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Guatemala since 1995

(see also Guatemala & Guatemala: Civil War)

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On the Web: Articles

British Activist Innocent in Guatemala. Frank Jack Daniel, Reuters (1/31/04). Children's advocate Bruce Harris of Casa Alianza cleared of defaming adoption attorney charged with child trafficking.

An American's Death, Guatemala's Blunders, David Gonzalez, NY Times (6/18/02). Unsolved murder of gay American journalist Larry Lee.

Guatemala's Lethal Legacy: Past Impunity & Renewed Human Rights Violations. Amnesty International (2/28/02).

On the Web: Specialized Sites

Countrywatch: Guatemala.

Foundation for Human Rights in Guatemala.

Guatemala: State of Impunity (Amnesty International).

Guatemalan Maya Center: Film/Video Archive (UK).

Guatemalan Peace Accords: Implications for a Democratic Future .

Human Rights Watch: Guatemala.

International Labor Rights Fund.

Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA)

Peace Brigades International, Guatemala Project.

Resource Center of the Americas.

Rights Action (formerly Guatemala Partners).

In the Library: Articles

Adams, Abigail E. "Los cosechadores de órganos y Harbury: relatos transnacionales de impunidad y responsabilidad en Guatemala después de la guerra," Mesoamérica 34 (12/97):595-632.

Armbruster-Sandoval, Ralph. "Globalization & cross-border organizing: the Guatemalan maquiladora industry & the Phillips Van Heusen worker's movement," Latin American Perspectives 26 (3/99):108-28.

Arias, Arturo. "La psique interior de los guatemaltecos, las cuestiones del biculturalismo," Mesoamérica 34 (12/97):633-36.

Berger, Susan A. "Environmentalism in Guatemala: when fish have ears," Latin American Research Review 32,2 (1997):99-116.

Burgerman, Susan D. "Building the peace by mandating reform: UN-mediated human rights agreements in El Salvador & Guatemala," Latin American Perspectives 112 (5/00).

Castellanos Cambranes, Julio. "A 30 años de su asesinato en Bolivia, la presencia viva del Che en Guatemala," Mesoamérica 34 (12/97):681-702.

Damjanova, Ludmila. "Lenguaje de prensa y realidad social en Guatemala," Mesoamérica 34 (12/97):585-94.

Doyle, Kate. “Justice in Guatemala,” Nation (11/4/02):6-7.

Dunn, Alvis E. "A cry at daybreak: death, disease & defense of community in a highland Ixil-Mayan village," Ethnohistory 42,4 (fall 95):595-606.

Flynn, Michael. "Is this peace?" Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 58,6 (11-12/2002):63-70. Guatemala after civil war.

Fonseca, Marco. "Unfinished business: peace & human development in Guatemala," LASA Forum 34,4 (win 04):4-6.

Goldman, Francisco. "Murder comes for the Bishop," New Yorker (3/15/99):60-77. Assassination of Bishop Juan Girardi.

Hendrickson, Carol. "Imágenes del maya en Guatemala: el papel del traje indígena en las construcciones del indígena y del ladino," Mesoamérica 33 (1997):15-40.

Jeffrey, Paul. "Guatemalan bishop's dream no longer deferred," National Catholic Reporter (5/16/03):12.

Jonas, Susanne. "Put truth about US role on the agenda," LA Times (3/3/99). Calls for an official apology for US role in crimes outlined in Truth Commission report.

Laslett, Michael. "A bitter taste: struggling for just the minimum," NACLA Report 34,6 (5-6/01):8-11.

Martinez-Salazar, Egla J. "Guatemalan Mayan women: threatened peace & citizenship from below," Canadian Woman Studies 20,3 (fall 2000):172-74.

Molina Mejia, Raul & J. Patrice McSherry. "Justice in the Gerardi case: but terror continues,” NACLA Report 35,1 (7-8/01):8-11.

Montejo, Victor. "Pan-mayanismo: la pluriformidad de la cultura maya y el proceso de autorrepresentación de los mayas," Mesoamérica 33 (1997):93-123.

Oglesby, Elizabeth. "Machos & machetes in Guatemala's cane fields,” NACLA Report 34,5 (3-4/01):16-17.

Perera, Victor. "After thirty years of war, is peace really at hand?" LA Times (9/22/96).

__________. "Choosing vengeance or conciliation," LA Times (8/31/97).

Sanford, Victoria. "From I, Rigoberta to the commissioning of truth: Maya women & the reshaping of Guatemalan history," Cultural Critique 47 (win 2001):16-53.

Warren, Kay (ed.) "Rethinking Polarized Ethnicities: Power & Identity in Guatemala," special issue of Journal of Latin American Anthropology (spr 2002). Articles by Todd Little-Siebold, John Watanabe, Christa Little-Siebold & Abigail Adams.

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Archdiocese of Guatemala. Guatemala: Never Again! (Maryknoll NY: Orbis, 1999). Condensed version of detailed 4-vol. report on massive human rights abuses by Guatmalan military & guerrilla forces during civil war, charging military with 80% of them. The publication of the original in April, 1998 led to the carefully orchestrated murder on orders from high military officials of Bishop Juan Gerardi, coordinator of the Human Rights Office of the Archdiocese of Guatemala.

Byrne, Hugh. The Guatemalan Peace Process (Washington:WOLA, 1997). First nine months.

Chase-Dunn, Christopher, Susanne Jonas & Nelson Amaro (eds.) Globalization on the Ground: Postbellum Guatemalan Democracy & Development (Lanham MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2001).

Crosby, Alison. To Whom Shall the Nation Belong? The Gender & Ethnic Dimensions of Refugee Return & Struggles for Peace in Guatemala (CERLAC Working Paper; Toronto: York U., 1996).

Ehlers, Tracy Bachrach. Silent Looms: Women & Production in a Guatemalan Town (Austin: U. Texas, 2000). San Pedro Sacatepéquez.

Esquit Choy, Alberto (ed.) Foro del pueblo maya y los candidatos a la presidencia de Guatemala (Guatemala, 1992).

Fischer, Edward F. & R. McKenna Brown (eds.) Maya Cultural Activism in Guatemala (Austin: U. Texas, 1996).

__________ & Peter Benson. Broccoli & Desire: Global Connections & Maya Struggles in Postwar Guatemala (Stanford: Stanford U., 2006).

Garzón, Suan; R. McKenna Brown, Julia Becker Richards & Wuqú Ajpub. The Life of Our Language: Kaqchikel Maya, Maintenance, Shift, & Revitalization (Austin: U. Texas, 200?).

Guatemala. Gobierno de la República y Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional de Guatemala. Acuerdo sobre identidad y derechos de los pueblos indígenas (México, 1995).

Goldman, Francisco. The Art of Political Murder: Who Killed the Bishop? (NY: Grove, 2007). Thorough investigation by distinguished Guatemalan-American writer into revenge killing by Guatemalan military in April, 1998 of Bishop Juan Gerardi Conedera just two days following the release of his 4-volume report on massive human rights abuses by the military & guerrilla forces during Guatemalan civil war.

Jonas, Susanne & others. Los retos de la paz, la democracia y el desarrollo sostenible en Guatemala (Guatemala: FLACSO, 1996).

__________. The Mined Road to Peace in Guatemala (Coral Gables FL: U. Miami, 1999).

__________. Of Centaurs & Doves: Guatemala's Peace Process (Boulder: Westview, 2000).

Manz, Beatriz. Paradise in Ashes: A Guatemalan Journey of Courage, Terror & Hope (Berkeley: U. of California, 2004).

McCleary, Rachel M. Dictating Democracy: Guatemalan Elites & the End of Violent Revolution (Gainseville: U. Florida, 1999).

Metz, Brent E. Ch'orti'-Maya Survival in Eastern Guatemala: Indigeneity in Transition (Albuquerque: U. of New Mexico, 2006).

Montejo, Victor. Maya Intellectual Renaissance: Identity, Representation, & Leadership (Austin: U. of Texas, 2005).

Nelson, Diane M. A Finger in the Wound: Body Politics in Quincentennial Guatemala (Berkeley: U. California, 1999).

Reed, Thomas F. & Karen Brandow. The Sky Never Changes: Testimonies from the Guatemalan Labor Movement (Ithaca NY: Cornell, 1996). Life stories of embattled trade unionists.

Rockwell, Rick & Noreene Janus. Media Power in Central America (Urbana: U. Illinois, 2003). Draws connection between commercial media & authoritarian regimes.

Sanford, Victoria. Buried Secrets: Truth & Civil Rights in Guatemala (NY: Palgrave, 2002).

Schirmer, Jennifer. The Guatemalan Military Project: A Violence Called Democracy (Philadelphia: U. of Pennsylvania, 1998).

Sexton, James D. Joseño: Another Mayan Voice Speaks from Guatemala (Albuquerque: U. New
Mexico, 1999).

Tarn, Nathaniel & Martin Prechtel. Scandals in the House of Birds: Shamans & Priests on Lake Atitlán (?, 1998). On the theft & return after 30 years of the Maximón.

Warren, Kay. Indigenous Movements & their Critics: Pan-Maya Activism in Guatemala (Princeton NJ: Princeton, 1998).

In the Library: Fiction

In the Library: For Young Readers

In the Library: Poetry

In the Library: Drama

In the Library: Photography

Moller, Jonathan. Our Culture is Our Resistance: Repression, Refuge & Healing in Guatemala (NY: PowerHouse, 2004).

CD & Audio

Film & Video

"Approach of Dawn: Portraits of Maya Women Forging Peace in Guatemala" [1997], dir. Gayla Jamison, 52m. From Maryknoll World Productions. Lives of three women shattered by civil war.

"El futuro maya: voces del presente" [199?], dir. John B. Gray, 45m. From U. Wisconsin-Milwaukee Center for Latin America.

"The Long Road Home: The Odyssey of a Young Mayan Refugee from Guatemala" [200?], dir. Andrea E. Leland, ?m. From New Day Films.

"Sacred Earth" [1996], dir.?, 58m. From Cinema Guild. Reveals the conditions of landless peasants in Guatemala.

"Soothsayers, Cigars & San Simón: [200?], dir. Monica Zaak & Bo Ohlen, 58m. From Filmakers' Library. Folk religion in Guatemala City slum.

"We are Guatemalans" [1995], dir. ?, 28m. From Maryknoll World Productions. Documentary on return of Mayan refugees.

Monterey Bay Educators Against War
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