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Brazil: Military Regime 1964-84

(see also Brazil, Brazil: Indigenous Peoples, Brazil since 1985, Brazil: Amazon Region, Brazil: Church & Society, Brazil: Black History, Life & Values, & Brazil: Northeast)

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On the Web: Articles

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In the Library: Articles

Chilcote, Ronald H. "Toward the democratic opening in Latin America: the case of Brazil," Monthly Review 35,9 (2/84):38-47.

Martins, Luciano. "The 'liberalization' of authoritarian rule in Brazil," in O'Donnell & others (eds.) Transitions from Authoritarian Rule (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1986), pp. 72-94.

Navarro, Zander. "Democracy, citizenship & representation: rural social movements in southern Brazil, 1978-1990," Bulletin of Latin American Research 12,2 (5/94):129-54.

Sorj, Bernardo. "Agrarian structure & politics in present-day Brazil," Latin American Perspectives 24 (1980):23-34.

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Alves, Maria Helena. State & Opposition in Military Brazil (Austin: U. Texas, 1984).

Ames, Barry. Rhetoric & Reality in a Military Regime: Brazil since 1964 (Beverly Hills: Sage, 1970).

Black, Jan Knippers. The US Penetration of Brazil (Philadelphia: U. of Pennsylvania, 1977).

Bruneau, Thomas C. The Political Transformation of the Brazilian Catholic Church (NY: Cambridge, 1974).

__________. The Church in Brazil: The Politics of Religion (Austin: U. Texas, 1982).

__________. & Philippe Faucher. Authoritarian Capitalism: Brazil's Contemporary Economic & Political Development (Boulder: Westview, 1981).

Cabral, Reinaldo & Ronaldo Lapa. Os desaparecidos políticos: prisões, sequestros, assassinatos (Rio de Janeiro: Opção, 1979).

Cohen, Youssef. The Manipulation of Consent: The State & Working-Class Consciousness in Brazil (Pittsburgh: U. of Pittsburgh, 1989).

Flynn, Peter. Brazil: A Political Analysis (Boulder: Westview, 1978).

Hayes, Robert A. The Armed Nation: The Brazilian Corporate Mystique (Tempe: Arizona State U, 1989).

Keck, Margaret E. The Workers' Party & Democratization in Brazil (New Haven: Yale, 1992).

Kucinski, Bernardo. Brazil: State & Struggle (NY: Monthly Review, 1982).

Martins, José de Souza. Expropriação e violencia: a questão política no campo (São Paulo, 1980).

__________. Os camponeses e a política no Brasil (Petrópolis: Vozes, 1981).

Maybury-Lewis, Biorn. The Politics of the Possible: The Brazilian Rural Workers' Trade Union Movement, 1964-1985 (Philadelphia: Temple U, 199?).

Selcher, Wayne A. (ed.) Political Liberalization in Brazil. Dynamics, Dilemmas & Future Prospects (Boulder, 1986).

Smith, Anne-Marie. A Forced Agreement: Press Acquiescence to Censorship in Brazil (Pittsburgh: U. Pittsburgh, 1997).

Steele, John & Don Kanel. The Agricultural Ladder in a Brazilian Community (Madison WI: Land Tenure Center, 1976).

In the Library: Fiction

In the Library: For Young Readers

In the Library: Poetry

In the Library: Drama

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CD & Audio

Film & Video

"Brazil: Report on Torture" [1971], dir. Saul Landu & Haskell Wexler, 60m. From Cinema Guild. Brazilian political prisoners reenact tortures administered by political police.

"The Brazilian Connection" [1983], dir. ?, 60m. From Cinema Guild. Examines Brazil's economic crisis, surveying over five decades of Brazilian political history.

"Four Days in September (O que é isso, companheiro?)" [1997], dir. Bruno Barreto, 107m. From Facets. Urban guerrillas capture US Ambassador.

"The Hour of the Star [A hora da estrela]" [1985], dir. Susana Amaral, 85m. From LAVA. Misadventures of an unskilled and ill-starred country girl struggling to survive in the big city.

"In Cold Blood" [1989], by TV Viva, 15m. From LAVA. Documentary on death squads organized in 1960s to rid cities of "undesirable elements."

"Memories of Prison" [1984], dir. Nelson Pereira dos Santos, 187m. From Facets.

"Pixote" [1981], dir. Hector Babenco, 127m. From Facets. Profile of a street urchin.

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