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Southeast Asia: General

(see also Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, Vietnam before 1965, Vietnam since 1975 & Vietnam War)

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CIA World Factbook. Includes map.

New Internationalist Profile

UN Development Program, Human Development Indicators

World Guide

On the Web: Articles

On the Web: Specialized Sites

In the Library: Articles

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Anderson, Benedict. The Spectre of Comparisons. Nationalism, Southeast Asia & the World (London, 1998).

Bastin, John & Harry J. Benda. A History of Modern Southeast Asia (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hal, 1968).

Chandler, David P. & others. In Search of Southeast Asia: A Modern History [1971] (rev. ed.; Honolulu: U. of Hawai'i, 1987).

Christie, Clive J. A Modern History of Southeast Asia: Decolonization, Nationalism & Separatism (NY: Tauris, 1996).

Dauvergne, Peter. Shadows in the Forest: Japan & the Politics of Timber in Southeast Asia (Cambridge MA, 1997).

Elson, Robert E. The End of Peasantry in Southeast Asia: A Social & Economic History of Peasant Livelihood, 1800-1990 (NY: St. Martin's, 1997).

Kaur, Amarjit. Wage Labour in Southeast Asia since 1840: Globalisation, the Internal Division of Labour, & Labour Transformations (NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004).

Lindblad, J. Thomas. Foreign Investment in Southeast Asia in the 20th C. (NY: St. Martin's, 1998).

Taylor, John G. & Andrew Turton (eds.) Sociology of "Developing Societies": Southeast Asia (NY: Monthly Review, 1988).

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