CIA World Factbook. Includes map.
UN Development Program, Human Development Indicators
On the Web: Specialized Sites
Phiri, Kings M. "A case of revolutionary change in contemporary Malawi: the Malawi Army & the disarming of the Malawi Young Pioneers," Journal of Peace, Conflict & Military Studies (Harare) 1,1 (3/00).
In the Library: Non-Fiction Books
Cammack, Diana. At the Crossroads: Freedom of Expression in Malawi. Final Report of the 1999 Article 19 Malawi Election Media Monitoring Project (London: Article 19, 2000).\
Carver, Richard. Where Silence rules: The Suppression of Dissent in Malawi (NY: Human Rights Watch, 1990).
__________. Malawi, Between the Referendum & the Elections (Geneva: UNHCR, 1994).
In the Library: Fiction
Zeleza, Tiyambe. Smouldering Charcoal (London: Heinemann, 1993). Human spirit triumphs over corruption & collective despair.
In the Library: Poetry
In the Library: Photography