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Animal Rights Movement

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On the Web: Articles

On the Web: Specialized Sites

Animals' Agenda.

Animals' Voice.

Anima Naturalis. Animal rights organization in Spanish-speaking countries.

Asociación para la Defensa de los Derechos del Animal (ADDA). Spanish anti-bullfighting group.

Farm Sanctuary.

Feminists for Animal Rights Newsletter.

Humane Society of the US.

International Society for Animal Rights.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

Scientists' Center for Animal Welfare.

Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty.

World Animal Net.

ZNet Animal Rights Resources.

In the Library: Articles

Beck, David L. "Activist women may face contempt charge," (6/14/03):7B.

Cohen, Carl. "The case for the use of animals in biomedical research," New England Journal of Medicine 315 (1986):865-70.

de Zerega, Augustus. "The logic of animal rights is hostile to ecology & environmentalism," Public Affairs Report 33,1 (1/93).

Driscoll, J. "Attitudes toward animal use," Anthrozoos 5 (1992).

Epstein, Richard Allen. "The dangerous claims of the animal rights movement," Responsive Community 10,2 (spr 2000).

Gray, Jeffrey. "On the morality of speciesism," Psychologist 4,5 (5/91):196-98.

Kaufman, Ron. "Scientists doubtful about new law aiming to protect animal research facilities," The Scientist (10/26/92).

Singer, Peter. "Animal liberation at 30," NY Review of Books (5/15/03).

Vance, Richard P. "An introduction to the philosophical presuppositions of the Animal Liberation/Rights Movement," Journal of the American Medical Association (10/7/92).

In the Library: Non-Fiction Books

Achor, Amy Blount. Animal Rights: A Beginner's Guide. Handbook of Issues, Organizations, Actions & Resources (Yellow Springs OH: WriteWare, 1992).

Adams, Carol J. Neither Man nor Beast: Feminism & the Defense of Animals (NY: Continuum, 1994).

__________. Animals & Women: Feminist Theoretical Explorations (Durham NC: Duke, 1995).

Animal Welfare Institute. Animals & their Legal Rights: A Survey of American Laws from 1641 to 1990 (Washington: Animal Welfare Institute, 1968).

Arluke, Arnold & Clinton R. Sanders. Regarding Animals (Philadelphia: Temple U., 1996).

Ascione, Frank R. & Phil Arkow. Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, & Animal Abuse: Linking the Circles of Compassion for Prevention & Intervention (West Lafayette IN: Purdue, 1999).

Baird, Robert M. & Stuart E. Rosenbaum. Animal Experimentation: The Moral Issues (Buffalo: Prometheus, 1991).

Baron, David. The Beast in the Garden (NY: W.W. Norton, 2003). Boulder CO tries to learn to live with the mountain lion.

Bekoff, Marc & Carron A. Meaney (eds.) Encyclopedia of Animal Rights & Animal Welfare (Westport CT: Greenwood, 1998).

Benton, Ted. Natural Relations: Ecology, Animal Rights & Social Justice (NY: Verso, 1993).

Birch, Charles & Lukas Vischer. Living with the Animals: The Community of God's Creatures (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1997).

Birke, Lynda I.A. Feminism, Animals, & Science: The Naming of the Shrew (Philadelphia: Open University, 1994).

Blum, Deborah. The Monkey Wars (NY: Oxford, 1994).

Bostock, Stephen St. C. Zoos & Animal Rights: The Ethics of Keeping Animals (NY: Routledge, 1993).

Brestrup, Craig. Disposable Animals: Ending the Tragedy of Throwaway Pets (Leander TX: Camino Bay, 1997).

Carruthers, Peter. The Animals Issue: Moral Theory in Practice (NY: Cambridge, 1992).

Cavalieri, Paola & Peter Singer (eds.) The Great Ape Project: Equality Beyond Humanity (London: Fourth Estate, 1993).

__________. The Animal Question: Why Non-Human Animals Deserve Human Rights (NY: Oxford, 2003).

Clark, Stephen R.L. Animals & their Moral Standing (London: Routledge, 1997).

Clarke, Paul A.B. & Andrew Linzey (eds.) Political Theory & Animal Rights (London: Pluto, 1990).

Cohen, Carl & Tom Regan. The Animal Rights Debate (Lanham MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 200?).

Collard, Andree & Joyce Contrucci. Rape of the Wild: Man's Violence Against Animals & the Earth (Bloomington: Indiana U, 1989).

DeGrazia, David. Taking Animals Seriously: Mental Life & Moral Status (NY: Cambridge, 2003).

DeRose, Chris. In Your Face: From Actor to Animal Activist (Los Angeles: Duncan, 1997).

Diner, Jeff. A Compendium of Alternatives to the Use of Live Animals in Research & Testing (Jenkintown PA: American Anti-Vivisection Society, 1984).

Dizard, Jan E. Going Wild: Hunting, Animal Rights, & the Contested Meaning of Nature (Amherst: U. Massachusetts, 1994).

Dodds, W.J. & F.B. Orlans. Scientific Perspectives on Animal Welfare (NY: Academic, 1982).

Dolan, Kevin. Ethics, Animals, & Science (Oxford: Blackwell, 1999).

Dombrowski, Daniel A. Hartshorne & the Metaphysics of Animal Rights (Albany: SUNY, 1988).

Donovan, Josephine & Carol J. Adams. Beyond Animal Rights: A Feminist Caring Ethic for the Treatment of Animals (NY: Continuum, 1996).

Ferry, Luc. The New Ecological Order (Chicago: U. Chicago, 1995).

Finsen, Lawrence & Susan Finsen. The Animal Rights Movement in America: From Compassion to Respect (NY: Twayne, 1994).

Fox, Michael W. Returning to Eden: Animal Rights & Human Responsibility (NY: Viking, 1980).

__________. Animals Have Rights Too (NY: Continuum, 1991).

Francione, Gary L. Animals, Property, & the Law (Philadelphia: Temple, 1995).

__________. Rain Without Thunder: The Ideology of the Animal Rights Movement (Philadelphia: Temple, 1996).

Franklin, Adrian. Animals & Modern Cultures: A Sociology of Human-Animal Relations in Modernity (London: Sage, 1999).

Fraser, Laura et al. The Animal Rights Handbook: Everyday Ways to Save Animal Lives (Los Angeles: Living Planet, 1990).

Friedman, Ruth (comp.) Animal Experimentation & Animal Rights (Phoenix AZ: Oryx, 1987).

Garner, Robert (ed.) Animal Rights: The Changing Debate (NY: NYU, 1996).

Gold, Mark. Animal Rights: Extending the Circle of Compassion (Oxford: Jon Carpenter, 1995).

Gross, Paul R. & Norman Levitt. Higher Superstition: The Academic Left & Its Quarrels with Science (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins U., 1994).

Groves, Julian McAllister. Hearts & Minds: The Controversy over Laboratory Animals (Philadelphia: Temple, 1997).

Guerrini, Anita. Experimenting with Humans and Animals: From Galen to Animal Rights (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 2003).

Guillermo, Kathy Snow. Monkey Business: The Disturbing Case that Launched the Animal Rights Movement (Washington: National Press, 1993).

Guither, Harold D. Animal Rights: History & Scope of a Radical Social Movement (Carbondale: Southern Illinois U., 1998).

Gutmann, Amy (ed.) The Lives of Animals (Princeton, 1999).

Hargrove, Eugene C. (ed.) The Animal Rights, Environmental Ethics Debate: the Environmental Perspective (Albany: SUNY, 1992).

Harnack, Andrew (ed.) Animal Rights: Opposing Viewpoints (San Diego: Greenhaven, 1996).

Holland, Alan & Andrew Johnson (eds.) Animal Biotechnology & Ethics (NY:Chapman & Hall, 1998).

Jasper, James M. & Dorothy Nelkin. The Animal Rights Crusade: The Growth of a Moral Protest (NY: Maxwell Macmillan, 1992).

Kalechofsky, Roberta. Autobiography of a Revolutionary: Essays on Animal & Human Rights (Marblehead MA: Micah, 1991).

Kean, Hilda. Animal Rights: Political & Social Change in Britain since 1800 (London: Reaktion, 1998).

Krulisch, Lee (ed.) The Human/Research Animal Relationship (Greenbelt MD: Scientists' Center for Animal Welfare,1996).

Leahy, Michael P.T. Against Liberation: Putting Animals in Perspective (NY: Routledge, 1991).

__________ & Dan Cohn-Sherbok. The Liberation Debate: Rights at Issue (NY: Routledge, 1996).

Libby, Ronald T. Eco-Wars: Political Campaigns & Social Movements (NY: Columbia, 1998).

Lutherer, Lorenz Otto. Targeted: The Anatomy of an Animal Rights Attack (Norman: U. Oklahoma, 1992).

Lynge, Finn. Arctic Wars, Animal Rights, Endangered Peoples (Hanover NH: Dartmouth, 1992).

Magel, Charles. Keyguide to Information Sources in Animal Rights (Jefferson NC: McFarland, 1989).

Malamud, Randy. Reading Zoos: Representations of Animals & Captivity (NY: NYU, 1998).

Mason, Jim. An Unnatural Order: Uncovering the Roots of Our Domination of Nature & Each Other (NY: Simon & Schuster, 1993).

Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff. The Pig Who Sang to the Moon: the Emotional World of Farm Animals (NY: Ballantine, 2003).

McCrea, Roswell C. The Humane Movement: A Descriptive Survey (NY: Columbia U., 1910).

Midgley, Mary. Animals & Why They Matter (Athens: U. of Georgia, 1984).

Mighetto, Lisa. Wild Animals & American Environmental Ethics (Tucson: U. Arizona, 1991).

Morris, Desmond. The Animal Contract: Sharing the Planet (London: Virgin, 1990).

Morris, Richard Knowles & Michael W. Fox (eds.) On the Fifth Day: Animal Rights & Human Ethics (Washington: Acropolis, 1978).

Newkirk, Ingrid. Free the Animals! The Untold Story of the Animal Liberation Front & its Founder, "Valerie" (Chicago: Noble, 1992).

Niven, Charles D. History of the Humane Movement (London: Johnson, 1967).

Orlans, Barbara. In the Name of Science: Issues in Responsible Animal Experimentation (NY: Oxford, 1993).

__________ & others. The Human Use of Animals: Case Studies in Ethical Choice (NY: Oxford, 1998).

Paterson, David & Richard D. Ryder (eds.) Animals' Rights, a Symposium (Fontwell: Centaur, 1979).

Petrinovich, Lewis F. Darwinian Dominion: Animal Welfare & Human Interests (Cambridge: MIT, 1999).

Phelps, Norm. The Great Compassion: Buddhism & Animal Rights (NY: Lantern, 2004).

Pluhar, Evelyn B. Beyond Prejudice: the Moral Significance of Human & Nonhuman Animals (Durham NC: Duke, 1995).

Regan, Tom. The Case for Animal Rights (Berkeley: U. California, 1983).

__________ & Peter Singer (eds.) Animal Rights & Human Obligations (2nd ed.; Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1989).

Rohr, Janelle (ed.) Animal Rights: Opposing Viewpoints (San Diego: Greenhaven, 1989).

Rollin, Bernard E. The Unheeded Cry: Animal Consciousness, Animal Pain & Science (Oxford: Oxford, 1989).

__________. Animal Rights & Human Morality (Buffalo NY: Prometheus, 1992).

Rosen, Steven. Holy Cow: The Hare Krishna Contribution to Vegetarianism & Animal Rights (NY: Lantern, 2004).

Rowan, Andrew & others. The Animal Rights Controversy: Protest, Process, & Public Policy (Boston: Tufts U. School of Veterinary Medicine, 1995).

Rudacille, Deborah. The Scalpel & the Butterfly: The Conflict Between Animal Research & Animal Protection (Berkeley: U. California, 2000).

Rupke, Nicolaas (ed.) Vivisection in Historical Perspective (NY: Routledge, 1987).

Ryder, Richard D. (ed.) Animal Welfare & the Environment (London: Duckworth, 1992).

Salem, Deborah & Andrew Rowan (eds.) The State of the Animals 2001 (?: Humane Society, 2001).

Scruton, Roger. Animal Rights & Wrongs (London: Metro, 2003).

Scully, Matthew. Dominion: The Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals & the Call to Mercy (NY: St. Martin's, 2003).

Singer, Peter. Animal Liberation [1975] (rev. ed. NY: Ecco, 2001).

__________ (ed.) In Defense of Animals (NY: Basil Blackwell, 1985).

__________. Ethics into Action: Henry Spira & the Animal Rights Movement (Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, 1998).

Smyth, David H. Alternatives to Animal Experiments (London: Scolar, 1978).

Sperling, Susan. Animal Liberators: Research & Morality (Berkeley: U. California, 1988).

Spira, Henry. Strategies for Activists: From the Campaign Files of Henry Spira (NY: Animal Rights International, 1997).

Stephens, Martin L. Alternatives to Current Uses of Animals in Research, Safety Testing, & Education: A Layman's Guide (Washington: Humane Society of the US, 1986).

Turner, James. Reckoning with the Beast: Animals, Pain & Humanity in the Victorian Mind (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1980).

Vyvyan, John. In Pity & In Anger: A Study of the Use of Animals in Science (London: Michael Joseph, 1969).

Westacott, kE.A. A Century of Vivisection & Antivivisection: A Study of their Effect upon Science, Medicine & Human Life during the Past Hundred Years (Ashingdon: C.W. Daniel, 1949).

Williams, Jeanne (ed.) Animal Rights & Welfare (NY: H.W. Wilson, 1991).

Wilson, Edward O. Biophilia: The Human Bond with Other Species (Cambridge MA: Harvard, 1984).

Young, Richard Alan. Is God a Vegetarian? Christianity, Vegetarianism, & Animal Rights (Chicago: Open Court, 1999).

Zurlo, Joanne; Deborah Rudacille & Alan M. Goldberg. Animals & Alternatives in Testing: History, Science, & Ethics (NY: Mary Ann Liebert, 1994).

In the Library: Fiction

Kumin, Maxine. Quit Monks or Die! A Novel (Ashland OR:Story Line, 1999).

In the Library: For Young Readers

O'Brien, Robert. Mrs. Frisby & the Rats of NIMH

In the Library: Poetry

In the Library: Drama

In the Library: Photography

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