Latin America: Chinese Immigrant History, Life & Values
(see also Chinese American History, Life & Values)
On the Web: Articles
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In the Library: Articles
Chang Rodríguez, Eugenio. "Chinese labor migration into Latin America in the 19th c.," Revista de Historia de América 46 (1958):375-99.
Clayton, Lawrence A. "Chinese indentured labor in Peru," History Today (6/80).
DeHart, Evelyn Hu. "Chinese coolie labor in Cuba in the 19th C.: free labor or neoslavery?" Slavery & Abolition 14 (4/93):67-86.
Gonzales, Michael J. "Chinese plantation workers & social conflict in Peru in the late 19th c.," Journal of Latin American Studies 12 (10/89): 385-424.
__________. "Resistance among Asian plantation workers in Peru, 1870-1820," in M. Turner (ed.) From Chattel Slaves to Wave Slaves (Bloomington: Indiana U., 1995).
Gutiérrez Seco, Yolanda. "Mestizaje peruano-chino," Revista de Historia (Lima) 28 (1965).
Lindley, Augustus F. "About the Chincha Islands," in H.W. Bates (ed.) Illustrated Travels vol. II (London, n.d. 1860s). Chinese guano-cutters in Peru.
Pérez de la Riva, Juan. "La situación legal del culí en Cuba, 1849-1868," Cahiers du Monde Hispanique et Luso-Brésilien 16 (1971):7-32.
Rodríguez, Humberto. "Una rebelión de culíes chinos: Pativilca, 1870," Allpanchis (Cusco) 11/12 (1978):59-70.
__________. "Los chinos en el Peru," Apuntes 14 (1984):137-64.
Scott, Rebecca. "Chinese contract labor in Cuba," Revista/Review Interamericana 9,2 (198?). Review essay on Denise Helly, Ideologie et ethnicité: les chinois Macao a Cuba: 1847-1886.
Teixeira, P. Manuel. "The so-called Portuguese slave trade in Macau," Philippine Historical Review 5 (1972):133-50. Coolie trade to Cuba.
Turner, Mary. "Chinese contract labor in Cuba, 1847-1874," in Beckles & Shepherd (eds.) Caribbean Freedom: Economy & Society from Emancipation to the Present (NY, 1996).
In the Library: Non-Fiction Books
Chang, Ching Chieh. The Chinese in Latin America: A Preliminary Geographical Survey with Special Reference to Cuba & Jamaica (unpub. PhD. U. of Maryland, 1956).
Corbitt, Duvon Clough. A Study of the Chinese in Cuba, 1847-1947 (Wilmore KY: Asbury College, 1971).
Helly, Denise (ed.) The Cuba Commission Report: A Hidden History of the Chinese in Cuba [1876] (Baltimore, 1993).
Hsu, Francis L.K. & Hendrick Serrie (eds.) The Overseas Chinese: Ethnicity in National Context (Lanham MD: University Press of America, 1998).
Meagher, Arnold J. The Introduction of Chinese Laborers to Latin America: The 'Coolie Trade,' 1847-1874 (unpub. PhD, U. of California, Davis, 1975).
Pan, Lynn (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Chinese Overseas (Cambridge MA, 1998).
Pérez de la Riva, Juan. Para la historia de las gentes sin historia (Barcelona, 1976).
__________. El barracón (Barcelona, 1978).
Rodríguez Pastor, Humberto. Hijos del Celeste Imperio en el Peru (1850-1900): Migración, agricultura, mentalidad y expolotación (Lima, 1990).
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