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New Zealand

(see also New Zealand: Maoris)

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Björn Kumm's Note

CIA World Factbook
Includes map.

New Internationalist Profile

UN Development Program, Human Development Indicators

World Guide

World Guide (Montevideo)

On the Web: Articles

On the Web: Specialized Sites

Action, Research & Education Network of Aotearoa (ARENA).

Human Rights Watch: New Zealand.

WWW Virtual Library

In the Library: Articles

Beaglehole, J.C. "The development of New Zealand nationality," Journal of World History 2 (1954-55):106-23.

Delahunty, Jim. "New Zealand: the welfare state ploughed under," Monthly Review 45,6 (11/93):28-.

Garton, Stephen. "The convict taint: Australia & New Zealand," in Emsley & Knafla (eds.) Crime History & Histories of Crime (Westport CT: Greenwood, 1996), pp. 271-90.

Macdonald, Charlotte J. "Race & empire at 'our place': New Zealand's new National Museum," Radical History Review 75 (fall 99):80-91.

Moloughney, Brian. "Linking world & nation: the place of world history in New Zealand's bicultural environment," World History Bulletin (win-spr 98):8-10.

Thompson, Richard. "Race in New Zealand," in M.M. Tumin (ed.) Comparative Perspectives on Race Relations (Boston: Little, Brown, 1969).

Wanhalla, Angela. "Women living 'across the line': intermarriage on the Canadian prairies & in southern New Zealand, 1870-1900," Ethnohistory 55,1 (win 08):29-50.

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Anderson, A. Grant. The Land in Our Future: Essays on Land Use & Conservation in New Zealand (Auckland: Longman Paul, 1980).

Belick, James. Making Peoples. A History of the New Zealanders: from Polynesian Settlement to the End of the 19th Century (Honolulu: U. of Hawaii, 1998).

Castles, Francis G.; Rolf Gerritsen & Jack Vowles (eds.) The Great Experiment: Labour Parties & Public Policy Transformation in Australia & New Zealand (Auckland: Auckland U, 1996).

Clark, Andrew H. The Invasion of New Zealand by People, Plants & Animals: The South Island (New Brunswick NJ: Rutgers, 1949).

Cumberland, Kenneth B. & James W. Fox. New Zealand: A Regional View (London: Whitcombe & Tombs, 1958).

__________. Southwest Pacific: A Geography of Australia, New Zealand & their Pacific Island Neighbors (rev. ed.; NY, 1968).

Dunlap, Thomas R. Nature & the English Diaspora: Environment & History in the US, Canada, Australia & New Zealand (NY: Cambridge, 1999).

Edwards, Brian (ed.) Right Out: Labour "Victory '72, the Inside Story (Wellington: Reed, 1973).

Fleras, Augie & Jean Leonard Elliott. The "Nations Within": Aboriginal-State Relations in Canada, the US & New Zealand (Don Mills ONT: Oxford, 1992).

Gustafson, Barry. Social Change & Party Organization: The New Zealand Labour Party since 1945 (Beverly Hills: Sage, 1976).

Landais-Stamp, Paul & Paul Rogers. Rocking the Boat: New Zealand, the US & the Nuclear-Free Zone Controversy in the 1980's (NY: Berg, 1989).

McMillan, Stuart. Neither Confirm nor Deny: The Nuclear Ships Dispute between New Zealand & the US (NY: Praeger, 1987).

Oddie, Graham & Roy W. Perrett, Justice, Ethics & New Zealand Society (NY: Oxford, 1992).

Pearson, David G. A Dream Deferred: The Origins of Ethnic Conflict in New Zealand (Boston: Allen & Unwin, 1990).

Salmond, Anne. Two Worlds: First Meetings Between Maori & Europeans, 1642-1772 (Auckland, 1991).

__________. Between Worlds: Early Exchanges Between Maori & Europeans, 1773-1815 (Honolulu: U. Hawaii, 1997).

Sinclair, Keith. A History of New Zealand (Harmondsworth: Pelican, 1959).

Wilson, Margaret & Anna Yeatman. Justice & Identity: Antipodean Practices (Wellington: Bridget Williams, 1995).

In the Library: Fiction

In the Library: Poetry

In the Library: Photography

CD & Audio:

Film & Video:

"The Piano" [1993], dir. Jane Campion.

Monterey Bay Educators Against War
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