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(see also South Africa: Apartheid Regime & Portugal)

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In the Library: Articles:

Alpers, Edward A. "Ethnicity, politics & history in Mozanbique," Africa Today 21,4 (fall 1974).

Davidson, Basil. "Revolution in people’s power: notes on Mozambique, 1979," Race & Class 21 (1979):127-44.

Gersony, Robert. "Rebels create havoc in Mozambique," Cultural Survival Quarterly 12,2 (1988):31-40.

Gray, Richard. "Khalai-Khalai’: people’s history in Mozambique," History Workshop 14 (fall 1982).

Gunn, Gillian. "Cuba & Mozambique: a history of cordial disagreement," in G. Favriol & E. Loser (eds.) Cuba: The International Dimension (NY Brunswick NJ: Transaction, 1990).

Henrikson, Thomas A. "Repression & revolution: memoir from Mozambique," Africa Today 222,4 (19??):87-88.

Isaacman, Allen. "The tradition of resistance in Mozambique," Africa Today 22,3 (7-9/75):37-51.

__________ & Arlindo Chilundo. "Peasants at work: forced cotton cultivation in northern Mozambique," in Isaacman & Roberts (eds.) Cotton, Colonialism & Social History in Sub-Saharan Africa (Portsmouth NH, 1995).

Kruks, Sonia & Ben Wisner. "Ambiguous transformations: women, politics, & production in Mozambique," in Kruks et al. (eds.) Women in the Transition to Socialism (NY, 1989?).

Lefort, René. "Liberated Mozambique," Monthly Review 28,7 (12/76):25-39.

Machel, Samora. "Message of proclamation of independence for Mozambique," Africa Today 22,3 (1975):5-9.

Manghezi, Alpheus. "Interviews with Mozambican peasant women," in Johnson & Bernstein (eds.) Third World Lives of Struggle (London, 1982), pp. 164-72. See for other Mozambique items as well.

Marcum, John. "A martyr for Mozambique," Africa Report (3-4/69). On life & death of Eduardo Mondlane.

Pitcher, Anne M. "From cohercion to incentives: the Portuguese colonial cotton regime in Angola & Mozambique, 1946-1974," in Isaacman & Roberts (eds.) Cotton, Colonialism & Social History in Sub-Saharan Africa (Portsmouth NH, 1995).

Reilly, Joseph. "Frelimo: Thirty years of fighting for a free Mozambique," Monthly Review 44,5 (10/92):10-17.

Saul, John. "FRELIMO & the Mozambique revolution," Monthly Review 24,10 (3/73):22-52.

__________. "Free Mozambique," Monthly Review 27,7 (12/75):8-22.

__________. "Mozambique: the new phase," Monthly Review 30,10 (3/79):1-19.

__________. "Destabilization in Mozambique," Studies in Political Economy 23 (sum 1987):5-40.

__________. "Rethinking the FRELIMO State," Socialist Register 1993 (NY: Monthly Review, 1994).

Shore, Herb. "Mondlane, Machel & Mozambique: from rebellion to revolution," Africa Today, 21,1 (win 1974):3-12.

Wright, Robin. "Mozambique: short term problems, long term hope," Africa Today 22,3 (7-9/75):15-20.

Young, Tom. "The politics of development in Angola & Mozambique," African Affairs (London) 87 (4/88):165-84.

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books:

Abrahamsson, Hans & Anders Nilsson. Mozambique: The Troubled Transition (?, 1995).

Andersson, Hillary. Mozambique: A War Against the People (NY, 1992).

Birmingham, David. Frontline Nationalism in Angola & Mozambique (London, 1992).

Bray, Ian. Chicualacuala: Life on the Frontline (Boston, 1987).

Brenna, T.O. Refugees from Mozambique. Shattered Land, Fragile Asylum (Cambridge, 1988).

Burchett, Wilfred G. Southern Africa Stands Up: The Revolutions in Angola, Mozambique, Rhodesia, Namibia & South Africa (NY: Urizen, 1978).

Carver, Richard. What Future for Mozambique? (Geneva: UNHCR, 1995).

Chabal, Patrick with David Birmingham, Joshua Forrest, Malyn Newitt, Gerhard Seibert & Elisa Silva Andrade. A History of Postcolonial Lusophone Africa (Bloomington: Indiana U, 2002).

Duffy, James. A Question of Slavery: Labour Problems in Portuguese Africa & the British Protest, 1850-1920 (Oxford, 1967).

Fauvet, Paul & Marcelo Mosse. Carlos Cardoso: Telling the Truth in Mozambique (Cape Town: Double Storey, 2003).

Finnegan, William. A Complicated War. The Harrowing of Mozambique (Berkeley, 1992).

Galli, Rosemary Elizabeth. People's Spaces & State Spaces: Land & Governance in Mozambique (Lanham MD: Lexington, 2003).

Hall, Margaret & Tom Young. Confronting Leviathan: Mozambique Since Independence (Athens OH, 1997).

Hanlon, Joseph. Beggar Your Neighbors (Bloomington: Indiana U, 1988). South African policy towards independent Angola & Mozambique.

__________. Mozambique: Who Calls the Shots? (NY: Oxford, 1991).

__________. Apartheid's Second Front: South Africa's War Against its Neighbors (Suffolk, 1996).

Hastings, Adrian. Wiriyamu. My-Lai in Mozambique (Maryknoll NY, 197?).

Isaacman, Allen. The Tradition of Resistance in Mozambique. The Zambesi Valley, 1850-1921 (Berkeley, 1976).

__________. Mozambique: From Colonialism to Revolution (Minneapolis, 1985).

__________ (ed.) The Life History of Raul Honwana: An Inside View of Mozambique from Colonialism to Independence, 1905-1975 (Boulder CO, 1988).

Kitchen, Helen (ed.) Angola, Mozambique & the West (NY, 1987).

Lappé, Frances Moore & Adele Beccar-Varela. Mozambique & Tanzania: Asking the Big Questions (San Francisco, 1980).

Leão, Ana. Weapons in Mozambique: Reducing Availability & Demand (Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies, 2004).

Magaia, Lina. Dumba Nengue, Run for Your Life: Peasant Tales of Tragedy in Mozambique (Trenton NJ: Africa World, 1988).

Minter, William. Apartheid's Contras: An Inquiry into the Roots of War in Angola & Mozambique (London, 1994).

Mittelman, James H. Underdevelopment & the Transition to Socialism. Mozambique & Tanzania (San Diego, 1981).

Mondlane, Eduardo. The Struggle for Mozambique (Harmondsworth, 196?).

Quan, Julian. Mozambique: A Cry for Peace (Boston, 1987).

Reynolds, Pamela. Dance, Civet Cat: Tonga Children & Labour in the Zambezi Valley (Athens OH, 1990).

Sahlstrom, Berit. Political Posters in Ethiopia and Mozambique: Visual Imagery in a Revolutionary Context (Uppsala, 1990).

Saul, John S. (ed.) A Difficult Road: The Transition to Socialism in Mozambique (NY: Monthly Review , 1985).

Torp, Jens Erik. Mozambique (London, 1989).

Turshen, Meredeth & Clotilde Twagiramariya (eds.) What Women Do in Wartime: Gender & Conflict in Africa (NY: Zed, 1998).

Urdang, Stephanie. And Still They Dance: Women, War, & the Struggle for Change in Mozambique (NY: Monthly Review, 1990).

Vines, Alex. Angola & Mozambique: The Aftermath of Conflict (London, 1995).

In the Library: Fiction

Couto, Mia. Voices Made Night (Vozes anoitecidas: contos) (trans. David Brookshaw; Oxford: Heinemann, 1990). Stories.

__________. Every Man is a Race (Cada homem é uma raça: estórias) (trans. David Brookshaw; Oxford: Heinemann, 1994). Stories.

__________. Under the Frangipani (Varanda do frangipani) [1996] (trans. David Brookshaw; London: Serpent's Tail, 2001).

____. The Last Flight of the Flamingo (O último voo do flamingo) [2000] (trans. David Brookshaw; ?: Serpent's Tail, 2004).

Hardy, Ronald. Rivers of Darkness (NY: Putnam, 1979).

Jorge, Lidia. The Murmuring Coast (Costa dos murmurios) (trans. Natalia Costa & Ronald W. Souza; Minneapolis: U. of Minnesota, 1995).

Karodia, Farida. A Shattering of Silence (Portsmouth NH: Heinemann, 1993).

Momplé, Lilia. Neighbors: The Story of a Murder (trans. Richard Bartlett & Isaura Oliveira; Portsmouth NH: Heinemann, 2001).

Sassine, Williams. Wirriyamu (trans. John Reed & Clive Wake;Exeter NH: Heinemann, 1980).

In the Library: For Young Readers

Farmer, Nancy. A Girl Named Disaster (NY: Orchard, 1996).

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