CIA World Factbook. Includes map.
UN Development Program, Human Development Indicators
On the Web: Articles
Uruguay: Creating a Neighborhood Out of Nothing. Raúl Pierri, Global Info (2/24/05).
On the Web: Specialized Sites
Resource Center of the Americas. News links.
In the Library: Articles
Anon. "The economic decline of Uruguay," Inter-American Economic Affairs 20 (1967):55-72.
Barran, José Pedro & Benjamin Nahum. "Uruguayan rural history," Hispanic American Historical Review 64,4 (11/84):655-73.
Burns, E. Bradford. "A 'State of Siege' that never was," Journal of Latin American Lore 2,2 (1976):257-63.
Couriel, Alberto. "Uruguay: las causas económicas de sus transformaciones políticas e ideológicas," in J. Petras (ed.) América Latina: Economía y Política (Buenos Aires, 1972), pp. 401-58.
Falcoff, Mark. "The Uruguay that never was: a historian looks at Costa-Gavras' 'State of Siege'," Journal of Latin American Lore 2,2 (win 76):239-56.
Finch, Henry J. "Three perspectives on the crisis in Uruguay," Journal of Latin American Studies 3,2 (1971):173-90.
Foland, M. Frances. "Uruguay's urban guerrillas," New Leader (1971).
Galeano, Eduardo. "Uruguay: promise & betrayal," in Petras & Zeitlin (eds.) Latin America: Reform or Revolution? (NY, 196?).
__________. "Uruguay: the dictatorship & its aftermath: the secret wounds," Contemporary Marxism 14 (fall 86):16-20.
Geffner, Daniel I. & James W. Wilkie. "Cinemalore: 'State of Siege' as a case study," Journal of Latin American Lore 2,2 (1976):221-38.
Gerassi, Marysa. "Uruguay's urban guerrillas," New Left Review 62 (7-8/70):22-30.
Healey, Mark. In the Spirit of Batlle: Shaping the Political Arena & the Great Uruguayan Exception (Durham NC: Duke-UNC Program in Latin American Studies, 1996).
Litt, John & James Kohl. "In the mouth of the monster," Nation (2/28/72):269-70.
Little, Cynthia J. "Moral reform & feminism: a case study," Journal of Inter-American Studies & World Affairs 17,4 (11/75). Career of Paulina Luisi in Uruguay.
Madrigal, Stasia. "History of the Uruguayan Tupamaros," Guardian (8/15-22/70):1-48.
McDonald, Ronald. "Electoral politics & Uruguayan political decay," Inter-American Economic Affairs 16,1 (sum 72):25-45.
Oddone, Juan A. "The formation of modern Uruguay, c. 1870-1930," Cambridge History of Latin America, vol. 5 (London, 1986).
Price, H. Edward Jr. "The strategy & tactics of revolutionary terrorism," Comparative Studies in Society & History (1977):52-66. On Tupamaros.
Rama, Carlos. "El movimiento obrero y social uruguayo y el Presidente Batlle," Revista de Historia de América 46 (1958):399-426.
__________. "Las 'elecciones' uruguayas de 1971," Cuadernos Americanos 181,2 (3-4/72):41-54.
__________. "El Uruguay indócil," Cuadernos Americanos 185,6 (11-12/72):7-32.
__________. "Uruguay: de los Tupamaros a los militares?" Cuadernos Americanos 189,4 (1973).
Rosenthal, Anton. "Streetcar workers & the transformation of Montevideo: the General Strike of May, 1911," The Americas 51,4 (1995):471-94.
Sanguinetti Freire, Alberto. "Social legislation in Uruguay," International Labour Review 59 (1949):271-96.
Shapiro, Samuel. "Uruguay's lost paradise," Current History 62 (2/72):98-102.
Stolovich, Luis. "Uruguay: the paradoxes & perplexities of an uncommon Left," Social Justice 19,4 (win 92):138-52.
Taylor, Philip B. "Uruguay's dysfunctional political system," in R.D. Tomasek (ed.) Latin American Politics (NY, 1966), pp. 514-43.
Tinker, Hugh. "Can urban guerrilla warfare succedd?" Current (5/71), with Richard Gott's rebuttal in (6/71).
van Aken, Mark. "The radicalization of the Uruguayan student movement," The Americas 33,1 (7/76):109-29.
In the Library: Non-Fiction Books
Alisky, Marvin. Uruguay: A Contemporary Survey (NY: Praeger, 1969).
Anon. Generals & Tupamaros: The Struggle for Power in Uruguay, 1969-1973 (London, 1974).
__________. Actas Tupamaras (Buenos Aires, 1971). Writings by participants.
Arana, Mariano y Oscar Destuet (comps.) Cinco vertientes de la izquierda (Montevideo: Banda Oriental, 20-04).
Benvenuto, Luis Carlos et al. Uruguay hoy (Buenos Aires, 1971).
Campiglia, Nestor. El Uruguay movilizado (Montevideo, 1971).
Castiglioni, Rossana. The Politics of Social Policy Change in Chile & Uruguay: Retrenchment vs. Maintenance, 1973-1998 (NY: Routledge, 2005).
Debray, Régis. The Revolution on Trial: A Critique of Arms (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978). Includes critique of Tupamaros.
Enríquez y Vidal, Xosé de. Momo encadenado: crónica del Carnaval en los años de la dictadura (1972-1985) (Montevideo: Cruz del Sur, 2004).
Faraone, Roque. El Uruguay en que vivimos, 1900-1965 (Montevideo, 1965).
Fernández Cabrelli, Alfonso. De Batlle a Pacheco Areco: Etapas de la lucha entre oligarquía y pueblo (Montevideo: Tauro, 1969). Oligarchy, in power since 1933, has destroyed social welfare system wrought under Batlle in the early 20th c.
Fitzgibbon, Russel H. Uruguay: Portrait of a Democracy (New Brunswick NJ: 1954).
Galeano, Eduardo. Violencia y enajenación (México: Nuestro Tiempo, 1971).
Gavras, Costa. State of Siege (NY: Ballantine, 1973).
Gilio, Maria Esther. The Tupamaro Guerrillas (NY: Monthly Review, 1972).
Hanson, Simon G. Utopia in Uruguay (NY, 1938). Good review of Batlle's reform program & its accomplishments.
Herrera, Nicolás Ariel. El pueblo desarmado, 1970-1973: El testimonio de "Marcha" (Montevideo: Tradinco, 2004).
Hodges, C. Donald (trans. & ed.) Philosophy of the Urban Guerrilla. The Revolutionary Writings of Abraham Guillén (NY, 1973).
Kaufman, Edy. Uruguay in Transition: From Civilian to Military Rule (Edison NJ: Transaction, 1978).
Lanza, Edison & Ernesto Tulbovitz. Tabaré Vázquez: Misterios de un liderazgo que cambió la historia (Montevideo: Alcierre, 2004).
Lawyers' Committee for Human Rights. Uruguay: End of a Nightmare? (NY, 1984).
Linn, Tomás. Los nabos de siempre (Montevideo: Fin de Siglo, 2004).
Liscano, Carlos. Conversaciones con Tabaré Vázquez (Buenos Aires: Colihue, 2004).
Loussaine, Alain. Les Tupamaros: guerilla urbaine en Uruguay (Paris, 1971).
Mayans, Ernesto (ed.) Tupamaros: antología documental (CIDOC Cuardeno 60; Cuernavaca, 1971).
Moss, Robert. War for the Cities (?, 1972), chap. 10 on Tupamaros.
Partnoy, Alicia. You Can't Drown the Fire: Latin American Women Writing in Exile (San Francisco: Cleis, 1988). Articles from mid-80's by Cristina Peri Rossi, Marta Traba & Clara Piritz.
Porzecanski, C. Arturo. Uruguay's Tupamaros. The Urban Guerrilla (NY, 1973).
Rama, Carlos. Uruguay en crisis (Montevideo, 1969).
Ramos, Joseph. Neo-Conservative Economics in the Southern Cone of Latin America, 1973-1983 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1986).
Rosencoff, Mauricio. La rebelión de los cañeros (Montevideo, 1969). Life & work of Raúl Sendic before the organization of the Tupamaros.
Servicio Paz y Justicia - Uruguay. Uruguay Nunca Mas. Human Rights Violations, 1972-1985 (Philadelphia, 199?).
Solari, Aldo. El desarrollo social del Uruguay en la posguerra (Montevideo, 1967).
Sosnowski, Saul & Louise B. Popkin (eds.) Repression, Exile & Democracy. Uruguayan Culture (Durham NC: Duke, 1993).
Vanger, Milton I. José Batlle y Ordóñez of Uruguay. The Creator of His Times, 1902-1907 (Cambridge: Harvard, 196?).
__________. The Model Country: José Batlle y Ordóñez of Uruguay, 1907-1915 (Cambridge: Harvard, 196?).
Weinstein, Martin. Uruguay: The Politics of Failure (Westport CT, 1975).
__________. Uruguay: Democracy at the Crossroads (Boulder, 1988).
In the Library: Fiction
Onetti, Juan Carlos. El astillero (Montevideo, 1961).
Traba, Marta. Las ceremonias del verano (Buenos Aires, 1966).
__________. Los laberintos insolados (Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1967).
__________. Pasó así (Montevideo: Arca, 1968).
__________. La jugada del sexto día (Santiago de Chile: Editorial Universitaria, 1970).
__________. Conversación al sur (México: Siglo XXI, 1981; English trans. Mothers & Shadows; NY: Readers International, 1986).
__________. En cualquier lugar (Bogotá: Siglo XXI, 1984).
__________. Mothers & Shadows (London: Readers International, 1986). Novel on Tupamaros.
__________. Casa sin fin (Montevideo: Monte Sexto, 1988).
__________. Hombre americano a todo color (Bogotá: Editorial U. Nacional, 1995).
In the Library: For Young Readers
In the Library: Poetry
In the Library: Drama
In the Library: Photography
CD & Audio
Film & Video
"The Days with Ana (Los días con Ana)" [2000], dir. Marcelo Bertalmío, 74m. From Latin American Video Archives. Five teenagers with a dissolute lifestyle are inseparable, until one of them decides to move away.
"State of Siege" [1973], dir. Costa Gavras, 120m. Controversial film on political assassination.