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Government Secrecy

(see also Whistleblowing, Freedom of Information, Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, Revitalizing Democracy)

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On the Web: Articles

On the Web: Specialized Sites

Campaign Against Executive Order 13233. Bush restricts public access to presidential papers.

National Security Archive

Secrecy News (Federation of American Scientists)

Smoking Gun

In the Library: Articles

Cole, David. "Official secrets law," Nation (11/20/00):8.

Costner, Brian. "Access denied," Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 58,2 (3-4/2002):59-62. Broadened definition of “top secret”since 9/11.

Goldston, James A.; Jennifer M. Granholm & Robert J. Robinson. "A nation less secure: diminished public access to information," Harvard Civil Rights/Civil Liberties Law Review 21,2 (sum 1986).

Halperin, Morton H. "Secrecy & national security," in Len Ackland & Steven McGuire (eds.) Assessing the Nuclear Age: Selections from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (Chicago IL: Education Foundation for Nuclear Science), pp. 253-260.

Lardner, Richard. "Keeping secrets: the Security Policy Board has failed to reform the government's massive secrecy system," Government Executive 30,3 (3/98).

Shapiro, Bruce. "Information lockdown," Nation (11/12/01):4-5.

Thompson, Edward P. "The secret state," Race & Class 20,3 (1979):219-42.

Wiener, Jon. "The national secrecy state [review essay on Moynihan, Secrecy], Nation (12/21/98):27-.

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Abel, Elie. Leaking: Who Does It? Who Benefits? At What Cost? (NY: Priority, 1987).

Aguilar Bulgarelli, Oscar. Secreto de estado y derecho a la información (San José CR: Progreso, 1996).

Almino, João. O segredo e a informação: ética e política no espaço público (São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1986).

Caute, David. The Espionage of the Saints: Two Essays on Silence & the State (London: H. Hamilton, 1986).

Cohen, Steven. Secrecy & Democracy (Cambridge MA: Educators for Social Responsibility, 1990).

Curry, Richard O. (ed.) Freedom at Risk: Secrecy, Censorship & Repression in the 1980s (Philadelphia: Temple, 1988).

Demac, Donna A. Keeping America Uninformed: Government Secrecy in the 1980s (NY: Pilgrim, 1984).

Dorril, Stephen & Robin Ramsay. Smear! Wilson & the Secret State (London: Fourth Estate, 1991).

Galnoor, Itzhak. Government Secrecy in Democracies (NY: NYU, 1977).

Halperin, Morton H. & Daniel N. Hoffman. Top Secret: National Security & the Right to Know (Washington: New Republic, 1977).

Hoffman, Daniel N. Governmental Secrecy & the Founding Fathers: A Study in Constitution Controls (Westwood CT: Greenwood, 1981).

Hooper, David. Official Secrets: The Use & Abuse of the Act (London: Secker & Warburg, 1987).

Hutchins, Raymond. Soviet Secrecy & Non-Secrecy (Totowa NJ: Barnes & Noble, 1988).

Kiff, David A. Your Guide to Open Meetings: The Ralph M. Brown Act (Sacramento CA: Joint Publications, 1989).

Leigh, David. The Frontiers of Secrecy: Closed Government in Britain (London: Junction, 1980).

Melanson, Philip. Secrecy Wars: National Security, Privacy & the Public's Right to Know (Washington: Brassey's, 2001).

Matthews, Anthony S. The Darker Reaches of Government: Access to Information about Public Information in Three Societies (Cape Town: Juta, 1978). Compares US, Britain & South Africa.

Melanson, Philip H. Secrecy Wars: National Security, Privacy & the Public's Right to Know (Washington: Brassey's, 2001).

Michael, James. The Politics of Secrecy (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982).

Mie, Alain-Louis. Administration et droit à l'information: le secret en question (Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1985).

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick. Secrecy: The American Experience (New Haven, 1998)

Nelson, Anna Kasten. A Culture of Secrecy: The Government vs. the People’s Right to Know (Lawrence KS, 1988).

Péan, Pierre. Secret d'Etat: la France du secret, les secrets de la France (Paris: Fayard, 1986).

Pincher, Chapman. The Truth About Dirty Tricks: From Harold Wilson to Margaret Thatcher (London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1991).

Robertson, Kenneth. Public Secrets: A Study in the Development of Government Secrecy (London: Macmillan, 1982).

Rudenstine, David. The Day the Presses Stopped: A History of the Pentagon Papers Case (Berkeley, 1997).

Scott, Peter Dale. Deep Politics & the Death of JFK (Berkeley: U. of California, 1993).

Shattuck, John. Federal Restrictions on the Free Flow of Academic Information & Ideas (Cambridge MA: Harvard, 1985).

Thurlow, Richard C. The Secret State: British Internal Security in the 20th C. (Cambridge MA: Blackwell, 1995).

Vincent, David. The Culture of Secrecy: Britain, 1832-1998 (NY: Oxford, 1998).

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