

Blair, David. Degrees in Violence: Robert Mugabe & the Struggle for Power in Zimbabwe (NY: Continuum, 2002).

Bloch, Eric & John Robertson. Zimbabwe: Facing the Facts: An Economic Dialogue (Harare, 1996).

Bond, Patrick & Masimba Manyanya. Zimbabwe's Plunge: Exhausted Nationalism, Neoliberalism,& the Struggle for Social Justice (Trenton NJ: Africa World, 2002). Even a well-governed Zimbabwe would be hard pressed to overcome history of uneven development & crushing international debt. Introduces Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt & Development & other progressive groups.

Carver, Richard. Zimbabwe: A Break with the Past? Human Rights & Political Unity (NY: Human Rights Watch, 1989).

__________. Zimbabwe: A Strategy of Tension (Geneva: UNHCR, 2000).

Chan, Stephen. Robert Mugabe: A Life of Power & Violence (Ann Arbor: U. of Michigan, 2003).

Dashwood, Hevina S. Zimbabwe: The Political Economy of Transformation (Toronto, 2000).

Getecha, Ciru & Jesimen Chipka (comps.) Zimbabwe Women's Voices (Harare, 1995).

Hope, Christopher. Brothers Under the Skin: Travels in Tyranny (London: Macmillan, 2003).

Jerdin, Luska. Zimbabwe: Spiritual Province or Empty Space: An Alternative Anthropology of Landscape (Edinburgh, 1998).

Kibble, Steve & Paul Vanlerberghe. Land, Power & Poverty: Farm Workers & the Crisis in Zimbabwe (London: Catholic Institute for International Relations, 2000).

Liebenow, J. Gus. Zimbabwe: A Political Balance Sheet (Hanover NH: American Universities Field Staff, 1981).

Meredith, Martin. Our Votes, Our Guns: Robert Mugabe & the Tragedy of Zimbabwe (NY: Public Affairs, 2003).

Moyo, Sam (ed.) Zimbabwe's Environmental Dilemma: Balancing Resource Inequities (Harare, 1991).

Norman, Andrew. Robert Mugabe & the Betrayal of Zimbabwe (Jefferson NC: McFarland, 2004).

Palmer, Robin H. & Isobel Birch. Zimbabwe: A Land Divided (Oxford, 1992).

Peron, Jim. Zimbabwe: The Death of a Dream (Johannesburg, 2000).

Raftopoulos, Brian. Zimbabwe: Race & Colonialism in a Post Colonial State (Harare, 1994).

__________. Zimbabwe: Race & Nationalism in a Post-Colonial State (Harare, 1996).

__________ & Tsuneo Yoshikuni (eds.) Sites of Struggle Essays in Zimbabwe's Urban History (Harare: Weaver, 1999).

Rukuni, Mandivamba & Carl K. Eicher (eds.) Zimbabwe's Agricultural Revolution (Harare, 1994).

Shumuyarira, Nathan M; Narendra Kumar & Tirivafi John Kangai. Mugabe's Reflections: Zimbabwe & the Contemporary World (New Delhi: Har-Anand, 1984).

Sithole, Masipula. Democracy & the One-Party State in Africa: The Case of Zimbabwe (Harare: SAPES, 1992).

__________. Zimbabwe: Struggles-Within-the-Struggle (2nd ed.; Harare, 1999).

Smith, David & Colin Simpson, with Ian Davies. Mugabe (London: Sphere, 1981).

Stiff, Peter. Cry Zimbabwe: Independence, Twenty Years On (Alberton: Galago, 2000).

Stoneman, Colin (ed.) Zimbabwe's Inheritance (NY, 1981).

__________ (ed.) Zimbabwe's Prospects: Issues of Race, Class, State & Capital in Southern Africa (Basingstoke, 1988).

__________. Zimbabwe: Politics, Economics & Society (NY, 1989).

Sylvester, Christine. Zimbabwe: The Terrain of Contradictory Development (Boulder, 1991).

Weiss, Ruth. Zimbabwe and the New Elite (London, 1994).

Werbner, Richard & Terence Ranger (eds.) Postcolonial Identities in Africa (ATlantic Highlands NJ: Zed, 1996).

White, Luise. The Assassination of Herbert Chitepo: Texts & Politics in Zimbabwe (Bloomington: Indiana U, 2002).

Worth, Richard. Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe (Englewood Cliffs NJ: J. Messner, 1990).

In the Library: Fiction

Hove, Chenjerai. Shadows (London: Heinemann, 1993). Explores death wish among youth brutalized by war and uprooted from farmland.

Maraire, J. Nozipo Nkosana. Zenzele: A Letter for My Daughter (NY: Crown, 1996).

St. Michael, Patrick. More to This Life (?: Hats Off, 2004).

In the Library: For Young Readers

In the Library: Poetry

In the Library: Drama

In the Library: Photography

Cleary, Seamus & Paul Weinberg. Zimbabwe is Born (Johannesburg, 1980).

CD & Audio

Film & Video

"Zimbabwe: After the Hunger & Drought" [1987], dir. Olley Maruma, 49m. From California Newsreel.

Monterey Bay Educators Against War
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