(see also Canada: Aboriginal Peoples, Canada: Quebec & Canadian Radicalism)
CIA World Factbook. Includes map.
UN Development Program, Human Development Indicators.
On the Web: Articles
On the Web: Specialized Sites
Calgary Independent Media Center.
Hamilton Independent Media Center.
Ontario Independent Media Center.
Resource Center of the Americas.
Windsor Independent Media Center.
In the Library: Articles
Isbister, John. "Agriculture, balanced growth & social change in Central Canada since 1850: an interpretation," Economic Development & Social Change 25,4 (1977):673-97.
Osterman, John. "Doctors & socialized health care in Quebec," Monthly Review 34,1 (5/82):55-64.
Heron, Craig & Robert Storey (eds.) On the Job: Confronting the Labour Process in Canada (Montreal: McGill-Queens, 1986).
Robinson, Lukin. "Different from the US: lucky Canada," Monthly Review (4/99):58-64. Informative review essay on Roberts, In the Shadow of Empire.
Saunders, Doug & Carl Wilson. "The collapse of Canada's NDP," Nation (11/29/93):660-64.
Shearer, Derek. "The North moves Left: politics in British Columbia," Working Papers for a New Society 2,1 (spr 74):49-58.
In the Library: Non-Fiction Books
Adams, Michael, with Amy Langstaff & David Jamieson. Fire & Ice: The US, Canada, & the Myth of Converging Values (Toronto: Penguin Canada, 2003).
Breton, Raymond & Others (eds.) National Survival in Dependent Societies: Social Change in Canada & Poland (Ottawa: Carleton U., 1990).
Choquette, Robert. Language & Religion: A History of English-French Conflict in Ontario (NY, 1992).
Dunlap, Thomas R. Nature & the English Diaspora: Environment & History in the US, Canada, Australia & New Zealand (NY: Cambridge, 1999).
Dyer, Gwynne & Tina Viljoen. The Defence of Canada (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1990).
Ehring, George & Wayne Roberts. Giving Away a Miracle: Lost Dreams, Broken Promises & the Ontario NDP (Oakville ONT: Mosaic, 1993).
Gindin, Sam. The Canadian Auto Workers: The Birth & Transformation of a Union (Toronto: James Lorimer, 1995). How, while the American UAW declined, the CAW became an increasingly independent & progressive trade union.
Johnston, Richard & Others. Letting the People Decide: Dynamics of a Canadian Election (Montreal: McGill-Queens, 1992).
Keeley, Gregory S. Workers & Canadian History (Montreal: McGill, 1995).
Lower, A.R.M. The North American Assault on the Canadian Forest (New Haven: Yale, 1938).
Macfarlane, David. The Danger Tree: Memory, War, & the Search for a Family's Past (NY: Walker, 1991). World War I, epidemic disease, ecological disaster & conflict over confederation with Canada in the 20th-c. history of Newfoundland.
McNaught, Kenneth. The Pelican History of Canada (NY, 1969).
Rayside, David M. A Small Town in Modern Times: Alexandria, Ontario (Montreal: McGill-Queens, 1991). Anglo-Francophone relations.
Roberts, Joseph K. In the Shadow of Empire: Canada for Americans (NY: Monthly Review, 1998).
Roberts, Wayne. Honest Womanhood: Feminism, Femininity & Class Consciousness among Toronto Working Women, 1893-1914 (Toronto: New Hogtown, 1976).
Ryerson, Stanley. Unequal Union: Confederation & the Roots of Conflict in the Canadas, 1815-1873 (Toronto: 1968).
In the Library: Fiction
In the Library: For Young Readers
In the Library: Poetry
In the Library: Drama
In the Library: Photography
CD & Audio
Film & Video
"Bowling for Columbine" [2002], dir. Michael Moore. Includes unforgettable brief cut contrasting Canadian attitudes towards guns & violence with those of Americans.
"Marion Bridge" [2002], dir. Wiebke von Carolsfeld, 90m. Powerful family drama set in Cape Breton.
"Strangers in Good Company" [1990], dir. Cynthia Scott, 101m. From First Run Features. Seven women stranded in deserted farmhouse turn crisis into time of humor & discovery.