Latin America: General
(see also Latin America: Women, Latin America: Indigenous Peoples, Latin America: Drug War, Caribbean: General & Central America: General)
CIA World Factbook. Includes map.
UN Development Program, Human Development Indicators
World Guide (Montevideo)
On the Web: Articles
Offensive in Latin America: Coups, Retreats, and Radicalization, James
Petras, Monthly Review (5/02). US Latin America policy designed either
to extend empire or squelch challenges to hegemony.
On the Web: Specialized Sites
Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA).
Americas Program of the Interhemispheric Resource Center (IRC).
Latin America Solidarity Coalition.
North American Council on Latin America (NACLA).
Resource Center of the Americas.
Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA).
In the Library: Articles
Edwards, Beatrice. "IDB plan to sell the public sector: the cure or the ill?" NACLA Report 36,4 (1-2/03):13-19,
In the Library: Non-Fiction Books
Acosta-Belén, Edna & Christine E. Bose (eds.) Researching Women in Latin America & the Caribbean (Boulder: Westveiw, 1993).
Bose, Christine E. & Edna Acosta-Belén (eds.) Women in the Latin American Development Process (Philadelphia: Temple, 1995).
Centeno, Miguel Angel. Blood & Debt: War & the Nation-State in Latin America (University Park: Pennsylvania State, 2003).
Chasteen, John Charles. National Rhythms, African Roots. The Deep History of Latin American Popular Dance (Albuquerque: U. of New Mexico, 2003).
Collinson, Helen (ed.) Green Guerrillas: Environmental Conflicts & Initiatives in Latin America & the Caribbean: A Reader (London: Latin America Bureau, 199?).
Conniff, Micael L. (ed). Populism in Latin America (Tuscaloosa: U. of Alabama, 1999).
Domíguez, Jorge I. & Michael Shifter (eds). Constructing Democratic Governance in Latin America (2nd ed.) (Balitmore: Johns Hopkins, 2003).
Dore, Elizabeth (ed.) Gender Politics in Latin America: Debates in Theory & Practice (NY: Monthly Review, 1997).
Dorner, Peter. Latin American Land Reforms in Theory & Practice: A Retrospective Analysis (Madison: U. Wisconsin, 2002).
Fisher, Jo. Out of the Shadows. Women, Resistance & Politics in South America (London: Latin America Bureau, 199?).
Garretón, Manuel Antonio, Marcelo Cavarozzi, Peter S. Cleaves, Gary Gereffi, & Jonathan Hartlyn. Latin America in the 21st C: Toward a New Sociopolitical Matrix (Miami: North-South Center, 2003).
Gilbert, Alan. The Latin American City (London: Latin America Bureau, 199?).
Green, Duncan. Silent Revolution: The Rise of Market Economics in Latin America (London: Latin America Bureau, 1996).
Hedrick, Tace. Mestizo Modernism: Race, Nation & Identity in Latin American Culture, 1900-1940 (Piscataway NJ: Rutgers, 2003).
Jonas, Susanne & Nancy Stein (eds.) Democracy in Latin America: Visions & Realities (NY: Bergin & Garvey, 1990).
_________ & Edward J. McCaughan (eds.) Latin America Faces the 21st C.: Reconstructing a Social Justice Agenda (Boulder: Westview, 1994).
Rowe, William & Vivian Schelling. Memory & Modernity: Popular Culture in Latin America (London: Verso, 1991).
Smith, Peter H. Democracy in Latin America: Political Change in Comparative Perspective (NY: Oxford, 2005).
In the Library: Fiction
In the Library: Poetry
In the Library: Photography