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Ecuador: Amazon Region

(see also Ecuador, Ecuador: Indigenous Peoples & Movements, Colombia: Amazon Region, Peru: Amazon Region & Brazil: Amazon Region)

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Ibermundo Ecuador.

In the Library: Articles

Anon. "'Visión Mundial': the ILV's replacement?" IWGIA Newsletter 34 (7/83):56-67. On missionary activities of World Vision in relation to those of the Wycliffe Bible Translators.

__________. "Historical notes on World Vision in Ecuador," IWGIA Newsletter 37 (5/84):60-75.

__________. "Ecuador: African palm & ethnocide," IWGIA Newsletter 46 (7/86):55-67.

__________. "Ecuador: transnational oil companies, missionary deaths & Huaorani land rights," IWGIA Newsletter 51/52 (10-12/87):35-40.

Ashley, John M. "African palm oil: impacts in Ecuador's Amazon," Cultural Survival Quarterly 11,2 (1987):55-60.

Avery, William P. "Origins & consequences of the border dispute between Ecuador & Peru," Inter-American Economic Affairs 38,1 (1984):65-77.

Bishop, J.P. "Development & transfer of technology for small farms in the Ecuadorian Amazonic region," in G. de las Salas (ed.) Agro-Forestry Systems in Latin America (Turrialba, 1979), pp. 145-50.

Bruno, Kenny. "Ecuador oil ruling: whose victory?" NACLA Report 36,6 (5-6/03):23-25.

Casagrande, Joseph; Stephen Thompson & Philip Young. "Colonization as a research frontier: the Ecuadorian case," in R.A. Manners (eds.) Process & Pattern in Culture (Chicago: U. Chicago, 1964), pp. 281-325. Spontaneous colonists on the Puyo-Tena road in 1962.

Confederation of the Indigenous Nations of the Amazon Region of Ecuador (CONFENIAE). "Ecuador: declaration presented by CONFENIAE to the 4th Session of Work Group held at the UN in Geneva," IWGIA Newsletter 43/44 (9-12/85):28-34.

Cooper, Marc. "Rain forest crude," Mother Jones 17,2 (3-4/92):39-50.

Descola, Philippe. "Homeostasis as a cultural system: the Jivaro case," in A. Roosevelt (eds.) Amazonian Indians from Prehistory to the Present: Anthropological Perspectives (Tucson: U. Arizona, 1994), pp. 203-24.

Eastwood, David A. "Planned colonization in Bolivian & Ecuadorian Amazonia: the need for a reassessment of successful planning policy," European Review of Latin American & Caribbean Studies 50 (6/90):115-34.

Ekstrom, J. Peter. "Responding to a new ecology: adaptations of colonists in Eastern Ecuador," Papers in Anthropology 16,1 (spr 1975):25-38.

Hendricks, Janet. "Symbolic counterhegemony among the Ecuadorian Shuar," in Urban & Scherzer (eds.) Nation-States & Indians in Latin America (Austin: U. Texas, 1991), pp. 53-71.

Hiraoka, M. & S. Yamamoto. "Agricultural development in the upper Amazon of Ecuador," Geographical Review 70 (1980):423-45.

Jahnige, Paul J. "Project Letimaren: indigenous resource management in Ecuador's Upper Amazon," Cultural Survival Quarterly 13,4 (1989):73-74.

Kane, Joe. "Letter from the Amazon: with spears from all sides," New Yorker (9/27/93):54-79. Huaorani, missionaries & oil companies.

__________. "Reporter at large: Moi goes to Washington," New Yorker (5/?/94). Further notes on the Huaorani struggle.

Kroeger, Axel. "Housing & health in the process of cultural adaptation: a case study among jungle & highland natives of Ecuador," Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene 83 (1980):53-69.

Little, Paul. "Amazonian warriors," In These Times (4/3/95):8-9.

Macdonald, Theodore Jr. "Anticipating colonos & cattle in Ecuador & Colombia," Cultural Survival Quarterly 10,2 (1986):33-36.

__________. "Shuar children: bilingual-bicultural education," Cultural Survival Quarterly 10,4 (1986):18-20.

Mahony, Rhona. "Debt-for-nature swaps: who really benefits?" in S. E. Place (ed.) Tropical Rainforests: Latin American Nature & Society in Transition (Wilmington DE: Scholarly Resources, 1993), pp. 185-93.

Meentzen, Kathe. "Resisting land grabbing in Ecuador," Cultural Survival Quarterly 10,1 (1986):30-32.

Muratorio, Blanca M. "Amazonian windows to the past: recovering women's histories from the Ecuadorian Upper Amazon," in J. Schneider & R. Rapp (eds.) Articulating Hidden Histories: Exploring the Influence of Eric R. Wolf (Berkeley: U. California, 1995), pp. 322-35.

Nations, James D. "Protected areas in tropical rainforests: five lessons," in S.E. Place (ed.) Tropical Rainforests: Latin American Nature & Society in Transition (Wilmington DE: Scholarly Resources, 1993), pp. 193-200.

Orville, Nina. "Road construction threatens Haorani in Ecuador," Cultural Survival Quarterly 12,3 (1988):43-46.

Press, Eyal. "Texaco on trial," Nation (5/21/99):11-16. Pollution from oilfields in Amazon rainforest leads to high-profile prosecution of transnational oil company.

Robinson, Scott S. "Fulfilling the mission: North American evangelism in Ecuador," in Hvalkof & Aaby (eds.) Is God an American? (Copenhagen: IWGIA, 1981), pp. 41-50.

Rogers, Mark. "Beyond authenticity: conservation, tourism & the politics of representation in the Ecuadorian Amazon," Identities: Global Studies in Culture & Power 3 (8/96), & comment by Jonathan Friedman.

Romero Simacas, Nelson. "La cultura selvícola frente a lost problemas contemporáneos y la situación de las poblaciones indígenas selvícolas del Ecuador," América Indígena 34,3 (7-9/74):713-39.

Rundel, T.K. "Roads, speculators & colonization in the Ecuadorian Amazon," Human Ecology 11,4 (1983):385-403.

Sawyer, Suzana. "Indigenous initiatives & petroleum politics in the Ecuadorian Amazon," Cultural Survival Quarterly 10,1 (1996):26-30.

__________. "Intersecting spaces & fragmented interests: a topology of conflict in Ecuador's Amazonian commons," Common Property Resource Digest 40 (1/97):7-9.

__________. "The 1992 Indian mobilization in lowland Ecuador," Latin American Perspectives 24,3 (sum 97):67-84.

__________. "Phantom citizenship & the prosthetics of corporate capital: Maria Aguinda et al. vs. Texaco Inc. USA," in M. Whiteford & S. Whiteford (eds.) Crossing Currents: Continuity & Change in Latin America (Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1998).

__________. "Bobbittizing Texaco: dis-membering corporate capital & re-membering the nation in Ecuador," Cultural Anthropology 17,2 (2002):150-80.

Siverts, Henning. "Jivaro headhunters in a headless time," in Browman & Schwarz (eds.) Peasants, Primitives & Proletariats (The Hague, 1979), pp. 215-24.

Steel, Daniel. "Trade goods & Jivaro warfare: the Shuar, 1850-1957, & the Achuar, 1940-1978," Ethnohistory 46,4 (fall 99):745-76.

Uquillas, Jorge E. "Colonization & spontaneous settlement in the Ecuadorean Amazon," in Schmink & Wood (eds.) Frontier Expansion in Amazonia (Gainesville: U. Florida, 1984), pp. 261-84.

__________. "Land grants for indigenous communities in the Ecuadorian Amazon," in J. Hemming (ed.) Change in the Amazon Basin, vol. 2: The Frontier after a Decade of Development (Manchester, 1985), pp. 200-6.

Vickers, William T. "Native Amazonian subsistence in diverse habitats: the Siona-Secoya of Ecuador," Studies in Third World Societies 7 (1970):6-36.

__________."Indians, oil & colonists: contrasting systems of man-land relations in the Aguarico river valley of eastern Ecuador," Latinamericanist (Gainesville) 8,2 (1972):1-3.

__________. "The Jesuits & the Summer Institute of Linguistics: external policies for Ecuador's Tucanoans through three centuries," in Hvalkof & Aaby (eds.) Is God an Americn? (Copenhagen: IWGIA, 1981), pp. 51-62.

__________. "Tropical forest mimicry in swiddens: a reassessment of Geertz's model with Amazonian data," Human Ecology 11 (1983):35-45.

__________. "The territorial dimensions of Siona-Secoya & Encabellado adaptation," in Hames & Vickers (eds.) Adaptive Responses of Native Amazonians (NY, 1983), pp. 451-78.

__________. "Indian policy in Amazonian Ecuador," in Schmink & Wood (eds.) Frontier Expansion in Amazonia (Gainesville: U. of Florida, 1984), pp. 8-32.

Whitten, Norman E. Jr. "Jungle Quechua ethnicity: an Ecuadorian case study," in Elias Sevilla-Casas (ed.) Western Expansion & Indigenous Peoples: The Heritage of Las Casas (The Hague: Mouton, 1977), pp. 163-92. Reprint in Browman & Schwartz (eds.) Peasants, Primitives & Proletariats (The Hague, 1979), pp. 225-50.

__________. "Ecological imagery & cultural adaptability: the Canelos Quichua of eastern Ecuador," American Anthropologist 80,4 (12/78):836-59.

__________. "Toward a conceptualization of power in Amazonian Ecuador," in D. Maybury-Lewis (ed.) The Prospects for Plural Societies (Washington: American Ethnological Society, 1984), pp. 49-63.

__________. "The Ecuadorian levantamiento indígena of 1990 & the epitomizing symbol of 1992: reflections on nationalism, ethnic-bloc formation & racialist ideologies," in J. Hill (ed.) History, Power & Identity (Iowa City, 1996), pp. 193-218.

Wood, H.A. "Spontaneous agricultural colonization in Ecuador," Annals of the Association of American Geographers 62 (1972):599-617.

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Bamat, Tomás. ¿Salvación o dominación?: las sectas religiosas en el Ecuador (Quito, 1986). Catholic view of rapid advance of evangelical protestantism.

Elliot, Elisabeth. The Savage, My Kinsman & Through Gates of Splendor (Old Tappan NJ, 1974). Evangelical memoirs recording death in 1950s of five American missionaries to the Auca (Huaorani) people.

Goffin, Alvin M. The Rise of Protestant Evangelism in Ecuador, 1895-1990 (Gainesville: U. Florida, 1994).

Harner, Michael J. The Jivaro: People of the Sacred Waterfalls (NY, 1972). Shuar.

Hendricks, Janet Wall. To Drink of Death: The Narrative of a Shuar Warrior (Tucson: U. Arizona, 1994).

Kane, Joe. Savages (NY, 1995). Reporter's view of Huaorani encounter with missionaries & oil companies.

Muratorio, Blanca. Etnicidad, evangelización y protesta en el Ecuador: una perspectiva antropológica (Quito, 1982).

__________. Rucuyaya Alonso y la historia social y económica del Alto Napo, 1850-1950 (Quito, 1987; English trans. The Life & Times of Grandfather Alonso: Culture & History in the Upper Amazon; New Brunswick NJ: Rutgers, 1991).

Rubenstein, Steven. Alejandro Tsakimp: A Shuar Healer on the Margins of History (Lincoln: U. Nebraska, 2002).

Salazar, Ernesto. An Indian Fedeeration in Lowland Ecuador (Copenhagen: IWGIA, 1977). Shuar.

Tidwell, Mike. Amazon Stranger (NY: Lyons & Burford, 1996).

Whitten, Dorothea S. & Norman E. Whitten Jr. From Myth to Creation: Art from Amazonian Ecuador (Urbana: U. Illinois, 1988).

Whitten, Norman E. Jr. Ecuadorian Ethnocide & Indigenous Ethnogenesis: Amazonian Resurgence amidst Andean Colonialism (Copenhagen: IWGIA, 1976).

__________. Amazonian Ecuador: An Ethnic Interface in Ecological, Social & Ideological Perspectives (Copenhagen: IWGIA, 1978).

__________ (ed.) Amazonia Ecuatoriana: la otra cara del progreso (Cambridge, 1981).

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Film & Video

"The Sound of Rushing Water" [1973], dir. R. Tankamash & B. Horowitz, 42m. From Cinema Guild. Examines history & legends of Shuar Indians, & long history of resistance to outsider rule.


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