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Puerto Rico

(see also Puerto Rico: Vieques, Puerto Rican American Movements, Puerto Rican Lives, & Puerto Rican American History, Life & Values)

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CIA World Factbook. Includes map.

New Internationalist Profile

UN Development Program, Human Development Indicators

World Guide

On the Web: Articles

On the Web: Specialized Sites

Ibermundo Puerto Rico.

Resource Center of the Americas. News links.

WWW Virtual Library.

In the Library: Articles

Cockburn, Alexander. "From San Juan Hill to Chengue," Nation (2/12/01):9.

Pérez, Marvette & Yvonne Lassalle (interviewers). "Pepón Osorio on colonialism, postcoloniality & Puerto Rican survival," Radical History Review 73 (win 99):4-21.

Quintero-Rivera, Angel. "Puerto Rico, c. 1870-1940," in Cambridge History of Latin America vol. 5 (London, 1986).

Tanzer, Michael. "The state & the oil industry in today's world: some lessons for Puerto Rico," Monthly Review 29,10 (3/78):1-14.

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Acosta-Belén, Edna (ed.) La mujer en la sociedad puertoriqueña (Rio Piedras: Huracán, 1980).

__________ with Elia Hidalgo Christensen. The Puerto Rican Woman (NY: Praeger, 1979).

Albizu Campos, Pedro. La conciencia nacional puertorriqueña (México: Siglo XI, 1972).

Anderson, Robert W. Party Politics in Puerto Rico (Stanford: Stanford U, 1965). Political history, 1940-65.

Andreu Iglesias, César. Independencia y socialismo (San Juan: Estrella Roja, 1951).

__________. Luis Muñóz Marín: un hombre acorralado por la historia (Rio Piedras: Puerto, 1972).

__________. Cosas de aquí: una visión de la década del '60 en Puerto Rico (San Juan: Atenea, 1975).

Castor, Suzy (coord.) Puerto Rico: Una Crisis Histórica (México: Nuestro Tiempo, 1979).

Diffie, Bailey W. & Justine W. Diffie. Porto Rico: A Broken Pledge (NY: Vanguard, 1931). Good exposé of failures of first generation of US rule.

Fernandez, Ronald. The Disenchanted Island: Puerto Rico & the US in the 20th C. (2nd ed.; NY: Praeger, 1996).

García, Gervasio L. y Angel G. Quintero Rivera. Desafío y solidaridad: breve historia del movimiento obrero puertorriqueño (Rio Piedras: Huracán, 1982).

Gonzalez, Jose Luis. Puerto Rico: The Four Storied Country (Princeton, NJ : Markus Wiener, 2003)

History Task Force of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies. Labor Migration Under Capitalism: The Puerto Rican Experience (NY: Monthly Review, 1979).

Hostos, Eugenio María de. América, la lucha por la libertad (ed. Manuel Maldonado Denis; San Juan: Compromiso, 1988).

Lewis, Gordon. Puerto Rico: Freedom & Power in the Caribbean (NY: Monthly Review, 1963).

__________. Notes on the Puerto Rican Revolution: An Essay on American Dominance & Caribbean Resistance (NY: Monthly Review, 1974).

López, Adalberto (ed.) The Puerto Ricans: Their History, Culture & Society (Cambridge: Schenkman, 1980).

Maldonado Denis, Manuel. Puerto Rico: mito y realidad (Barcelona: Peninsula, 1969).

__________. Puerto Rico: A Socio-Historical Interpretation (NY: Random House, 1972).

__________. Hacia una interpretación marxista de la historia de Puerto Rico y otros ensayos (Rio Piedras: Antillana, 1977).

__________. Betances, revolucionario antillano, y otros ensayos (Rio Piedras: Antillana, 1978).

Matos Rodríguez, Félix & Linda C. Delgado (eds.) Puerto Rican Women's History: New Perspectives (Armonk NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1998).

Morris, Nancy. Puerto Rico: Culture, Politics & Identity (Westport CT: Praeger, 1995).

Navarro, José Manuel. Creating Tropical Yankees: Social Science Textbooks & US Ideological Control in Puerto Rico, 1898-1908 (NY: Routledge, 2002).

Nelson, Anne. Murder under Two Flags: The US, Puerto Rico & the Cerro Maravilla Cover-Up (NY: Ticknor & Fields, 1986).

Ortiz Cofer, Judith. Silent Dancing: A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood (Bailando en silencio: escenas de una niñez puertoriqueña) (Houston: Piñata, 1990 & 1997).

Pico, Fernando. Puerto Rico 1898: The War After the War (trans. Sylvia Korweck & Psique Arana Guzmán: Princeton NJ: Markus Wiener, 200?).

Quintero Rivera, Angel (comp.) Workers' Struggle in Puerto Rico: A Documentary History (NY: Monthly Review, 1976).

__________ & others. Puerto Rico, identidad nacional y clases sociales: coloquio de Princeton (2nd ed.; Rio Piedras: Huracán, 1981).

__________. Conflictos de clase y política en Puerto Rico (5th ed.; Rio Piedras: Huracábn, 1986).

__________. Music, Social Classes & the National Question of Puerto Rico (Washington: Wilson Center, 1989).

__________. Salsa, sabor y control!: sociología de la música "tropical" (México: Siglo XXI, 1998).

__________ (ed.) Vírgenes, magos y escapularios: imaginería, etnicidad y religiosidad popular en Puerto Rico (San Juan: Fundación Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades, 1998).

__________. La otra cara de la historia: la historia de Puerto Rico desde su cara obrera (Rio Piedras: Cerep, 2000).

Ribes Tovar, Federico. The Puerto Rican Woman: Her Life & Evolution Throughout History (NY: Plus Ultra, 1972).

Rivera-Batiz, Francisco & Carlos E. Santiago. Island Paradox: Puerto Rico in the 1990s (NY: Russell Sage, 1998).

Santana, Deborah Berman. Kicking Off the Bootstraps: Environment, Development & Community in Puerto Rico (Tucson: U. Arizona, 1996).

Santiago-Valles, Kelvin A. "Subject People" & Colonial Discourses: Economic Transformation & Social Disorder in Puerto Rico, 1898-1947 (Albany: SUNY, 1994).

Senior, Clarence O. Self-Determination for Puerto Rico (NY: Post War World Council, 1946).

Sonesson, Birgit. Puerto Rico's Commerce, 1765-1865: From Regional to Worldwide Market Relations (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center, 2000).

Steiner, Stan. The Islands: Worlds of the Puerto Ricans (NY: Harper & Row, 1974).

Tugwell, Rexford Guy. The Stricken Land: The Story of Puerto Rico (NY: Doubleday, 1947). Important exposé of the failures of colonial rule.

Wagenheim, Kai. The Puerto Ricans: A Documentary History [1973] (Princeton: Markus Wiener, 2002).

Wagenheim, Kal & Olga Jimenez de Wagenheim (eds.) The Puerto Ricans: A Documentary History (Princeton, NJ : Markus Wiener, 2003)

Wagenheim, Olga Jimenez de Wagenheim & El Grito de Lares. Puerto Rico’s Revolt for Independence (Princeton, NJ : Markus Wiener, 2003)

Zavala, Iris M. & Rafael Rodríguez (eds.) The Intellectual Roots of Independence: An Anthology of Puerto Rican Political Essays (NY: Monthly Review, 1980).

In the Library: Fiction

Andreu Iglesias, César. Los derrotados (México: Los Presentes, 1956; English trans. Sidney Mintz, The Vanquished; Chapel Hill: U. North Carolina, 2002).

__________. Una gota de tiempo (San Juan: Puertorriqueña, 1958).

__________. El derrumbe (San Juan: Club del Libro, 1960).

Aponte Alsina, Marta. La casa de la loca (Cayey: Sopa de Letras, 1999).

Babin, Maria Teresa & Stan Steiner (eds.) Borinquen: An Anthology of Puerto Rican Literature (NY: Knopf, 1974).

Barradas, Efraín (ed.) Apalabramiento: diez cuentistas puertorriqueños de hoy (Hanover NH: Ediciones del Norte, 1993).

Colón, Eliseo. Archivo Catalina: memorias online (San Juan: Plaza Mayor, 2000).

Fernández Olmos, Margarite & Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert (eds.) Remaking a Lost Harmony: Stories from the Hispanic Caribbean (Fredonia NY: White Pine, 1995).

Ferré, Rosario. La casa de la laguna (Barcelona: Emecé, 1996; English trans. The House on the Lagoon; NY: Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, 1995).

Iglesias, César Andreu. The Vanquished: A Novel (Derrotados) [1956] (trans. Sidney W. Mintz; Chapel Hill: U. of North Carolina, 2000). Author a Communist militant & leader in struggle for independence.

Lozada, Angel. La patografía: novela (México: Planeta, 1998).

Lugo Filippi, Carmen. Narromaniando con Mirta, o, no me platiques más: novela (San Juan: Isla Negra, 1999).

Marqués, René. Otro día nuestro, cuentos (San Juan, 1955). Explores Puerto Rican nationalism.

Montero, Mayra. Del rojo de su sombra (Barcelona: Tusquets, 1998).

Ortiz Cofer, Judith. The Meaning of Consuelo (NY: Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, 2003).

Rosado, José Angel (ed.) El rostro y la máscara: antología alterna de cuentistas puertorriqueños contemporáneos (San Juan: Isla Negra, 1995).

Vélez, Diana L. Reclaiming Medusa: Short Stories by Contemporary Puerto Rican Women (San Francisco: Aunt Lute, 1988).

In the Library: Poetry

In the Library: Photography

CD & Audio:

Film & Video:

"A Bridge Over the Caribbean" [1995], dir. Sonia Fritz, 36m. From Cinema Guild. Interviews with business & government officials on P.R. development 1940-1994, including impact of NAFTA.

"Images of Faith" [1992], dir. Rebecca Marviles, 28m.From Cinema Guild. Hand-carved santos of popular P.R. Catholicism.

"The King Does Not Lie: The Initiation of a Shango Priest" [1993], dir. Judith Gleason & Elisa Mereghetti, 50m. From Filmakers' Library. Vivid documentary on Puerto Rican folk religion.

"The Life & Poetry of Julia de Burgos" [1979], dir. José García Torres, 28m. Docu-drama on great nationalist poet's life & work in P.R., Cuba & NY. From Cinema Guild.

"Luisa Capetillo" [1994], dir. Sonia Fritz, 42m. From Cinema Guild. Life & work of pioneering P.R. journalist, writer, women's suffragist & labor organizer.

"Manos a la obra: The Story of Operation Bootstrap" [1983], dir. Pedro Rivera & Susan Zeig, 59m. From Cinema Guild. Uses old footage to reconstruct vaunted development program of 1950's, intended as non-revolutionary model for all of Latin America.

"Maruja" [1959], dir. Oscar Orzabal Quintana, 120m. From Latin American Video Archives.

"The Nationalists" [1973], dir. José García Torres, 28m. From Cinema Guild. Puerto Rican Nationalist Party led by Pedro Albizu Campos in 1950s; background to 3/54 attack on US Congress.

"La Operación" [1982], dir. Ana María García, 40m. From Cinema Guild. Exposé of scandalous use of involuntary female sterilization as means of population control in PR.

"The Other Road (El otro camino)" [1959], dir. Oscar Orzabal Quintana, 90m. From Latin American Video Archives.

"Maldeamores" [2007], dir. Carlos Ruiz Ruiz & Mariem Pérez Riera, ?m.

"Plena is Work, Plena is Song" [1989], dir. Pedro A. Rivera & Susan Zeig, 29m. From Cinema Guild. History of a P.R. musical style.

"Puerto Rico: Art & Identity" [1991], dir. Sonia Fritz, 56m. From Cinema Guild. Surveys work of contemporary artists.

"Puerto Rico: Paradise Invaded" [1977], dir. Affonso Beato, 30m. From Cinema Guild. History & then-current reality of P.R. in relation to US.

"Road of No Return" [1997], dir. Sonia Fritz, 15m. From Cinema Guild.. Life & work of 19th-c. P.R. feminist & political activist María de las Mercedes Barbudo.

"Two worlds of Angelita" [1982], dir. Jane Morrison, 73m.

"Verso Negro" [1999], 40m. From Cinema Guild. Black Puerto Rican poets in P.R. & the US.


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