Latin America: Labor Movements
(see also Mexico: Labor Movement & individual country pages)
On the Web: Articles
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In the Library: Articles
Andrews, George Reid. "Latin American workers: a review essay," Journal of Social History 21,1 (1987):311-26.
Archila Neira, Mauricio. "Cultura y conciencia en la formación de la clase obrera latinoamericana," Historia Crítica 1 (1-6/89):69-84.
Bergquist, Charles. "Labor history & its challenges: confessions of a Latin Americanist," American Historical Review 98,3 (6/93):757-64.
DeShazo, Peter. "Workers, labor unions & industrial workers in Latin America," Latin American Research Review 23,2 (1988):145-56.
Hall, Michael M. & Hobart A. Spalding, Jr. "The urban working class & early Latin American labour movements, 1880-1930," in Cambridge History of Latin America 4 (London, 1986).
Rama, Carlos M. "El movimiento social y obrero en América Austral: Argentina, Chile y Uruguay de 1929 a 1939," in Varios autores, Homenaje a Jaime Vicens Vives (Barcelona, 1967), pp. 485-98.
Spalding, Hobart A. Jr. "The parameters of labor in Latin America," Science & Society 36,2 (sum 72):302-16.
__________. "US & Latin American labor: the dynamics of imperialist control," Latin American Perspectives 8 (win 76). Reprint in J. Nash & others (eds.) Ideology & Social Change in Latin America (NY, 1977), pp. 55-91.
__________. "Neither pure nor simple: the AFL-CIO & Latin America," NACLA Report 12 (5-6/88):13-40.
__________. "Soldarity forever?: Latin American unions & the international labor network," Latin American Research Review 24,2 (1989):253-65.
__________. "New directions & themes in Latin American labor & working-class history," Latin American Research Review 28,1 (1993):202-14.
Szuchman, Mark D. "The faces of labor in Latin America: migration, tradition, & organization," Journal of Urban History 11 (8/85).
Touraine, Alain & Daniel Pécaut. "Working-class consciousness & economic development in Latin America," in I.L. Horowitz (ed.) Masses in Latin America (NY, 1970), p. 65-94.
Weinstein, Barbara. "The new Latin American labor history: what we gain," International Labor & Working-Class History 36 (fall 1989):25-30.
In the Library: Non-Fiction Books
Alba, Victor. Politics & the Labor Movement in Latin America (Stanford: Stanford U., 1968).
Alexander, Robert. Organized Labor in Latin America (NY: Free Press, 1965).
Barry, Tom & Deb Preusch. AIFLD in Central America: Agents as Organizers (Albuquerque, 1986).
Bergquist, Charles. Labor in Latin America: Comparative Essays on Chile, Argentina, Venezuela & Colombia (Stanford: Stanford U., 1986).
__________. Labor & the Course of American Democracy: US History in Latin American Perspective (London, 1997).
Brown, Jonathan C. (ed.) Workers' Control in Latin America, 1930-1979 (Chapel Hill: U. of North Carolina, 1997).
Buchanan, Paul G. "Useful Fools" as Diplomatic Tools: Organized Labor as an Instrument of US Foreign Policy in Latin America (Notre Dame IN: Helen Kellogg Institute, 1990).
Busch, Gary. The Political Role of International Trades Unions (London, 1983).
Chomsky, Aviva & Aldo A. Lauria Santiago (eds.) Identity & Struggle at the Margins of the Nation-State: The Laboring Peoples of Central America & the Hispanic Caribbean (Durham NC: Duke, 1998).
Collier, Ruth Berins & David Collier. Shaping the Political Arena: Critical Junctures, the Labor Movement & Regime Dynamics in Latin America (Princeton NJ: Princeton U., 1989).
Epstein, Edward C. (ed.) Labor Autonomy & the State in Latin America (Boston, 1989).
Foner, Philip S. US Labor & Latin America: A History of Workers' Response to Intervention (2 vols.; South Hadley MA: South Bend, 1988-89).
Godio, Julio. El movimiento obrero de América Latina, 1850-1918 (Bogotá, 1978).
__________. Historia del movimiento obrero latinoamericano, tomo 2: nacionalismo y comunismo, 1918-1930 (México, 1983).
__________. Historia del movimiento obrero latinoamericano, tomo 3: socialdemocracia, socialcristianismo y marxismo, 1930-1980 (San José CR, 1985).
González Casanova, Pablo (coord.) Historia del movimiento obrero en América Latina (4 vols.; México: Siglo XXI, 1984-).
Greenfield, Gerald Michael & Sheldon Maram (eds.) Latin American Labor Organizations (NY, 1987).
Hirsch, Fred. The CIA & the Labor Movement (Nottingham, 1977).
Kofas, Jon V. Struggle for Legitimacy: Latin American Labor & the US (Tempe: Arizona State U., 1991).
Latin America Bureau. Unity is Strength: Trade Unions in Latin America, a Case for Solidarity (London, 1980).
Melgar Bas, Ricardo. El movimiento obrero latinoamericano (Madrid, 1988).
Parodi, Jorge. To Be a Worker: Identity & Politics in Peru (Ser obrero es algo relativo: obreros, clasismo y política) [1986] (trans. James Alstrum & Catherine Conaghan; Chapel Hill: U. of North Carolina, 2000).
Poblete Troncoso, Moisés & Ben G. Burnett. The Rise of the Latin American Labor Movement (NY, 1960).
Rama, Carlos M. Historia del movimiento obrero y social latinoamericano contemporaneo (Barcelona, 1976).
Scott, Jack. Yankee Unions, Go Home! How the AFL Helped the US Build an Empire in Latin America (Vancouver: New Star, 1978).
Spalding, Hobart. Organized Labor in Latin America: Historical Case Studies of Workers in Dependent Societies (NY: NYU, 1977).
Trujillo Bolio, Mario (coord.) Organización y luchas del movimiento obrero latinoamericano, 1978-1987 (México: Siglo XXI, 1989).
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