Green Party
On the Web: Articles
Muslim-American Groups Endorse Green Party Gubernatorial Candidate. San Jose Mercury (10/30/02).
On the Web: Specialized Sites
Greens in the US:
Green Parties of North America
Greens Abroad:
African Federation of Green Parties.
Bündnis 90/Die Groenen (German Greens).
European Federation of Green Parties.
Federación de Partidos Verdes de las Américas.
Federation of Young European Greens.
Federazione dei Verdi (Italy).
Green Party of Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Green Party of England & Wales.
Partido Verde Ecologista de México.
Partido Verde (Brazil).
Partido Verde Oxígeno (Colombia).
Les Verts (French Greens).
In the Library: Articles
Anon. "The Nader challenge," Progressive (7/00). Sober evaluation of what it can contribute.
Ashbee, Edward. "The also-rans: Nader, Buchanan & the 2000 US presidential election," Political Quarterly 72,2 (4-6/01):159-70.
Bazar, Emily. "Audie Bock: a one-woman Green machine," Ms (10-11/99):28.
Bielski, Vince & Trish Callahan. "The Green Party takes on the Democrats," San Francisco Bay Guardian (10/2/91).
Burchell, Jon. "Here come the Greens (again): the Green Party in Britain during the 1990s," Environmental Politics 9,3 (fall 00):145-51.
__________. "Evolving or conforming? Assessing organizational reform within European Green Parties," West European Politics 24,3 (7/01).
Buck, Claudia. "Does being Green mean being a spoiler?" California Journal 29,10 (10/98)12-14.
Burke, Tom. "The year of the Greens: Britain's cultural revolution," Environment 31,9 (11/89):18-25.
Butcher, Allen. "Integrating the Green political spectrum within a party organization," Synthesis/Regeneration (win 2002):37-40.
Colapinto, John. "Ralph Nader is not sorry," Rolling Stone (9/13/01):64-71.
Conniff, Ruth. "Left-Right romance," Progressive (5/00). On Nader alliance with Phyllis Schafley vs. Channel One's commercialization of public schools.
__________. "On the road with Ralph Nader," Nation (7/17/00).
__________. "It's not easy being Green," Progressive (8/00). On Green Party Convention.
__________. "Barney Frank vs. Ralph Nader," Progressive (11/00).
Cooper, Marc. "The Greens climb in New Mexico," Nation (10/24/94).
Corn, David. "Nader: is there life after crucifixion?" Nation (12/4/00):17.
Cull, N.J. "The Green-Party," Historical Journal of Film, Radio & Television 17,4 (10/97):511-14.
Dickson, Barney. "Britain's Red Greens: a very cautious optimism," Capitalism Nature Socialism 11 (9/92).
Escudero, José Carlos. "Argentina's Green parodies & pragmatism," Capitalism Nature Socialism 11 (9/92).
Ettinger, Christian & A.G. Block. "New party has Democrats," California Journal 23,2 (2/92).
Futrelle, David. "Is there life beyond the Democrats?" Utne Reader (11-12/94):7-20.
Godwin, Michele Cerise. "Phil Donohue [interview]," Progressive (11/00). On reasons for his support of Ralph Nader.
Goldstein, Richard. "Looking for Lefty," Village Voice (9/19/00). On strengths & weaknesses of Nader campaign.
Hines, Colin. "Why vote Green?" Ecologist 31,5 (6/01).
Hockenos, Paul. "German halftime," World Policy Journal 18,1 (spr 01).
Johnson, Charles D. "The Green dilemma & direct democracy," Synthesis/Regeneration (win 02):35038.
Joppke, Christian & Andrei S. Markovits. "Green politics in the new Germany," Dissent 41,2 (spr 94):235-41.
Kelly, Petra. "Reunification & the German Greens," Capitalism, Nature, Socialism 2,2 (6/91).
Kelley, Kevin J. "A Green fringe:
Britain's gray politics takes on a new hue," Progressive (4/90):30-34.
Laidman, Dan. "Big sky Greens," Progressive (6/02):23-26. Bob Kelleher's campaign for Senate in Montana.
Lewis, Michael. "The normal
person of tomorrow," New Republic (5/20/96):18-21. Interview with
Ralph Nader.
Mewes, Horst. "The Green Party comes of age," Environment 27,5
Miller, R. "Postmaterialism & Green Party activists in New Zealand," Political Science 43,2 (12/91):43-66.
Mullally, Gerard. "'Treading softly' on the political system? The Irish Greens in the 1997 general election," Environmental Politics 6,4 (win 97):165-72.
Muwakkil, Salim. "Greens get real," In These Times (7/28/97). On increasing Green Party awareness of the importance of Black & working people to the movement, & remarkable Green voting record of the Congressional Black Caucus.
Nichols, John. "California dreamin': Third-party activists get going in the Golden State," Progressive (3/96):30-33.
__________. "Coming out Green," Nation (12/25/00):9. Matt González in San Francisco.
O'Brien, Bill. "Green Party makes the ballot: 'now that we're a political party, what are we going to be doing?'," Berkeley Express (1/10/92).
Pattie, C.J.; A.T. Russell & R.J. Johnston. "Going Green in Britain: votes for the Green Party & attitudes to Green issues in the late 1980s," Journal of Rural Studies 7,3 (1991):285-97.
Phillips, Kevin P.; Gloria Steinem, Dan Hamburg, Ramon Ripstein & others. "What it means," Nation (7/8/96):20-23. On Nader's first campaign for the Presidency.
Poguntke, T. "Between ideology & empirical research: the literature on the German Green Party," European Journal of Political Research 21,4 (6/91):337-56.
Rainbow, Stephen. "Greens within an alliance: the New Zealand experience," Environmental Politics 4,3 (fall 95):475-81.
Redmond, Tim. "Why Democrats are green with envy," California Republic (3/92).
Reed, Adolph L. Jr. "For Ralph, without illusions," Progressive (10/00).
Smith, Wesley J. "Nobody's Nader [interview]," Mother Jones (7-8/96).
Rhodes, Martin. "The Italian Greens: struggling for survival," Environmental Politics 4,2 (sum 95):305-13.
Roberts, Geoffrey K. "Developments in the German Green Party: 1992-95," Environmental Policy 4,4 (win 95):247-53.
__________. "Developments in the German Green Party: 1995-1999," Environmental Politics 8,3 (fall 99):147-53.
Rodríguez, Emelyn. "Will the real Audie Bock please step forward?" California Journal 30,12 (12/99):24-29.
Rudig, W. "Green Party politics around the world," Environment 33,8 (10/91).
Sawatzky, Karen. "Lessons from Vancouver: Labour & Greens can get along," Canadian Dimension 34,2 (3/00).
Sifry, Micah L. "Nader's Green light," Nation (1/8/96):6-8.
__________. "Fresh Greens," Nation (10/24/98). Green victories in New Mexico.
__________. "Green & growing," Nation (7/24/00):7.
Spretnak, Charlene. "A Green perspective," Tikkun 16,1 (1/01):35.
Swift, Jamie. "How Green is the New Democratic Party?" Capitalism, Nature, Socialism 2,2 (6/91).
Szabo, Stephen F. "Political shifts in West Germany," Current History (11/88):361-67.
Toke, Dave. "Green radicalism: side-show or a new alternative?" Political Quarterly 71,4 (10-12/00):443-51.
Thurner, Christian. "Economics of the US Greens," Capitalism, Nature, Socialism 2,2 (6/91).
Vanzi, Max. "Enter Audie Bock," California Journal (5/99):22-25.
Vaughan, John H. "The Greens' vision of Germany," Orbis 32,1 (win 88):83-96.
Voerman, Gerrit. "The Netherlands' Green paradoxes," Capitalism Nature Socialism 11 (9/92).
Weiss, Cora. "Petra's life," Nation (12/7/92):689.
Zoll, Daniel. "Charting a new course: bolstered by Nader campaign, Greens launch drive," San Francisco Bay Guardian (6/17/97).
In the Library: Non-Fiction Books
Burklin, Wilhelm P. The "Greens" & the "New Politics" Goodbye to the Three-Party System? (Florence: European University Institute, 1981).
Dittmers, Manuel. The Green Party in West Germany: Who Are They? and What Do They Really Want? (St. Peter Port: Dimen, 1988).
Frankland, E.G. & D. Schoonmaker. Between Protest & Power: The Green-Party in Germany
Gaard, Greta. Ecological Politics: Ecofeminists & the Greens (Philadelphia: Temple, 1998).
Gaskin, Stephen. An Outlaw in My Heart: A Political Activist's User's Manual (Philadelphia: Camino, 2000).
Helvarg, David. The War Against the Greens: The "Wise-Use" Movement, the New Right & Anti-Environmental Violence (SF: Sierra Club, 1994).
Icke, David. It Doesn't Have to Be Like This: Green Politics Explained (London: Green Print, 1990).
Kemp, Penny & Derek Wall. A Green Manifesto for the 1990s (NY: Penguin, 1990).
Kitschelt, Herbert & Staf Hellemans. Beyond the European Left: Ideology & Political Action in Belgian Ecology Parties (Durham NC: Duke, 1991).
Kolinsky, Eva (ed.) The Greens in West Germany: Organization & Policy Making (NY: Berg, 1989).
MacEwen, Malcolm. The Greening of a Red (Concord MA: Pluto, 1991).
Nader, Ralph. Crashing the Party: Taking on the Corporate Government in an Age of Surrender (NY: St. Martin's, 2002).
O'Hara, Larry & Gary Matthews. Paradise Referred Back: A Radical Look at the Green Party (London: BCM Flamegreen, 1992).
Poguntke, Thomas. Alternative Politics: The German Green Party (Edinburgh: Edinburgh U, 1993).
Porritt, Jonathan & David Winner. The Coming of the Greens (London: Fontana/Collins, 1989).
Pfaltzgraff, Robert L. Jr. The Greens of West Germany: Origins, Strategies, & Transatlantic Implications (Cambridge MA: Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, 1983).
Rayner, Jane & L.J.M. Cooray (eds.) Greens vs. Development: Towards Commonsense & Reason on Environmental Issues (Epping, NSW: Australians for Commonsense Freedom & Responsibility, 1990).
Rensenbrink, John. The Greens & the Politics of Transformation (San Pedro CA, 1992).
Rifkin, Jeremy & Carole Grunewald Rifkin. Voting Green: Your Complete Environmental Guide to Making Political Choices in the 90s (NY: Doubleday, 1992).
Rosenstone, Steven J.; Roy L. Behr & Edward H. Cazares. Third Parties in America. Citizen Response to Major Party Failure (Princeton: Princeton U, 1996).
Rudig, Wolfgang. Green Party Members: A Profile (Glasgow: Delta, 1991).
Sifry, Micah L. Spoiling for a Fight: Third Party Politics in America (NY, 2001).
Woodin, Michael & Caroline Lucas. Green Alternatives to Globalisation: A Manifesto (London: Pluto, 2005).