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Argentina: Immigrant Communities

(see also Argentina)

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On the Web: Articles

On the Web: Specialized Sites

In the Library: Articles

Baily, Samuel L. "The Italians & organized labor in the US & Argentina," International Migration Review 1,3 (1967):56-67.

Delaney, Jeane. "Making sense of modernity: changing attitudes toward the immigrant & the gaucho in turn-of-the-century Argentina," Comparative Studies in Society & History 38 (1996):434-59.

Gabacia, Donna R. "Worker internationalism & Italian labor migration, 1870-1914," International Labor & Working-Class History 45 (spr 94):63-79.

Ramella, Franco. "Italian migrants to North & South American urban areas (1880-1914): notes on geographical mobility, social mobility & social networks," in Reinhard & Waldmann (eds.) Nord und Süd in Amerika (Freiburg, 1992), pp. 319-26.

Romero, Luis Alberto y Lilia Ana Bertoni. "Movimientos migratorios en el Cono Sur, 1810-1930," in B. Leander (coord.) Europa, Asia y Africa en América Latina y el Caribe (México, 1989).

Rosenswaike, Ira. "The Jewish population of Argentina: census & estimate, 1887-1947," Jewish Social Studies 22 (1960):195-?.

Sofer, Eugene F. "Immigrant entrepreneurship & political participation in Buenos Aires, 1890-1927: the Jewish case," Proceedings of the Pacific Coast Council on Latin American Studies 6 (1977-79):87-106.

Sosnowski, Saúl. "Contemporary Jewish-Argentine writers: tradition & politics," Latin American Literary Review 6,12 (1978):1-14.

Szuchman, Mark D. "Visions of the melting pot in the American city: the US & Argentina in the period of mass immigration," in Stack (ed.) The Primordial Challenge: Ethnicity in the Contemporary World (Westport CT, 1986).

Taylor, Carl C. "Rural locality groups in Argentina," American Sociological Review 9 (4/44):162-70.

Tigner, J.L. "The Ryukyuans in Argentina," Hispanic American Historical Review 47,2 (1967):203-24.

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Avni, Haim. Argentina & the Jews: A History of Jewish Immigration (Tuscaloosa: U. of Alabama, 1991).

Baily, Samuel L. Immigrants in the Lands of Promise: Italians in Buenos Aires & New York City, 1870-1914 (Ithaca NY: Cornell, 1998).

Bjerg, Mria & Hernán Otero (eds.) Inmigración y redes sociales en la Argentina moderna (Buenos Aires, 1995).

Glickman, Nora. The Jewish White Slave Trade & the Untold Story of Raquel Liberman (NY, 1999).

Jefferson, Mark. Peopling the Argentine Republic (NY, 1926).

Keidar, David. Colonia Vila (Buenos Aires, 1990).

Lindstrom, Naomi. Jewish Issues in Argentine Literature from Gerchunoff to Szichman (Columbia: U. of Missouri, 1989).

Mirelman, Victor. Jewish Buenos Aires, 1890-1930: In Search of an Identity (Detroit, 1990).

Moya, José C. Cousins & Strangers: Spanish Immigrants in Buenos Aires, 1850-1930 (Berkeley: U. of California, 1998).

Sofer, Eugene F. From Pale to Pampa: A Social History of the Jews of Buenos Aires (NY, 1982).

Weisbrot, Robert. The Jews of Argentina: from the Inquisition to Perón (Philadelphia, 1979).

In the Library: Fiction

Gerchunoff, Alberto. Los gauchos judíos (Buenos Aires, 1910).

Mactas, Rebeca. Judíos de las acacias (cuentos de la vida campesina) (Buenos Aires, 1936).

In the Library: For Young Readers

In the Library: Poetry

In the Library: Drama

In the Library: Photography

CD & Audio

Film & Video

"Rebellion in Patagonia" [1974], ir. Hector Olivera, 107m. From Cinema Guild. Brutal repression of anarchist rural workers' strikes in 1920s.

"The Yidische Gauchos" [1989], dir. Mark Freeman & Alison Brysk, 28m. From Filmakers' Library.

Monterey Bay Educators Against War
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