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Guatemala: Church

(see also Guatemala, Guatemala: Ubico Regime, Guatemala: Civil War, Guatemala since 1995, Catholic Theocracy, Liberation Theology: Latin America)

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On the Web: Articles

The Social Consciousness & Involvement of the Full Gospel Church of God of Guatemala. Richard E. Waldrop, Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research.

Una delegación del arzobispado de Guatemala presenta en España el informe de la verdad por el que murió monseñor Gerardi. Amnistia International (8/98).

On the Web: Specialized Sites

Informe del Proyecto lnterdiocesano de Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica Guatemala: Nunca Más (Versión Resumida) D.R. Oficina de Derehos Humanos del Arzobispado de Guatemala

In the Library: Articles

Ajpu, Jun. “Religion cosmogonica del pueblo Maya,” Varios, Guatemala Seminario (Mexico, 1992):187-203.

Anónimo. “Guatemala: a Christian vision of reality,” LADOC 20,2 (11-12/89):23-24.

Anónimo. “Guatemala: what is faith in the eyes of a Mayan Indian,” IWGIA Newsletter 33 (3/83):5-8.

Anónimo. “Debate continues on Pellecer,” Central American Report (10/81).

Arson, Cynthia. “True Confessions,” The Nation (11/81) on the P. Luis Pellecer Faena case.

Bendaña, Ricardo. “Iglesia e ideologías en Guatemala,” Diálogos 26 (1975):4-7.

Bishop’s Conference, Guatemala. “Renovación en el espíritu: instrucción pastoral colectiva sobre la renovación carismática,” Iglesias (8/86):28-33.

Bonpane, Blasé. “The Church & revolutionary struggle in Central America,” LAP 7,2-3 (Spring-Summer 1980):178-189.

Calder, Bruce Johnson. “Crecimiento y cambio de la Iglesia Católica Guatemalteca, 1944-1966,” Estudios Centroamericanos 6 (Guatemala, 1970).

Calderon Salazar, Jose. “Arrecia en Guatemala la campaña contra Jesuitas,” Excelsior (1/80).

“Campaign for peace & life in Guatemala refusing to forget,” Study Guide on Guatemala; Never Again (Washington, 1999).

Cantón Delgado, Manuela. "Bautizados en fuego: protestantes, discursos de conversión y política en Guatemala, 1989-1993" Trans. by Leticia González S. Mesoamérica 21:40 (12/00):230-233.

Cardenal, Rodolfo. “Radical conservatism & the challenges of the gospel in Guatemala,” Church & politics in Latin America in Keogh (ed.) (London, 1990):205-224.

CIEDEG-AGG-EC. “Kariós guatemalteco,” in El Kairós en Centroamérica (Managua: Ed. Jose Maria Vigil, 1990):58-69.

Conferencia Episcopal de Guatemala. “Carta pastoral: para construir la paz,” in Cayetano Lella (comp.) Cristianismo y liberación I (Mexico, 1984):175-192.

Diener, Paul. “The tears of St. Anthony: ritual & revolution in eastern Guatemala,” LAP 18,s (1978):92-116.

Episcopal Conference of Guatemala. “Guatemalan Bishops Deplore Violence,” LADOC 12,s (7/81).

__________. “The church condemns the massacre of peasants,” (Guatemala, 27 May 1982).

Falla, Ricardo. "Evolución político--religiosa del indígena rural en Guatemala,1945--1965," Estudios Sociales Centroamericanos, 1:1 (Jan-Apr 1972), 27-43

FAR. “El Cristianismo y su compromiso con los oprimidos,” Polémica (San José: 12/82):70-74.

Farnsworth, Elizabeth & Stephen Talbot. “Guatemala: the subversive Bible,” Nation (1/81).

Gabino Garcia, Santos. “Fray Bartolome, presente hoy,” Diálogos 19 (9/75):4-7.

Gannon, Francis X. “Catholicism, revolution & violence in Latin America: lessons of the 1968 Guatemala Maryknoll episode,” Orbis 12,4 (winter 1969).

Garrard-Burnett, Virginia. "God & revolution: Protestant missions in revolutionary Guatemala, 1944--1954," The Americas 46:2 (10/89):205-223.

González, Manuel. “El cristianismo en Guatemala, camino de liberación,” Los Universitarios 205 (Mexico) (12/82):10-11.

González, Manuel. “Caminos de liberación en Guatemala,” in Cayetano Lella (comp.) Cristianismo y Liberación I (Mexico, 1984), pp. 171-174.

Hoksbergen, R. & N.E. Madrid. "The evangelical church & the development of neoliberal society: a study of the role of the evangelical church and its NGOs in Guatemala & Honduras," Journal of Developing Areas 32,1 (fall 97):37-52.

Jeffrey, Paul. "Convicted killer of Guatemalan bishop dies in prison riot," National Catholic Reporter (2/28/03).

Jensen, Dan M. M. “Nothing But My Tears,” Maryknoll (11/84):11-14.

Jesuits of Guatemala. “In the presence of the pain and hope of the Guatemalan people,” LADOC 10,5 (5-6/80):33-40.

Lara F., Celso A. “La quema del diablo en Guatemala,” JLAL 1,2 (win 1985):199-210.

Levine, Daniel H. & David Stoll. Religious Change, Empowerment, & Power: Bridging the Gap in Latin America. JILAS: Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 1,1-2 (12/95):1-33.

M. L. V. “Guatemala. “Los Enemigos: Teología de la Liberación y Democracia Cristiana. Cursillos del Opus Dei para Empresarios,” Diálogos 45 (4-5/79):70-71.

Martínez, Manuel. “The Church of the Catacombs in Guatemala,” Lucha 9,4 (7-8/85):4-7.

Martínez Guzmán, Pedro. “La Iglesia Mártir de Guatemala,” Iglesias (10/86):14-15.

McCarthy, Bishop John E. “A Cowboy for Jesus,” Maryknoll (11/84):58-62.

McDowell, Paul. “The decline of the civil-religious hierarchy: the case of Cantel,” Canadian JLAS 5,10 (1980):17-36.

Melville, Thomas & Marjorie Bradford Melville. “Oppression by any other name: power in search of legitimacy in Guatemala,” in June Nash, Juan Corradi & Hobart Spalding (eds.) Ideology & Social Change in Latin America (NY: 1977), pp267-94.

Miller, Hubert J. “El legado liberal anticlerical y su modificación constitucional, 1954-1965,” Anales de la Academia de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala 70 (1995):175-204.

__________. “Catholic leaders & spiritual socialism during the Arevalo administration in Guatemala, 1944-1951,” in Woodward (ed.) Central America: Historical Perspectives on the contemporary crises (NY, 1988), pp. 85-107.

Mondloch, James. “Maya-christian religious synchretism in the oral tradition of a Quiché community,” Mesoamerica 3 (6/1982):107-123.

Noone, Judith M. “Guatemala: mission in situations of violence,” in Guillermo Cook (ed.) New Face of the Church in Latin America (Maryknoll, 1994), pp.165-177.

Opazo Bernales, Andrés. “Religión y proyecto politico en Centroamérica,” Vida y Pensamiento (San José) 2,2 (7-12/82):29-70.

Pattridge, Blake D. “The catholic church and the closed corporate community during the Guatemalan revolution, 1944-1954,” The Americas 52,1 (7/1995):25-42.

__________. “The catholic church in revolutionary Guatemala, 1944-1954: a house divided,” Journal of Church & State 36,3 (1994):527-540.

Price, William J. “The costumbre – a Maya-christian syndrome,” in J. Considine (ed.) Religious Dimension (Notre Dame, 1966):88-182.

Rossell y Arellano, Msgr. Mariano. “A pastoral letter on catholic social justice & the struggle against communism,” in Pike (ed.) Conflict between Church & State in Latin America (NY, 1964), pp. 175-182.

Sanchiz Ochoa, Pilar. “Sincretismo de ida y vuelta: el culto de San Simón en Guatemala,” Mesoamerica 26 (12/93):253-266.

Siebers, Hans. “Globalization and religious creolization among the Q’eqchi’es of Guatemala,” in C. Smith & Prokopy (eds.) Latin American Religion in Motion (NY, 1999), pp. 261-274.

Siegel, Morris. “Religion in western Guatemala: a product of acculturation,” American Anthropology 43,1 (1941):62-76.

Sierra, Oscar R. “La iglesia católica entre el aperturismo democrático y el conflicto social en Guatemala,” Cristianismo & Sociedad 103 (1990):41-57.

Sierra Pop, Oscar. “Iglesia y conflicto social en Guatemala,” Estudios Sociales Centroamericanos 33 (9-12/1980):59-92.

__________. “The church & social conflicts in Guatemala,” Social Compass 30 (1983):317-349.

Sullivan-González, Douglass. "A Chosen People: Religious Discourse and the Making of the Republic of Guatemala, 1821-1871," The Americas 54,1 (7/97):17-38.

Vidales, Raúl. “Teología y politica étnicas en la última década,” Cristianismo y Sociedad 75 (1983):7-20.

Watanabe, John M. “From saints to shibboleths: image, structure & identity in Maya religious syncretism,” American Anthropologist 17 (1990):131-150.

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Benites, Tulio. Meditaciones de un Católico ante la Reforma Agraria (Guatemala, 1952).

__________. Cristo Muere y Resucita en Guatemala (Mexico, 1985). “pamphlet”

__________. Death & Insurrection in Guatemala (Maryknoll, 1986).

Berryman, Philip. Christians in Guatemala’s Struggle (London: CIIS, 1984).

Bishop’s Conference, Guatemala. Reflections: The Clamor for Land. A Collegial Pastoral Letter by the Guatemalan Bishops’ Conference (Managua, 1988).

Bonpane, Blasé. Guerrillas of Peace. Liberation Theology & the Central American Revolution (Boston, 1985).

Chea, Jose Luis. Guatemala. La Cruz Fragmentada: La Iglesia y el Cambio Social en Guatemala (San Jose, 1979).

Episcopado Guatemalteco. El Clamor por la tierra (Guatemala, 1988).

Falla, Ricardo. Quiché Rebelde (Guatemala: Universitaria, 1978).

Frank, Luisa & Philip Wheaton. Indian Guatemala: Path to Liberation. The Role of Christians in the Indian Process (Washington: EPICA, 1984).

The Guatemalan Church in Exile. The Army’s War against the Guatemalan Campesinos (Managua, 1988).

Gurriarán, Javier. La Resistencia en Guatemala (Mexico, 1989).

Holleran, Mary. Chuch & State in Guatemala (New York, 1949).

Iglesia Guatemalteca en el Exilio. Nosotros Conocemos nuestra Historia (Mexico, 1987).

__________. Guatemala: Refugees and Repatriation (Managua, 1987).

__________. The church of Guatemala: lessons of history (Managua, 1987).

__________. Ofensiva del Pueblo: Campesino contra Campesino (Managua, 1989).

Kampen, M. E. The Religion of the Maya (Leiden, 1981).

Kita, Bernice. What Prize Awaits Us. Letters from Guatemala (Maryknoll, 1988).

Lafarge, Oliver. Santa Eulalia. The Religion of a Cuchumatán Indian Town (Chicago, 1947).

Melander, Veronica. The Hour of God? People in Guatemala Confronting Political evangelism and counterinsurgency (1976-1990) (Uppsala, 1999).

Melville, Arthur. With eyes to see. A journey from religion to spirituality (Walpole NH, 1992).

Melville, Thomas & Marjorie. Whole heaven. Whole earth (NY: 1971).

Mondragón, Rafael. De indios y cristianos en Guatemala (Mexico: COPEC/CECOPE, 1983).

Nouwen, Henri J. M. Love in a fearful land. A Guatemalan story (Notre Dame, 1985).

Oakes, Maud. The two crosses of Todos Santos, survivals of Mayan religious ritual (NY: Pantheon, 1951).

Reina, Ruben E. The law of the saints. A Pokoman pueblo and its community culture (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill 1966).

Rojas Lima, Flavio. La simbologia del lenguaje en la cofradía indígena Cuadernos del Seminario de Integración Social de Guatemala 29 (Guatemala, 1984).

Ruíz, María Teresa. Los Cristianos y los Derechos Humanos en Guatemala (San José, 1994).

Samandu, L., H. Siebers & O. Sierra. Guatemala. Retos de la Iglesia Católica en una Sociedad en Crisis (San José, 1990).

Schotzko, Philip. Simple Faith. Stories from Guatemala (Kansas City, 1989).

Wagley, Charles. The Social & Religious Life of a Guatemalan Village (Menasha, WI: American Anthropological Association, 1949).

Watanabe, John M. Maya Saints & Souls in a Changing World (Austin: University of Texas, 1992).

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