Home > Resources > Countries & Regions > Mauritius


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CIA World Factbook. Includes map.

New Internationalist Profile

UN Development Program, Human Development Indicators

World Guide

On the Web: Articles

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In the Library: Articles

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Burrenchobay, Dayendranath. Let the People Think: A Compilation of the Thoughts of Sir Dayendranath Burrenchobay (Stanley Rose-Hill, Mauritius: Editions de l'Ocean Indien, 2000).

Dubey, Ajay. Government & Politics in Mauritius (Delhi: Kalinga, 1997).

Dukhira, Chit G. History of Mauritius: Experiments in Democracy (Quatre-Bornes, Mauritius: C. Dukhira, 2002).

Durand, Jean-Pierre & Joyce Durand. L'Ile Maurice: quelle indépendance?: la reproduction des rapports de production capitalistes dans une formation sociale domineé (Paris: Anthropos, 1975).

Jagatsingh, Kher. Petals of Dust (Beau Bassin, Mauritius: K. Jagatsingh, 1981).

Khoodabux, Ismael. The Anatomy of Mauritius (n.p. 2003).

Mannick, A.R. Mauritius: The Politics of Change (Mayfield, East Sussex: Dodo, 1989).

Napal, Dayachand. British Mauritius, 1810-1948 (Port Louis: Hart, 1984).

Ostheimer, John M. (ed.) The Politics of the Western Indan Ocean Islands (NY: Praeger, 1975).

Prasad, Sunil. India & Mauritius: Relationship of Two Centuries (New Delhi: Chanakyua, 2000).

Ramgoolam, Seewoosagur. Our Struggle: 20th c. Mauritius (New Delhi: Vision, 1982).

Shillington, Kevin. Jugnauth: Prime Minister of Mauritius (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1991).

Simmons, Adele Smith. Modern Mauritius: The Politics of Decolonization (Bloomington: Indiana U., 1982).

Storey, William Kelleher. Science & Power in Colonial Mauritius (Rochester NY: U. of Rochester, 1997).

Varma, D. Mauritius 1947: Before & Beyond. The Century Old Intense Indian Agony (Quatre-Bornes: Lil, 2002).

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